Unit 1 What’s the matterSectionB 1a-1d

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《Unit 1 What’s the matterSectionB 1a-1d》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 What’s the matterSectionB 1a-1d(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、SectionB 1a 1d nosebleed knee sick bandage accident b nd d ni ks d nt n zbli d s k Newwords What sthematterwithhim felldownontheground Next getanX ray 学科网 First gotothehospital Finally restforafewdays 休息几天 What sthematterwiththeboy Hehasanosebleed First puthisheadback Thencleanhisface Finally putona

2、cleanT shirt puton 穿上 Whatshouldhedo What sthematter First runitunderwater Next putsomemedicineonit Finally putabandageonit Hecuthimself Whatshouldhedo What sthematterwithher feelsickandfalldown tellhertorest takehertemperature 1a Whentheseaccidentshappen Whatshouldyoudo Puttheactionsinorder Putaban

3、dageonit Runitunderwater Putsomemedicineonit Gotothehospital GetanX ray Restforafewdays Cleanyourface Putyourheadback PutonacleanT shirt 1 2 3 123 213 Jenny schoolnurse Whathappenedtothem schoolclinic 1b Listentotheschoolnurse Check theproblemsyouhear a putabandageonit b tookhistemperature c toldhim

4、torestd putsomemedicineonite tookhimtothehospitaltogetanx ray f toldhertoputherheadback WhatshouldIdowiththem treatments Listenagainandwritetheletterofeachtreatmentnexttotheproblemsyoucheckedinthechartabove 1c b c a d f e Hecuthimself Runitunderwater Putsomemedicineonit Runitunderwater Putsomemedici

5、neonit Putabandageonit Let ssingandrememberwhattodoabouttheaccidents Gotothehospital GetanX ray Restforafewdays Putyourheadback Cleanyourface PutonacleanT shirt FalldownonthegroundGotothehospital GetanX ray Hehasanosebleed Putyourheadback Cleanyourface Let ssingandrememberwhattodoabouttheaccidents h

6、urthisleg 腿受伤 getaburn b n 烫伤 theheartproblems 心脏病 fallinafaint fe nt 晕倒 eyeshurt 眼睛痛 moreaccidents Role playaconversationbetweenthenurseandtheteacher Usetheinformationin1band1c A What sthematterwithB HehurthimselfinP E class C Whatshouldwedo D Showtime Groupwork Homework I Oralwork1 Readandrecitelisteningmaterial 2 ReviewthenewwordsonP6 P7 II WrittenworkFinishtheexercisesinthisperiod


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