Unit 3 reading a blind man and his eyes in a fire

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《Unit 3 reading a blind man and his eyes in a fire》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 reading a blind man and his eyes in a fire(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit3 OxfordEnglish Module2Man sbestfriends Ouranimalfriends Period1 Reading 1 T Ifyouareablindman whatcan tyoudo 请用以下句型回答 S IfIamablindman Ican t readbooks playcomputergames watchTV showyourideas Warmup Closeyoureyesandchooseoneofyoursenses hearing taste smellortouch toguesswhatthethingsare GameTi

2、me Ifyoucouldn tseeanything whatwouldyoudotofeelthethingsaround Doyoulikeanimals Whatanimaldoyoulikebest Somesayingsaboutdogs Loveme lovemydog Everydoghashisday It srainingcatsanddogs 爱屋及乌 人人皆有得意时 倾盆大雨 Animalsareman sgoodfriends Theyareveryhelpfultous Wow We regoingtotalkaboutanimalsthistime Brainst

3、orming Brainstorming Howdodogshelpus huntanimals helpblindpeople guardourhomes lookformissingpeople catchthieves lookaftersheep Wearefriends Howdodogshelpus Matchthekindsofdogsintheboxwiththepicturesbelow aguidedog arescuedog apolicedog Whatdoyouknowabout BBeforeyouread Lookatthetitle thepicturesand

4、thefirstandlastparagraphs completethesentenceswithoneormorewords Ablindmanandhis eyes inafire fireengine 1 Thenameoftheblindmanisprobably 2 Charlieisprobablya 3 Theword eyes belongsto inthestory 4 Thestoryisprobablyabouta atahotel JohnDancer dog fire thedog Charlie Ablindmanandhis eyes inafire blind

5、 adj 瞎的 失明的 1 Charlieisblind can tseeanything beblindcan thearanything bedeafcan tspeak bedumb Second reading Trueorfalse F receptionist n 接待员 2 Thereceptionistdidn tallowDancerandCharlietogetintothehotel F bark v 吠叫 3 Whenthedogbarked Dancerdidn twakeup F towel n 毛巾 4 Dancerputsomewettowelsalongthe

6、bottomofthedoor T finally adv 终于 最后 5 Finally bothDancerandCharlieweresafe 近 intheend atlast finaladj 最后的 T Comprehension 2 1 3 4 5 6 Workinpairsandfillinthetablebelow Groupdiscussion D2DidJohnsaveCharlieordidCharliesaveJohn Discussthiswithyourclassmates HowdidJohnandCharlieescapefromafire hewokeup

7、hesmeltsmoke hedidn topenit andhewetsometowels putthemalongthebottomofthedoor helayonthefloorwithCharlieandwaited heopenedthewindow wavedandshouted heexplained andtheyweresavedatlast Ifyoumeetafire whatwillyoudo 请用以下句型回答 runoutofthebuilding callforhelp putoutthefire Groupwork showyourideas nottaketh

8、elift IfImeetafire Iwill call119 JohnandCharlieweresaved Theywerelucky However almosteveryyear manypeoplediedduringafire Andmanyofthemarenotburnttodeath Theydiebecausetheycan tbreathe Thefollowingpassagemaytellyouwhattodo Whatwouldyoudoifyouweretrappedinaburningbuilding fireengine fireexit Whenyouli

9、veinahotel youmustmakesurewherethefireexitis Ifafirehappenedandyouareintheroom don tbenervous Youshouldfirstly to thedoor Ifit shot youshould it Youshould sometowelsand themalongthebottomofthedoor Ifthesmokestillcomesin youmust thefloorand forthefireman Ifyou thesoundofafireengine youmust thewindow

10、and Soon thefiremanwillsaveyouout go touch not open wet put lie on wait hear open wave shout Fillintheblanks Vocabulary fellasleep wokeup anywhere allowed apologized Languagepoints You rewelcometostay butI msorrythatwedon tallowpetshere keeppets animals养宠物allowsth 表示 允许 常用句型 allowsb todosth 允许某人做某事妈

11、妈不允许我在家里养狗 Mum athome doesn tallowmetokeepdogs Languagepoints I mblindandIcan tgoanywherebymyself anywhere任何地方 是不定代词类似的还有 somewhere anything anybody等Byoneself表示 某人自己 我自己能行 Icandoit bymyself Languagepoints Hesoonfellasleep Fallasleep入睡 睡着区别 gotobed上床睡觉 强调睡觉这个事情 不一定睡着了 Fallasleep强调睡着了 我昨天很早上床睡觉了 但是半夜很

12、晚才睡着 I early butI lateatmidnightyesterday wenttobed fellasleep WithCharlie shelp Johnputsomewettowelsalongthebottomofthedoor withone shelp在某人的帮助下withoutone shelp离开了某人的帮助 Hepassedtheexamwithhissister shelp Hewon tpasstheexamwithoutherhelp Soonheheardthesoundofafireengine hear听见 结果 listento听 过程 sound声

13、音 泛指任何声音 noise噪音 不愿意听的声音 voice嗓音 人的声音 Please thetapecarefullyandthentellmewhatyou listento hear 1 Her isbeautiful sowealllikehersinging 2 Stopmaking whenothersarereading 3 Doyouhearthe ofopeningthedoor voice noise sound Afiremanarrivedandgothimoutofthebuilding arriveat 小地方arrivein 大地方getto 地点reach 地点 1 Didyou atthebusstop 2 Whenthey thetopofthehill itwasdark arrive reach Retellthestory


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