高中英语必修三学案必修3Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note单元复习学案人教版必修3

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1、Unit 3The Million Pound Bank Note单元复习学案(人教版必修3)教 材 面 面 观单词拓展1._n出生地;故乡_n出生2_n小说;长篇故事_n小说家3_n冒险_n冒险家_adj.冒险的4_n一场;现场;场面;景色5_n商人_n生意;商业6_n耐心_adj.耐心的_adv.耐心地7_n礼貌;举止;方式8_vi.漫游;漫步;徘徊9_vt. & vt.许可;允许_n允许10_vi.凝视;盯着看11_vi.发现;认出12_vt.寻找;探索13_vt.尖叫14_adj.难以置信的_vt.相信_n信仰_adj.相信的15_adj.粗鲁的;无礼貌的_n粗鲁_adv.粗鲁地短语回

2、顾1.bring_抚养;培养;教育;提出2go_ 前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说3_accident 偶然;无意中;不小心4stare_ 盯着看;凝视5account_ 导致;做出解释6_the contrary 与此相反;正相反7_a chance 冒险8_rags 衣衫褴褛9as_ 关于;至于10a large amount_ 大量的11make a_ 打赌12be_to do sth. 正要干13be_in 迷失在14_a matter of fact 事实上15to be_ 说实话句型背诵1.Well,towards nightfall I_myself_ _to sea by a

3、strong wind.嗯,夜晚来临的时候,我发现自己被一阵强风刮进了海里。2And_ _the ship_brought you to England.是那艘船把你带到英国来的。3Indeed,sir,I hope youll come here_you like.真的,先生,我希望您想来的时候就来。4His eyes stare at _ _ _ of his brothers dinner on the table.他的眼睛盯着桌子上兄弟两人所剩下的(饭菜)。5_ _ _ _ many Americans like to eat a lot.众所周知,许多美国人喜欢吃得多。 6You m

4、ust come whenever you want and have _ _ _.你可以随时来,想吃什么就吃什么。自我诊断单词拓展1birthplace;birth2.novel;novelist3.adventure;adventurer;adventurous4.scene5.businessman;business6patience;patient;patiently7.manner8.wander9permit;permission10.stare11.spot12.seek13scream14.unbelievable;believe;belief;believable15rude

5、;rudeness;rudely短语回顾1up2.ahead3.by4.at5.for6.on7.take8.in9.for10.of11.bet12.about13.lost14.as15.honest句型背诵1found;carried out2.it was;that3.whenever4.what is left5.It is wellknown that6.whatever you like考 点 串 串 讲重点单词1.fault n缺点,缺陷;故障;过失,过错用法拓展find fault (with)挑剔;找出(的)岔子;对吹毛求疵find fault in看出的缺点;找出毛病Hi

6、s greatest fault is that he talks too much.他最大的缺点是说得太多。He can but admit that it was his fault.他只得承认这是他的过错。The truth is, I can find no fault with her.事实是,我对她挑不出一点毛病。The manager found fault in the management of his department.经理找出了他们部门管理方面的毛病。易混辨析fault, weakness与mistakefault多指性格上的弱点,行为上的过失,强调因过失所导致的应负

7、的责任。mistake指“错误;误会,误解”,多指缺乏正确理解造成行动上或认识上的错误。weakness指弱点或不足之处,是通用词,很少具有特殊的词义色彩。Its your fault to make such a mistake.是你的过失导致了这样的错误。We all have our little weakness.我们都有小的弱点。即境活用改错I have no mistake to find with your work._答案:mistakefault2manner n方法;方式;样子;态度,举止;(pl.)礼貌,规矩;风俗,习惯;生活方式The manner of present

8、ation is highly important.介绍的方式很重要。She has written a book on the manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians.她写了一本关于古埃及人习俗的书。易混辨析method, manner, way与means这组词都可以表示“方法”或“方式”。(1)method是可数名词,其后接“of动名词”,不接不定式;特指有系统的方法、方式。(2)manner通常用单数形式,其后可以接“of动名词”。主要表示个人喜欢采用的方式,而且manner不用于表示传统或习俗所形成的方式方法。(3)way可数名词,最

9、通用,可以用来代替前面的任何一个词。其后可以接to do.,也可以接“of动名词”。(4)means单复数形式相同,当该词前加a, this, that, every等时,表单数意义;当前面加such, these, those, all等时,表复数意义。means多指抽象的或概括性的方法。(5)用这种方式可用以下短语表达:in this way, with this method, by this means, in this mannerThey use modern methods of teaching.他们使用现代化的教学方法。I dont object to what she sa

10、ys, but I strongly disapprove of her manner of saying it.我不反对她说的话,但我很反感她说这话的方式。He always has his own way.他总是随心所欲。The quickest means of travel is by plane.最快的旅行方式是乘坐飞机。即境活用单项填空Thats the best way we should think of _ the dying soldier.AhelpingBsavingCoperating Dto saveIn Japan, _ car is _ popular mean

11、s of transportation.Athe; a Ba; /Cthe; the Da; the答案:DA3wander vi.漫游;漫步;漂泊用法拓展(1)wander around到处闲逛(2)wander off离开(通常应待的地方)Ill just wander around the mall for half an hour.我要在商场闲逛半个小时。Dont let any of the kids wander off.不要让任何一个孩子走散。Im sorry, my mind was wandering. What did you say?对不起,我有点儿走神。刚才你说什么?即

12、境活用完成句子My sister likes _ _ the city at night.我姐姐喜欢晚上在城市闲逛。Jim _ _ the kitchen to make breakfast.吉姆信步走进厨房做早餐。Its a safe place where kids can _ _ on their own.这是一个安全的地方,孩子们可以随便走动。答案:wandering aroundwandered intowander off4amount n数量v达到,总计(to)用法拓展(1)an amount of大量的(2)the amount of 的数量(3)amount to 达到,总计

13、;等于,意味着特别提醒短语(1)(2)后跟不可数名词,短语(3)不能用进行时。Its best to cook vegetables in a small amount of water.烹制蔬菜时最好少放水。Her case has attracted an enormous amount of public sympathy.她的情况得到了无数公众的同情。Dina encountered a fair amount of envy among her colleagues.黛娜遭到了不少同事的妒忌。Time lost through illness amounted to 1,357 working days.因疾病而损失的时间总计达到



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