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1、19秋大学英语(二)作业1试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 25 道试题,共 100 分)We cant know why he avoided _ to us.A.to speakB.speechC.having spokenD.speaking答案:DPeople appreciate _ with him because he has a good sense of humor.A.workingB.to workC.to have workedD.having worked答案:AIll _ my aunt at the station.A.run intoB.meetC

2、.encouterD.confront答案:BThe inquiry was _ of her work.A.criticizeB.criticC.criticalD.criterion答案:CWhat good would guns have been to Jeremy and me?A.对我和杰罗米来说,枪有什么好的?B.对于我和杰罗米说,即使有枪,又有什么用呢?答案:BMy house _ a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom.A.makes up ofB.is composed ofC.is made ofD.is co

3、nsisted of答案:BSupporters of gun control have worked for many years to ban the sale of _ handguns in America.A.mortalB.lethalC.legalD.deadly答案:DWell, lets put our heads together and find _ to the problem.A.an answerB.a wayC.a solutionD.a method答案:CYou cant _ 200 calories a day.A.live withB.live up to

4、C.live onD.live by答案:CThousands of people _ to see the parade.A.turned offB.turned outC.turned upD.turned over答案:BI worked at the hospital as a _.A.residentialB.residentC.residencyD.residence答案:BThere are few electronic appliances _ to raise fears regarding future employment opportunities than robot

5、s.A.likelyB.more likelyC.most likelyD.much likely答案:BThe _ in this stamp makes it less valuable.A.errorB.mistakeC.faultD.flaw答案:DCan you help me to _ this mathematic problem?A.do outB.work outC.find outD.deal out答案:BHe decided not to attend the funeral _ there was a security problem.A.owing toB.due

6、toC.because ofD.because答案:DUnfortunately, very few sheep _ the severe winter last year.A.survivedB.enduredC.spentD.remained alive答案:AHe _ me by two games to one.A.beatB.conqueredC.gainedD.won答案:AThe hymn sung by the congregation _ the religious ceremony.A.terminatedB.finishedC.endedD.concluded答案:DBo

7、b tried in vain to trick his little brother _ some money from their mother’s purse.A.to stealB.to stealingC.into stealD.into stealing答案:DThere is now considerable _ for their safety.A.worryB.solicitudeC.concernD.care答案:CIt was because the applicant was too conceited _ he failed in the intervie

8、w.A.thereforeB.thatC.so thatD.so答案:BThe threat of war has _ business activity.A.oppressedB.depressedC.expressedD.repressed答案:BIt can be argued such a response may not mean much.(选择最恰当的译文)A.可以争论说这样的回答也许没有什么意义B.人们可以争论说,这样一种回答也许没有多大意义答案:BIf I had remembered _ the window, the thief would not have got in.A.to have closedB.to closeC.having closdeD.closing答案:BI felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, _ something occurred attracted my attention.A.whileB.whenC.untilD.unless答案:B


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