《ACT-SAT分级词汇》【Level 7 ACT-SAT】【GHOE】

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1、 ACT ACT 新新 SATSAT 词汇词汇 升级版升级版 V VERSIONERSION 3 03 0 concede k n si d v to admit to be true usuallly in an unwilling way She grudgingly conceded his point v GRANT YIELD He conceded as soon as it became clear that he could not win flourish fl r v to be very successfulNto grow well The floral flouris

2、hes in the living room bracelet bre sl t n an ornamental band or chain worn around the wrist Putting the handcuffs on the jewel thief the detective asked him how he liked those bracelets withdrawal w dr l v 6 an act of moving something away or taking something away The army s orderly withdrawl from

3、the city turned into a rout as the enemy s shock troops surged forward prevailing pr ve l a 6 to be usual common or popular a custom that still prevails in many areas of Africa eclipse kl ps n v an occasion when the sun looks like it is completely or partially covered with dark circle because the mo

4、on is between the sun and the Earth a total partial solar eclipse dazzle d zl v n to cause to be unable to see for a short time Skiers were dazzled by the glare off of the slopes of freshly packed snow molecule m l kju l n the smallest possible amount of a particular substance that has all the chara

5、cteristics of that substance not a molecule of sense in that girl mediation mi d e n n intervention between conflicting parties to promote reconciliation settlement or compromise All efforts of mediation by a third party were in vain at all integrity n tegr ti n the quality of being honest and fair

6、Her intergrity is such that she tells the truth even when people least want to hear it n completeness 4 9 4 9 The ancient pagoda is still there but not in its integrity spur sp r v to cause to happen or to happen more quickly The reward spurred them to work harder helium hi li m n a chemical element

7、 that is a colorless gas that is lighter than air and that is often used to fill balloons This connection melted during testing of the machine and caused a huge leak of super cool helium infuriate n fj rie t v to make very angry Those claims infuriate the critics dismal d zm l a showing or causing u

8、nhappiness or sad feelings The dismal failure of our hopes for the championship realm relm n an area of activity interest or knowledge new discoveries in the realm of science seep si p v to flow or pass slowly through small openings in something Water seeped in through a crack restore r st r v 6 to

9、return to an earlier or original condition by repairing it cleaning it etc restore an old car intensify n tens fa v 6 to become stronger or more exteme intensified her efforts to preserve the town s historic buildings and landmarks medium mi di m a intermediate in quantity quality position size or d

10、igree These shirts are available in three sizes small medium and large unfold n f ld v to7spread or cause to spread or straighten out from a folded position carefully unfold that antique map so that it doesn t tear murmur m m r v 6 to say in a quiet or soft voice He murmured something about having t

11、o get home atlas tl s n a book of maps The closeups of fruit and ice cream look like pages from a medical atlas forbear f be r v to choose not to do something that you could do Mature woman would forbear their own curiosity to preserve the family s integrity and spiritual calmness monopoly m n p li

12、n complete control of the entire supply of goods or of a service in a certain area or market When the Central Committee of the Party decided to abandon its monopoly on political power and property he did what so many others did inhibiting n h b tin a prohibiting from doing something The cold inhibit

13、ed her from getting much work done that morning mockery m k ri n behavior or speech that makes fun of someone or something in a hurtful way You won t make a mockery of me deserted dez t a 6 desolate and sparsely occupied and unoccupied We trudged the deserted road for a long time shiver v r v to und

14、ergo trembling quiver shiver all over the cold sketch sket n v a quick rough drawing that shows the main features of an object or scene He made a sketch of his house recommence ri k mens v to begin or commence again Then someone gave a shout which seemed like a signal for action to recommence blunde

15、r bl nd r n a stupid or careless mistake The accident was the result of a series of blunders attest test v to show prove or state that something is true or real I ll attest that she was at the party affectionate fek n t a 6 feeling or showing love and affection an affectionate child who gives hugs a

16、nd kisses freely rehearse r h s v to prepare for a public performance of a play a piece of music etc by practicing the performance The orchestra rehearsed the symphony until they finally got it to the conductor s satisfaction discord d sk d n 6 a lack of agreement between people ideas Our discord was originated by a quarrel contemptible k n tem p t b l a not worthy of respect or approval The contemptible thieves who stole the Christmas gifts intended for needy children petty pet a not very impor



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