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1、 Unit 3 How do you get to school?一、学习目标:1、能够读写表示交通工具的单词或短语:take the train, take the bus, take the subway, ride a bike, walk2、在读懂SectionB 2b 部分有关描述如何到达某个地方短文的基础上,以此作为写作范例,以写信格式仿写一篇短文(告诉你的朋友你平时如何去学校)。二、学习重难点:在阅读短文的基础上,以写信格式仿写一篇短文(告诉你的朋友你平时如何去学校)。三、学习指导:自主学习、小组合作交流、异组讨论四、知识梳理: 1、It is easy to get to sc

2、hool. (到达学校是很容易。)2、betweenand (在.两者之间) There is a very big river between their school and the village. 3、one 11-year-old boy (一个11岁的男孩,11-year-old是复合形容词,year不能加复数。如:a four- day trip一个四天的旅行)4 、Hes like a father to me. (他就像爸爸那样对。Like是介词,像。)5、 It takes + 人+ 时间+ to do. (事情) ,其中动词take表示“花费(时间)” It usuall

3、y takes me 15 minutes to get to school by bus.(乘公交车去学校我通常要花15分钟。)6、 get to school (到达学校)7、 I walk to school.= I go to school on foot.(我走路去学校。) 8、 She rides a bike to school.= She goes to school by bike.(她骑单车去学校。)9、 We take the subway to school.= We go to school by subway.(我们乘地铁)10、 He takes the trai

4、n to school.=He goes to school by train.(他乘火车去学校。) (注:by +交通工具属固定介词短语,表示“乘坐、使用某种交通工具”,其中on foot表示“步行;走路,而不是by foot或 on feet”)五、学习过程Step1 Pre-reading (读前)1、 在小组里相互用英语谈谈如何去学校?走路? 骑车? 乘公交?。2、 请同学们看看2b短文的题目Crossing the River to School 及插图,猜猜并回答问题:What is the passage talking about ?Step2 While-reading(读中

5、)1、Skimming.(快速阅读2b部分短文并回答问题)1) How do the students in the village go to school?2) Why do they go to school like this ?3) What is the villagers dream ? 2、Scanning. (仔细阅读2b部分短文并根据内容填空)1) For the students in the village, it is _ to get to school.2) They have to cross a very _ river between their schoo

6、l and the village3) They can not go by boat because the river runs too _4) It is not easy to cross the river on a ropeway, but the boy is not _5) The students and villagers want to have a bridge. Can their dream come _Step3 Post reading(读后)1、 Pre-writing(写前)1)Vocabulary Writing(激活词汇)你能从2b部分的内容找出以下短语

7、的意思吗?、到达学校_ 、越过江河_、走 路_ 、骑单车_ 、乘火车_、乘地铁_ 、go on a ropeway _ 、the river runs too quickly_2)Sentence Writing(积累好句)你能把下面的句子翻译成英文吗?、我骑单车去学校。_、从我家到学校大约有3公里。_、我骑单车大约15分钟到学校。_、他走路去学校。_、从他家到学校大约有1公里。_、他走路大约15分钟到学校。_3)Writing guide(写作指导)kilometers, get to, takes, walk, boring, leaveHi their,How are you? Than

8、ks for your last e-mail. You want to know how I_ school, right? Well, I usually _my home at about 8:00 and_ to the bus stop .The school bus usually comes at about 20_ from my home. It_ about 40 minutes to get there by bus. The bus ride is never_ because I always talk to my classmates.What about you

9、? How do you get to school?Tom我们一起来看看以上这封邮件的写作结构吧:第一部分:(问候对方,感谢受到对方的邮件)第二部分:(告诉对方你几点离开家,你家离学校多远,你到学校需要花多久时间及原因):第三部分:(反问对方如何去学校)3、While-writing. (写中)。请根据以上邮件给Tom回信告诉他你怎样去学校,2b短文内容及以下问题可以帮助你哦。1) When do you leave home? 2) How do you get to school ?3) How far is it from your home to school ?4) How lon

10、g does it take you to get to school ?5) Do you like your trip to school?_4、 Post-writing . (写后)1) 小组内讨论、交流、修改,或异组补充、修改。2) 各组选出一篇美文进行展示,供全班同学借鉴。数学质量检测试题命题说明一、命题指导思想: 依据小学数学课程标准及小学数学教学大纲的相关要求,本学期所学教材所涉猎的基础知识、基本技能为切入点,贯彻“以学生为本,关注每一位学生的成长”的教育思想,旨在全面培养学生的数学素养。二、命题出发点: 面向全体学生,关注不同层面学生的认知需求,以激励、呵护二年级学生学习数学的积极性,培养学生认真、严谨、科学的学习习惯,促进学生逐步形成良好的观察能力、分析能力及缜密的逻辑思维能力,培养学生学以致用的实践能力为出发点。三、命题原则: 以检验学生基础知识、基本技能,关注学生的情感为主线,紧密联系生产、生活实际,强调数学知识来源于生活,又回馈于生活;有效收猎学生已有的数学记忆,引发学生的创新意识,不出“偏”、“怪”题,努力让不同层面学生的思维均不同程度的发展。


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