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1、第 1 页 共 8 页 高考英语模拟试卷 高考英语模拟试卷 题号IIIIIIIVV总分 得分 一 阅读理解 本大题共 10 小题 共 25 0 分 A In the U S state of Washington a road called Interstate 90 cuts through a wild mountainous area to reach the city of Seattle For the area s many kinds of animals the busy highway greatly limits their movements Crossing 1 90

2、as the road is called is a risky but sometimes necessary act But soon animals will have a safer choice for crossing the road They will be able to go above it To help the animals the state is finishing work on its largest ever wildlife bridge The 11 meter tall 20 meter wide structure begins in the fo

3、rest It forms two arches above the highway one for each direction of traffic Workers are adding fencing and plants to help guide the animals across the bridge Two meter thick walls will help block noise from vehicles below The 1 90 Bridge is part of a growing number of wildlife crossings across the

4、United States Some are fences some are overland bridges and some are underpasses They all aim to keep drivers and animals away from each other Collisions between animals and drivers are rarely deadly to people But they are often deadly to wildlife In Canada s Banff National Park studies have found t

5、hat wildlife crossings reduce the area s animal driver collisions by 80 percent Most of the wildlife bridges are in western states But experts have noted many other areas that have a need for such paths Jen Watkins whose organization has helped campaign for animal crossings says ftind for more cross

6、ings is the number one barrier Patty Garvey Darda of the U S Forest Service has worked on the 1 90 crossing from the start of the project She says the 6 million bridge will one day pay for itself because the highway will not have to be fully or partly closed each time a large animal is struck She sa

7、id If you shut down Interstate 90 you shut down interstate commerce 1 What is the purpose of building the bridge over Interstate 90 A To reduce human deaths in crash with wildlife B To prevent wildlife from being struck by vehicles C To arouse public awareness of wildlife protection D To provide a s

8、afer choice to cross the risky road 2 According to Jen Watkins what is the biggest challenge in crossing construction A Finding ways to help guide animals across the bridge B Collecting money to build more wildlife crossings C Locating areas to construct appropriate crossings D Encourage drivers to

9、obey the regulations of traffic 3 What do the underlined words in Paragraph 5 imply A The bridge will prove to be well worth the high price B Expense for building such bridges will be reduced C The bridge will greatly promote trade and commerce D Lives saved through the bridge are definitely beyond

10、price 第 2 页 共 8 页 B As a young child Ann Makosinski would spend hours experimenting with her toys and other everyday objects around her to create her own inventions Now a first year Arts student Makosinski is a well known inventor She won the recent Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award of Excellence w

11、hich recognizes creative business solutions to social problems 一 the same recognition was given to Barack Obama in 2014 Her two inventions the Hollow Flashlight and the e Drink have been causing excitement internationally since their creation When Makosinski was 15 years old she created a flashlight

12、 powered by the heat of one s hand This invention was the result of a 9th grade science project but her goal was to offer a practical solution to people with unlimited access to power and electricity One of my friends from the Philippines told me that she failed school because she had no light to st

13、udy with at night so that was kind of the inspiration Makosinski explained At 12th grade Makosinski then went on to create the e Drink It is a coffee cup that harvests the extra heat of a hot drink while it cools stores it as electricity in an intemal 内置 的 battery and makes it available to charge an

14、 external device such as a phone whose life can now be longer by approximately 10 to 30 minutes My favorite part of creating inventions would be when you had the idea and you have to physically build it and it doesn t work out she said So you have to figure out different ways to solve it A lot of ti

15、mes I ll give up and I ll come back after a couple of days and I ll take it up again Her advice to other student innovators Start now There s nothing holding you back Actually you can do whatever you want Makosinski said If you want to make something follow your heart then go ahead If there s someth

16、ing you really want to do you will make time for it and you will find time in the day to do your schoolwork 4 Makosinsky created the powerless flashlight mainly to A satisfy her desire to create inventions B settle problems in study for her friend C help those who are short of electricity D finish the assignment of a science project 5 Which of the following is mainly explained in paragraph 4 A How the e Drink was invented B Why the e Drink was created C What the e Drink brings D How the e Drink


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