2020版新教材高中英语 Unit 6 At one with nature Starting out & Understanding ideas课件 外研版必修1

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1、Unit6AtonewithnatureStartingout Understandingideas 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词1 包 thegift2 层 ofwhitefrost3 浅的 water4 阻止 thesoilfrombeingwashedaway wrap sheets shallow prevent 5 develop 农业 inthis 地区 6 livein 和谐 7 architecture 设计 8 危害 therice 庄稼 agriculture region harmony design harm crops 从方框中选择短语并用其适当形式填空1 Ikn

2、ow he llbeawayforthreemonths 2 Theconversationshouldbe thesurroundings behometo asfaras plentyof inharmonywith feedon turninto falldown provide for passdown thousandsof Asfaras inharmonywith 3 Wethinkhe ll atop classplayer 4 Thisenablesyouto help thecontrolsonyourWindowsform 5 acresofforestshavebeen

3、burnt 6 Butdesertmay manydifferentkindsofanimals turninto provide for Thousandsof behometo 7 Therearestill shortcomingsinourwork 8 Owls miceandothersmallanimals 9 There snothingtobeafraidof Theskywon t 10 Theyoftenusefolksongsto theirhistory plentyof feedon fall down passdown 文本整体理解 理清文章架构 文本细节理解 探寻

4、语篇细节信息1 WhichofthefollowingdescriptionsisnotrightaccordingtoParagraph1 A Greenspring B Brightsummer C Goldautumn D Whitewinter 2 WhichisnottrueabouttheterraceaccordingtoParagraph2 A ItwasbuiltbytheZhuangandYaopeople B ItwasbuiltfromtheYuanDynasty C Itsconstructiononlylastedtwodynasties D Itwascomple

5、tedintheQingDynasty 3 Whichofthefollowingisnotthereasonforbuildingtheterraces A Therearefewlarge flatareasofland B Theycouldincreasethericegrowingarea C Theregionhasplentyofwaterandthemountainsaresteep D Theterracecanpreventthesoilfrombeingwashedaway 4 Whichwordcanbeusedtodescribetherelationshipofth

6、eterraceandthepeople A Significant B Harmonious C Clever D Harmful 5 WhatisthemainideaofParagraph5 A Moderntechnologycouldhelpproducemorecrops B Thetraditionsholdmuchvalueforthepeople C Newgenerationscontinuetomaintaintheterraces D Today sLongjiRiceTerraces 6 Thepassagemayappearina A journalB travel

7、guideC popularmagazineD storybook答案 1 6 ACCBDB 文本素养提升 阅读技能综合运用1 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句 译文 因此 意味着他们可以增加 建造梯田 种植水 稻的区域 2 根据课文完成短文 ThecoloursoftheLongjiRiceTerracesaredifferentfromseasontoseason Theseterraceswere 1 build bythelocalpeopleinGuangxi 2 start intheYuanDynasty workontheterraces 3 take hundredsofy

8、ears Buildingtheterracesmeant 4 theycouldincreasetheareas built Starting took that 5 whichtheycouldgrowrice Theflatterracescanpreventthesoil 6 beingwashedaway Nowadays peopleworkinharmonywithnaturetomaketheseterraces 7 growrice Theseterracesalsoprovideaperfectenvironmentforbirdsand 8 fish 9 modernte

9、chnologycouldhelpproducemorecrops newgenerationscontinue in from and fish Although touseancient 10 method tomaintaintheterraces methods 3 阅读主题活动 1 Whatdoyouknowabouttheterrace Itisakindofgrowingareainmountains Ithas farmingandviewingvaluesaswell 2 Canyoudescribethegrowingareainyourhometown Largeflat

10、areaswithsomanygreencropsandsoon 阅读微技巧 1 sheetn 一 大层 覆盖物 Inwintertheyarecoveredinsheetsofwhitefrost 冬天它们被层层的白霜覆盖 Theroadwascoveredwithasheetofice 路面结了一层冰 Therainwascomingdowninsheets 大雨倾盆而下 I llgoandfindyousomecleansheetsandblankets 我去给你们找些干净的床单和毯子 语块积累 asheetof一层 一张 一片insheets大片地 导图理词 即学活用 写出sheet在

11、句中的汉语意思 1 Tobeatorcompressintoathinplateorsheet 2 Atthetopandbottomofyoursheetofpaper writeawordortwoforyourintroduction 3 Thechildrenusedanoldsheettoserveasacurtain 薄板 纸张 床单 4 Propertyallowsyoutoshoworhideanexistingworksheetwithouthavingtodeletethesheet 表格 2 shallowadj 浅的 肤浅的 Themountainsaresteepan

12、dtheearthisshallow 山势陡峭 土层浅薄 Beforethat ancientwatersflowedwideandshallowovertheland 在那之前 古老的水域宽而浅地流经陆地 Ifhe sonlyinterestedinyourlooks thatshowshowshallowheis 如果他只是对你的外貌感兴趣 那说明他是多么肤浅 Helaythereunconscious breathingshallowly 他躺在那里不省人事 呼吸微弱 导图理词 即学活用 世纪金榜导学号 1 Thesefisharefoundin 海边浅水水域 2 Itwasfortun

13、atethat 水很浅 shallow waters around the coast the water was shallow 3 preventv 阻挡 防止 Theflatterracescatchtherainwaterandpreventthesoilfrombeingwashedaway 平整的梯田留住雨水 防止泥土被冲走 Butthisdidnotpreventtheparentsunabletoshaketheirheads 但这丝毫没有阻止父母不住地摇头 Wereallywanttoseepreventabledeathscomingdowninthenextdecadeo

14、rso 我们真的希望在未来十年左右看到可预防的死亡人数下降 语块积累 preventsb sth from doingsth 阻止某人做某事preventableadj 可阻止的 即学活用 1 Whatdoyouthinkarethemajorproblemswhich 阻碍学生学习 2 Thelocalenterprisesshouldtakemeasuresto 防止大气污染 prevent students from learning prevent the air pollution 4 designv 设计 Theterracesarecleverlydesigned 这些梯田经过精

15、细设计 Theposterwasdesignedforthecampaign 海报是为活动而设计的 Weshallneverknowwhetherthishappenedbyaccidentorbydesign 我们永远也不会知道这件事是个意外还是事先安排的 Severaldevelopershavedesignsontheproject 好几个开发商都在觊觎这个项目 语块积累 bedesignedfor 专为 而设计bydesign故意地havedesignsonsth 图谋得到某物 即学活用 用design的正确形式填空 1 Thetoyscomeinahugerangeofcolours

16、and 2 Eachmirrorcanbe toalmostanysize 3 Thisdictionary advancedlearnersofEnglish 这种词典是为高级英语学习者设计的 designs designed is designed for 5 harmv 伤害 损害 Someinsectscanharmthericecrops 某些昆虫会危害水稻 Fakeproductsdoharmtopeople shealth 伪劣产品对人们的健康有害 Thereisnoharmintakingadvice butsetyourowngoals 听取建议是无害的 但你要设定自己的目标 Nomatterwhoyouare theextremedietingcanbeveryharmful 不管你是谁 极端的节食都是非常有害的 语块积累 1 harmn 伤害 损害doharmto对 有害 2 Thereisnoharmin sb s doingsth Itdoesnoharm forsb todosth Itwouldn tdosb anyharmtodosth 做某事 对某人



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