2020版新教材高中英语 综合素养提升一 新人教版必修2

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1、综合素养提升 一Unit 1Cultural Heritage. 单句语法填空1. Many valuable historical relics have been preserved (preserve)so far. 2. The meeting discussed how to promote (promote) this latest product. 【补偿训练】Her promotion(promote) to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise. 3. His application (apply) to a famous unive

2、rsity was turned down. 4. He is likely to visit(visit) us if he knows where we live. 【补偿训练】Its more than likely that the thieves dont know how much it is worth. 5. The expenses should be limited (limit) to what you can really afford. 6. He was awarded a prize for his contribution (contribute) to wor

3、ld peace. 7. Two factories were closed in an attempt to cut (cut) costs. 8. It is worthwhile to include/including (include) really high-quality pictures. 9. Forgive me for interrupting (interrupt), but I really dont agree with that. 10. As makers of processed (process) food have cut down on fat and

4、sugar, theyve often added more salt. 【补偿训练】The damage is hard to avoid in the process of long distance transport. . 选词填空take part in, give way to, keep balance, lead to, make a proposal, turn to, prevent from, donate. . . to, make sure, all over the world1. She holds his arm firmly to keep balance.

5、2. This can lead to bodily weakness and muscle loss. 3. Shes journeyed all over the world with her husband. 4. She made a proposal that the book should be banned. 5. He said this would prevent companies from creating new jobs. 6. You should always give way to pedestrians at a zebra crossing. 7. His

6、toes are hurt and he is unable to take part in todays basketball game. 8. I usually turn to my dad for help if I have any financial problems. 9. I want to donate my pocket money to the poor children. 10. Make sure that you shouldnt give away your personal information to strangers. . 完成句子1. There was

7、 a time when he attempted to prevent his son from taking part in any after-school activity. 曾经有一段时间他企图阻止他的儿子参加任何一个课外活动。2. Not only did he forgive Jane for her faults, but also he offered to help her solve the problem. 他不仅原谅简的过错, 而且主动帮助她解决难题。3. Dont waste your life in the place where you surely regre

8、t. 不要浪费你的生命在你一定会后悔的地方上。4. It is said that the tradition will be spread all over the world. 据说这个传统将传播到全世界。5. As you mentioned above, the company should further pay attention to the quality of products. 正如上面你提到的, 这个公司应更进一步的关注产品的质量。. 完形填空(2019天津高一检测)I had seen my “old” friend working at our local Wal-M

9、art for several months. She always stopped to say hi, then 1 off saying she had to get back to work. Through our brief conversations, I discovered she had been down a pretty 2 road but somehow had remained a positive and cheerful 3 to life. She was living in an apartment building, which was 4 for al

10、cohol and drug problems, but that was all that she could 5. A few weeks later there was a fire at the apartment and all residents had to move. As she 6 said, it could be worse but ended with a positive point about her 7. I felt a pull in my heart to do something to help, because I had been in her 8

11、once or twice but my life had taken a turn for the 9. One day I had a few Christmas 10 in my car from work. I pulled one out and 11 it to her. I placed a gift of cash inside the card more cash than I had ever given anyone but the 12 in my heart said, “Yes! Do it! ” When my friend 13, I said, “Here i

12、s a card for you, ” and we hugged. She opened it and tears came to her eyes. Seeing her happiness, I 14 figured out how I was 15 to help her. What she did next made me know I had done the right thing. She phoned me 16 to thank me again and said, “It was too much, so I 17 it with two other women at w

13、ork who were not going to have Christmas gifts 18 their children either. I hope you dont 19. ”My heart was filled with 20 knowing I had done something that was passed on right where it was meant to go. 【文章大意】本文一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者的朋友生活拮据, 作者给自己的朋友一些经济上的帮助。作者的朋友又把这些钱和生活困难的人一起分享。1. A. turned B. gave C. hur

14、ried D. put【解析】选C。词语辨析题。根据saying she had to get back to work. 可知她匆忙离开了。turned off关掉; gave off 发出(光等); hurried off匆匆离去; put off推迟, 故选C。2. A. roughB. directC. broadD. shallow【解析】选A。词语辨析题。根据下文介绍作者朋友的状况, 可知她的人生道路相当坎坷。rough艰苦的; direct直接的; broad宽的; shallow浅的, 故选A。3. A. opinionB. viewC. attitudeD. thought【

15、解析】选C。词语辨析题。虽然朋友的人生道路相当坎坷, 但她一直保持着积极乐观的生活态度。opinion观点; view视野; attitude态度; thought想法, 故选C。4. A. designedB. knownC. punishedD. praised【解析】选B。词语辨析题。句意: 她住在一栋因酗酒和吸毒闻名的公寓楼里。designed有计划的; known知名的; punished被惩罚的; praised被称赞的, 故选B。5. A. approachB. affordC. respectD. ignore【解析】选B。词语辨析题。句意: 那是她所有能付得起的。approach接近; afford负担得起; respect尊敬; ignore忽视。故选B。6. A. neverB. seldomC. almostD. always【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。句意: 正如她常说的, 情况可能会更糟, 但最后她对自己的处境以积极的看法结束。never从不; seldom很少; almost几乎; always总是。故选D。7. A. positionB. businessC. dreamD. situation【解析】选D。词语辨析题。句意: 正如她常


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