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1、Section B 3a Self Check What can you see in the picture What s the name of the animal What do you know about it What does it look like What does it eat Where does it live How long does it usually live 探究一 1 小组内核对Self Check 1的答案 2 读一读Self Check 2 小组讨论 reach achieve和risk的 区别 然后再给每个动词后面加一个宾语 3 完成Self C

2、heck 3 注意比较级前面的修饰词及倍数表达 法 小组内核对答案 探究二 写作训练 Write a paragraph about whales 1 Pre writing 两人一组 根据3a的答案中的短语 用完整的句子回答问题 如 What do they look like Whales are very huge Where do they live They live in the sea 2 While writing 根据3a中的问题答案及3b的句型结构 写一段关于鲸鱼的短文 1 先找出3b的句型结构与3a中的哪个问题相关 再将该句子 补充完整 Q1 Whales are hug

3、e Q2 They live in Q3 They eat Q4 They can One interesting fact is Another interesting fact is the sea small fish and other sea life jump high out of the water some kinds have teeth they can sing songs Q5 Some kinds of whales are in danger because of Human also and sell whales parts to Q6 We should p

4、rotect whales from I think people should make on whale protection and learn People shouldn t or catch 2 在短文中适当补充关于鲸鱼的信息 water pollution catch whales for meat fat and oil make things like candles and soap pollution and human some rules more about whales put rubbish into the sea whales 3 Post writing

5、班长挑选一篇同学的习作 全班进行点评 归纳小结 How to describe a protected animal 考点一 过去分词作后置定语的用法 1 Most of the people invite to the party are famous scientists 2 This is a novel write by Lu Xun 两处都应填 作后置定语 所填词与前面所修饰词 为被动关系 invited written 过去分词 考点二 protect的用法 1 带墨镜可以保护你的眼睛免受太阳的伤害 Wearing sunglasses can your eyes the sun 2 你应该保护你的小孩不要感冒 You should your children a cold protect from意为 from为 后接名词 代词和动名词 protect from protect from having 保护 免受 伤害 介词


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