英语:Unit 8 Keeping Safe学案(北师大版九年级)【GHOE】

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1、Unit 8 Keeping Safe一. 教学内容:Unit 8 Keeping Safe二. 教学重点:1、祈使句2、被动语态3、课内知识点三. 具体内容:(一)祈使句: 肯定结构:来源:Z。xx。k.Com 1. Do 型(即:动词原形(宾语)其他成分) Please have a seat here. 2. Be 型(即:be表语其他成分)Be a good boy! 3. Let 型(即:let 宾语动词原形其他成分)Let me help you.否定结构: 1. Do 型和Be 型的否定形式都是在句首加dont构成. Dont forget me! 2. Let 型的否定形式有两

2、种: Dont let 宾语动词原形其他成分 let 宾语not动词原形其他成分Dont let him go./ Let him not go.来源:Zxxk.Com 3.有些可用 no 开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句. No smoking!No fishing!祈使句的反意疑问句:1. 祈使句为肯定句式,其反意疑问句表示请求时,用will you, 表示邀请、劝说时,用wont you.Be sure to write to us, will you?Come to have dinner with us this evening, wont you?2. 祈使句为否定句式,反意疑问句用w

3、ill you.Dont smoke in the meeting room, will you?3. let 开头的祈使句在构成反意疑问句时,除lets用shall we外,其他都用will you.Let the boy go first, will you?Lets take a walk after supper, shall we?(二)被动语态:1. 一般现在时:am/is/are +doneThe book is read by children.2. 一般过去时:was/were +doneHe was taken to the hospital yesterday.3. 一般

4、将来时:will be +done/ be going to be +doneThe strawberry will be frozen in three hours.Dinner is going to be cooked at 6 oclock.4. 情态动词+be+ doneThe meat should be kept in a fridge.注意:1、带双宾语的主动句子变为被动语态时只能将一个宾语变为主语。We are taught English by her.English is taught to us by her.The coat was bought for me.2、主

5、动语态不带to的不定式变被动语态要还原to.The boss made him work over 12 hours a day.He was made to work over 12 hours a day.3、短语动词用于被动语态应作为一个整体,不能分开。The meeting has been put off.(三) 语言点:1. keep away from 远离 Mother told him to keep away from drugs.妈妈让他远离毒品。2. short-cut 捷径 Dont take short-cuts through empty buildings or

6、 parking lots.不要从空旷的大楼或停车场那里抄近路。来源:学科网3. avoid doing 避免做 They all avoid mentioning that name. 他们都在避免提到那个名字。4. knock down 撞倒,击倒Jim knocked down a little girl when he was running in the street.吉姆在街上跑时撞倒了一个小女孩。Unit 8 词组/短语1. encourage sb. to do 2. stand for3. be based on 4. according to5. 参加 6. do a su

7、rvey7. take short-cuts 8. 即使9. in hospital 10. keep safe11. pick sb. up 12. send to13. knock down 14. all the way课堂练习:一、单选1. Is that your bike?-No, it isnt _. But I will buy one like that.A. hersB. her C. mine D. my2. Im sorry. I didnt win the race yesterday.-Thats OK. You _ win every time.A. cantB.

8、 must C. can D. mustnt3. who is that man over there?-He is our new teacher, and he will teach _ English this term.A. we B. our C. us D. ours4. Whats the weather like tomorrow?-The radio says it is going to be even _. A. bad B. worseC. worst D. badly5. My mother hates _. So no one in my family smokes

9、.A. smoke B. smokes C. smoking D. to smoke6. He was made _ 12 hours a day. A. work B. worked C. working D. to work7. People usually plant trees _ April. A. inB. on C. atD. from8. Lily didnt go to school today _she is ill.A. if B. beforeC. until D. because9. -_ uncle Wang _ to the hospital, wasnt he?

10、-Yes, because he was badly ill.A. has, sentB. was, sendingC. was, sent D. hasnt, sent10. Mothers Day will come soon. Why _ some flowers for your mother?A. not to buy B. not buy C. dont buy D. to not buy11. The driver must_ from driving so fast, or serious accident will happen.A. stop B. have stopped

11、 C. be stoppedD. be stopping12. The kind girl treats the old man_ her own father.A. as B. for C. from D. with13. With the money _ he had saved, he went on with his studies.A. thatB. what C. who D. where14. Jack, please dont look out of the window.-_.A. Its right. B. I know that. C. Sorry, I wont do

12、it again. D. It doesnt matter.15. _ picture books in class, please.A. Not read B. No read C. Not reading D. Dont read16. Lets go hiking this Sunday, _?A. shall we B. will youC. dont D. cant you17. The little boy swam _ the wide river quickly.A. across B. cross C. through D. on来源:Zxxk.Com18. My uncle

13、 has just bought a house_ a small garden in front of it.A. ofB. with C. near D. in19. My uncle enjoys TV after supper.A. watching B. watcher C. watched D. to watch20. _ away this dirty shirt, and bring me a clean one.A. Pick B. Bring C. Carry D. Take二、完成句子1. 他的话使我想了很久。 His words _ for a long time.2. 他喜欢参加课外活动。 He likes _ free time activities.3. 我们从周一到周五上学。 We go to school _.4. 学生们已


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