全国通用2019年中考英语复习 专题十三 完形填空课件教学资料

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1、第二部分 读写能力提升 专题十三 完形填空 中考英语 河北专用 Cloze 1 2018河北 Once there was a king and his daughter The king asked his daughter how much she loved him She said that she loved him as much as she loved 1 Her answer made the king very hap py Salt is a simple thing 2 it is very important So the king thought his daugh

2、ter cared a lot about him Salt has many 3 Our bodies need salt If we don t have enough our bodies can t work properly We put salt on icy roads to make them 4 We also use salt to produce other products like paper and glass But for many years salt s most important job was to 5 food Like other living t

3、hings most bacteria 细菌 need water to live Salt takes in plenty of water so most bacteria cannot live 6 a salty environment As a result salt protects food and many other things For much of A组 2014 2018年河北中考题组 五年中考 human history this ability has made salt 7 Every ancient culture from Egypt to China de

4、pend ed on salt Even today the hard working useful people are 8 as the salt of the earth For centuries salt was also hard to 9 Its usefulness together with rarity 稀有 made it very expensive Salt could even be used like 10 In fact the word salary 薪水 comes from the word salt Today salt is used more wid

5、ely and it still plays an important role in our life 1 A salt B air C gold D sugar 2 A or B so C and D but 3 A forms B secrets C uses D skills 4 A wide B safe C smooth D thick 5 A protect B provide C produce D prepare 6 A in B outside C for D without 7 A hopeful B comfortable C valuable D successful

6、 8 A saved B dreamed C invited D described 9 A sell B get C take D keep 10 A money B medicine C earth D food 答案 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文 盐在我们的日常生活中应用得非常广泛 本文重点介绍了 盐在日常生活中的妙用和重要作用 同时也为大家介绍了英语中由于盐的重要性而衍生的俗 语 1 A 由下文的 Salt is a simple thing important 可知本空是把爱父亲比喻成爱盐 故本空 选择A 2 D 由下文的 所以国王认为他的女儿非常在乎他 可知本空应强调 盐虽然是很简单

7、 的东西 但是却非常重要 故本空选择D 3 C A选项意为 形式 B选项意为 秘密 秘诀 C选项意为 用处 用途 D选项意为 技术 技巧 本空所在句子为本段的中心句 本句下文内容陈述的是盐的用处 故本题选择 C 4 B 句意 我们把盐撒在结冰的路面上来使公路安全 A选项意为 宽的 B选项意为 安 全的 C选项意为 光滑的 平稳的 D选项意为 厚的 由生活常识盐有助融作用可知 撒盐的目的是使公路安全 故本题选择B 5 A 由下文的 As a result salt protects food and many other things 可知本空选择A 6 A 句意 盐吸收大量水分 所以大多数的细

8、菌不能生存在含盐的环境中 由句意可知本题 选择A 7 C 句意 在许多的人类历史中 这个能力使得盐非常有价值 A选项意为 有希望的 B选 项意为 舒服的 C选项意为 有价值的 D选项意为 成功的 由句意可知本题选择C 8 D 句意 甚至到今天 那些勤劳的 有用的人被描述为 世上的盐 指善良而诚实的人 A选项意为 救 节约 攒 B选项意为 做梦 C选项意为 邀请 D选项意为 描述 由句意可知本题选择D 9 B 句意 几个世纪以来 盐也非常难获得 A选项意为 卖 B选项意为 得到 C选项意 为 带走 D选项意为 保留 存放 由句意和下文说的盐很贵可知本题选择B 10 A 由下文的 事实上 薪水这个

9、单词就来源于盐这个单词 可知盐甚至可以被当作钱 一样去使用 故本题选择A 长难句 She said that she loved him as much as she loved salt 她说她爱他就像她爱盐一样 本句为复合句 其中that引导宾语从句 宾语从句中as as 意为 和 一样 重点词汇 simple adj 简单的 properly adv 正确地 ancient adj 古老的 depend on依靠 取决于 词汇积累 icy adj 结冰的 usefulness n 有用 Cloze 2 2017河北 One thorn 刺 of experience is worth m

10、any times of warning Ralph Wick was seven years old In most things he was a fine boy but he would cry from time to time When he could not have what he wanted he would 1 for it If he was told that it would hurt him and he could not 2 it he would also cry One day he went with his mother into the 3 The

11、 sun shone The grass was cut The flowers were starting to come out Ralph thought he was for once a good boy A 4 was on his face He wished to do as he was told Ralph helped his mother with the farm work and he was very happy Now you must be tired and 5 said his mother Have a good rest here and eat so

12、me cookies I will get a beautiful red rose for you So his mother brought the red flower to him When he saw his mother still had a white rose in her hand Ralph 6 it No my dear said his mother See how many thorns it has You must not touch it or you would be sure to hurt your 7 When Ralph found that he

13、 could not have the white rose he began to cry and 8 took it away But he was soon very sorry The thorns hurt his hand It was so 9 that he could not use it for some time Ralph would never 10 this From then on when he wanted what he should not have his moth er would point to his hand which had been hu

14、rt before He at last learned to do as he was told 1 A run B cry C plan D call 2 A save B hide C have D lose 3 A park B garden C forest D field 4 A smile B sign C fear D mark 5 A lazy B noisy C hungry D sleepy 6 A waited for B asked for C cared for D thanked for 7 A arm B leg C hand D foot 8 A quietl

15、y B proudly C politely D suddenly 9 A helpful B harmful C peaceful D painful 10 A accept B refuse C forget D remember 答案 语篇解读 本文为记叙文 本文讲述了一些刺让Ralph记住听大人的话的故事 1 B 由上文 but he would cry from time to time 可知此处在具体解释他什么时候会哭 故本 题选择B 2 C 由上文 When he could not have what he wanted 以及下文 he would also cry 可知本 题

16、选择C 3 D 由下文 Ralph helped his mother with the farm work 可知他和他的妈妈去了可以干农 活的地方 park意为 公园 garden意为 花园 forest意为 森林 field意为 田野 田 地 故本题选择D 4 A 结合上文 Ralph thought he was for once a good boy 和下文 he was very happy 可 推断Ralph对自己的表现很满意 他的脸上挂着笑容 故本题选择A 5 C 由下文妈妈的话 Have a good rest here and eat some cookies 可知妈妈认为Ralph又累 又饿 故选择C 6 B 句意 当他看到他妈妈手中仍然有一朵白色的玫瑰时 Ralph要它 wait for意为 等待 ask for意为 要 care for意为 照看 照料 thank for意为 感谢 故本题选择B 7 C 你千万不要触摸它 不然你一定会弄伤你的手 拿玫瑰花肯定是用手 故本题选择C 8 D 他开始哭 并且突然把它拿走 quietly意为 安静地 proudly意为


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