Module 1 Unit 1 It smells delicious课件(共37张PPT)

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《Module 1 Unit 1 It smells delicious课件(共37张PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 1 Unit 1 It smells delicious课件(共37张PPT)(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module1 Unit1Itsmellsdelicious eyes hands ears mouth nose body Weuseour tolook Weuseour totaste Weuseour tosmell Weuseour tosound Weuseour tofeel Whatdoyouusethemtodo eyes mouth nose ears body Howdoesthebabylook Helooks lovely Lookandsay Howdoesthemanlook Helooks strong Howdotheonionssmell Theysmell

2、 strong 味道 浓的adj Helooks 身体 强壮的adj strong strong Howdoestheflowersmell Itsmells sweet Ittastes sour Howdoeslemontaste Thebedfeels soft Howdoesthebedfeel Howdoesthemusicsound Itsounds beautiful Itsoundsbeautiful Theytastesour Thatsmellssweet Itfeelssoft look看起来sound听起来taste尝起来smell闻起来feel摸起来 形容词 Helo

3、oksstrong 感官系动词 形容词 感官系动词 A Howdoesit B It smell feel taste sound look Workinpairs sweet beautiful sour soft quiet Readthewordsthreetimes Lookatthefourpictures listentofourdialoguesandnumberthepictures 2 1 3 4 2 Listenagainandcompletethesentences Writetheminyourpaper 你可能用到第三人称单数形式 s 1 Thecookie 2 Th

4、emilk 3 Thisbed abit 4 Tom very tastessweet smellssour feels looks Readandrememberthefoursentences oneminute soft strong Minutes Seconds Listentothewholedialogueandcheck whatBettyismaking Closeyourbooksandwritethemonyourpaper a b c d e ListentoPart1andcompletethesentencesWritethemonyourpaper 1 Howdo

5、esBetty spizzasmellandtaste Itsmellsandittastes good delicious ListentoPart2andcompletethesentencesWritetheminyourpaper 2 HowdoBetty schocolatecookiestasteandfeel They really andthey inthemiddle taste feelsoft sweet Reading Readthetextsilentlyandquickly 1 翻译下列句子 Applepiesoundsnice Itlookslovely Itdo

6、esn tsmellfresh 2 WhatdoesDamingsaywhenBettyaskshimtotryacookie Hesays Oneminute Minutes Seconds Reading Readthetextsilentlyandquickly 1 翻译下列句子 Applepiesoundsnice Itlookslovely Itdoesn tsmellfresh 2 WhatdoesDamingsaywhenBettyaskshimtotryapieceofpizza Hesays I mafraidIdon tlikecheese 苹果馅饼听起来好 它看起来可爱

7、它闻起来不新鲜 Completethesentenceswiththewordsinthebox Iboughtalargechocolatecake becauseIlove food Driedfishhasa tastes Youdon tneedmuchofitinthedish Shedoesnotput inteabecauseshedoesnotlikesweettea Themilkhasgone overnight sowecannotdrinkit Thebedfeels andcomfortable Applepiesounds Itismyfavourite lovel

8、ysoftsourstrongsugarsweet sweet strong sugar sour soft lovely Languagepoints 1 Whatadelicioussmell 多么香的气味啊 感叹句 1 What a an 形容词 可数名词单数 主语 谓语 Whatausefulbookitis 2 What 形容词 可数名词复数 主语 谓语 Whatgoodchildrentheyare 3 What 形容词 不可数名词 主语 谓语 Whatdeliciousfooditis 4 How 形容词或副词 主语 谓语 Howlovelythebabyis Howfasthe

9、isrunning 1 interestingbookitis A HowB WhatC WhatanD Howa2 greatfunitis And goodtimetheyarehaving A What whataB Whata howC Howa howD How howa3 strongthemanis A WhatBHowCWhataDHowa 注意 感叹句在表示激动 强烈的感情时 口语中常常采用省略的形式 即后面的主语和谓语往往省略 Whatafineday 多么晴朗的天气啊 Howwonderful 精彩极了 2 I mafraidIdon tlikecheese beafra

10、id后面接that引导的宾语从句 也可省去that 意为 恐怕 我恐怕他不能来了 我恐怕我不能帮你 beafraidtodosth 害怕做某事beafraidofsth doingsth I mafraidthathecan tcome I mafraidIcan thelpyou 1 Excuseme CanItakeaseathere Thewomanwhosatherewillbebacksoon A We dbetternotB No thankyouC Yes pleaseD I mafraidyoucan t2 Heisafraid talkingwithme A toB ofC

11、aboutD on 3 Itdoesn tsmellfresh 感官系动词 形容词注意 这类系动词与系动词be不同 其否定形式和疑问形式的构成借助助动词do does等 小练兵 1 Itsmellsdelicious 变否定句 2 Ittastessweet 变一般疑问句 3 Youlookbusy 变否定句 Itdoesn tsmelldelicious Doesittastesweet Youdon tlookbusy 4 Haveatry 试一试 try作名词还是动词 此外 try还可作 词 意为 努力做 尝试 trytodosth 尽力做某事trydoingsth 试着做某事tryon

12、e sbesttodosth tryon试穿 5 ShallIgetthesugar 我来 给你 拿糖吧 ShallI 我 好吗 Shallwe 我们 好吗 说话人主动提出做某事 尤其是主动提出帮助时的用语 6 Oh areyousurethat ssugar besure 确定 其后常接that引导的宾语从句 besureof about 意为 对 有把握 besuretodo 意为 一定做 Heisnotsureabouthisplan Besuretocometomorrow 明天一定要来 7 Good everythingtastessosweet everything不定代词作主语时

13、 谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式 如 Everythingisready exercises 一 单项选择 1 Thebed softandcomfortable A feelsB smells2 Theroastducksmellsvery A sweetB delicious3 I mfeeling betterthanbefore A moreB much4 I dlikemooncakes nutsinside A withB and5 What sthematter her A ofB with 6 Thechocolatecookiestaste A freshB sweetB so

14、ft7 Lingling ssweaterfeels A verysoftB verycomfortableC verysoftandcomfortable 8 Sallylooksvery inherphoto A prettyB uglyC thin9 Tony gototheairport A willB won tC may10 niceweatheritistoday A WhatB HowC Whata Makeupyourowndialogue 2 2分 人 Groupwork pizzalooklovelycheesesmellstrongcookietastesweetapplepiesmelldelicioussweaterfeelsoft Ourlifeiscolorful Thereishappiness 快乐 Thereissadness 悲伤 Sometimesitissweet Sometimesitissour evenbitter 苦的 Soremember Ifyousmileattheworldandtheworldwillsmileback Let sshare



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