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1、(江苏专用)2020高考英语增分冲刺卷(二)第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21.Unless you learn to forgive,you will feel stressed and have nothing to yourself against that stress.A.cushion B.warnC.prejudice D.measure答案A解析句意为:除非你学会原谅,否则你会感到有压力,且没有任何东西可以缓和那种压力。cus

2、hion缓和,打击,符合语境。warn警告,告诫;prejudice使有偏见;measure估量。22.Ridding yourself of the bad habit can protect you against anxiety and the harm does to mental health.A.one B.this C.it D.that答案C解析句意为:摆脱这个坏习惯可以保护你免受焦虑和它对精神健康造成的危害。根据句意可知,空处指代前面提到的“the bad habit”,应用it。故选C。23. you promise to do something,you cant cha

3、nge your mind just because you want to do another thing more.A.Until B.OnceC.Unless D.While答案B解析句意为:一旦你许诺做某事,你就不能只因你更想做另外一件事而改变主意。once一旦,一就,符合语境。until直到为止;unless除非;while当的时候。24.Chinese Olympic champion Wu Dajing 39.505 seconds to win the Mens 500 metres at the ISU Short Track Speed Skating World Cup

4、 held in Salt Lake City on November 12, 2018, breaking the world record.A.clocks B.clockedC.has clocked D.had clocked答案B解析句意为:2018年11月12日,中国奥运会冠军武大靖以39.505秒的成绩赢得了在盐湖城举办的ISU短道速滑世界杯男子500米比赛的冠军,打破了世界纪录。根据句中的时间状语“November 12,2018”可知,此处描述的是发生在过去的动作,应用一般过去时。故选B。25.A constant lack of one vitamin in a(n) co

5、mplete diet can cause deficiency disease,a condition produced by a lack of vitamins or other essential substances.A.otherwise B.ratherC.anyway D.meanwhile答案A解析句意为:原本均衡的饮食中某种维生素持续缺乏会引起营养缺乏症,即一种缺乏维生素或其他必要(营养)物质而导致的疾病。otherwise除此之外,符合语境。rather相当;anyway而且,无论如何;meanwhile与此同时。26.Related departments should

6、 conduct the targeted on-the-job training for medical staffs based on their actual needs in order to improve their professional effectively.A.consequence B.independenceC.competence D.intelligence答案C解析句意为:有关部门应根据医务人员的实际需要,对他们进行针对性的在职培训以有效提高其专业技能。competence技能,符合语境。consequence后果;independence独立;intellig

7、ence智力。27.I would like to paint the walls and get the carpet cleaned. I you,I would spend a few days dealing with those things before moving in.A.Should B.WereC.Had D.Was答案B解析句意为:我想粉刷墙和清洗地毯。如果我是你,我会在搬进去之前花几天时间处理这些事情。根据语境可知,此处表示与现在事实相反的虚拟,从句谓语动词应用过去式,且此处省略了if,故将were提前以构成倒装。28.The Shenzhen-Shantou hig

8、h-speed rail service is to be opened on Jan.5,2019 in Guangdong, has been considered a window of Chinas reform and opening-up.A.what B.whereC.which D.that答案C解析句意为:深汕高铁服务将于2019年1月5日在广东省开通,而广东省一直被视为中国改革开放的窗口。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导非限制性定语从句,且在从句中作主语,先行词是Guangdong,故用which。29.You have to pay a lot of money to gi

9、ve your children a good education nowadays! A place in a top university abroad .A.throws a fitB.sits on the fenceC.costs an arm and a legD.has a finger in every pie答案C解析句意为:如今你必须花很多钱(才能)让你的孩子受到良好的教育!进入国外顶尖大学需要花一大笔钱。cost an arm and a leg(使)花一大笔钱,符合语境。throw a fit大为震惊,大发脾气;sit on the fence持观望态度;have a

10、finger in every pie多管闲事,到处干预。30.Some creatures in the deep sea are ,which can be damaged with a slight touch.A.delicate B.stickyC.artificial D.deadly答案A解析句意为:深海里的一些生物很脆弱,稍微一碰它们就可能被破坏。delicate脆弱的,符合语境。sticky黏的;artificial假的,非自然的;deadly致命的。31.Haidilao recently opened a smart hotpot restaurant, whose ki

11、tchen, with two rows of robotic arms,can automatically collect prepackaged dishes from cold storage.A.equipped B.equipping C.to equip D.being equipped答案A解析句意为:海底捞最近开了一家智能火锅店,其厨房配有两排机械臂,可自动从冷藏库收集预先包装好的菜肴。分析句子结构可知,此处应用非谓语动词。又equip与其逻辑主语kitchen之间构成动宾关系,故应用过去分词作后置定语。故选A。32.The ABB LEAF Awards is to inno

12、vative architectural designs that set the standard for the next generation of the international architectural community.A.given back B.given awayC.given off D.given out答案D解析句意为:绿叶奖是颁发给创新建筑设计的奖项,这些设计为国际建筑界的下一代树立了标准。give out分发,符合语境。give back归还;give away赠送;give off发出(气味、热、光等)。33.It hurt her a great dea

13、l all she had done for the project in the past years was of little or even no use at all.A.that B.whatC.whether D.why答案A解析句意为:想着过去几年来为这个项目奉献的一切有很少甚至完全没有用处,她伤心欲绝。分析句子结构可知,it是形式主语,真正的主语是空处引导的主语从句,且主语从句成分与意义完整,故用that 引导该主语从句。34.It must be his family education that has made him what he is now.But other

14、factors are also .A.at hand B.at easeC.at play D.at best答案C解析句意为:一定是他的家庭教育造就了现在的他。但其他因素也在起作用。at play起作用,符合语境。at hand接近;at ease安逸,自由自在;at best至多。故选C。35.I can tell you the truth on condition that you promise to keep it secret.Can you? I wont tell anyone.A.You have my word.B.Youve got me there.C.Thats

15、the case.D.Thats something.答案A解析句意为:如果你能保守秘密,我就告诉你真相。你能吗?我向你保证。我不会告诉任何人的。you have my word我向你保证,符合语境。youve got me there你难住我了;thats the case情况就是这样;thats something太好了,太棒了。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A Game of Light and ShadeIt was a sunny day.I had gone up and down the tower when,outside the door at the foot,a blind man came towa



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