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1、Module 4 Music Born in America三言两语1.Music reduces our tiredness and brings us relaxation after hard work and study.2As far as Im concerned, music is the source of joys and inspiration in life.3Music is so appealing to me that I always listen to music whenever Im free, which brings me into a differen

2、t world.1.听一些轻音乐的确能使你心情放松,给你一个新的开端。Listening to some soft music does_relax_your_mood and give_you_a_new_start.2音乐已成为我生命中如此重要的一部分,以至于我真的很难想象,如果没有音乐(我的)生活将会怎样。Music has become such_an_important_ part_in_my_life_that I can hardly imagine what life would be like without music.单词拼写应用核心单词1movement n运动2app

3、roach_n方法;步骤3decline n& v衰退;下降;减少4arise v(由)引起(产生)5virtue n美德6budget v制定预算,按预算来安排开支7schedule n计划表,进度表,日程表8deadline n截止时间,最后期限9otherwise adv.否则,要不然10quit v离开,辞去语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空1(2016全国卷)Approaching(approach) the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.2He quitted (qui

4、t) the tiresome job and had to tighten his belt.3The manager set out to deal with the matters arising(arise) from the company.4The number of tourists to the resort declined(decline) by 10% last year to 5 million.5His job is to observe the movements(movement) of clouds and the changes on temperature.

5、拓展单词1technique n技巧;手法 technical adj.技术的2emerge v出现emergency n紧急情况;危急形势3touch v触动;感动;使动心touched_adj.感激的;受感动的touching adj.令人感动的4harmony n融洽,一致harmonious adj.融洽的,和谐的5convention n惯例conventional adj.按惯例的;因袭的;传统的6consult v咨询;请教consultant n顾问7devote v为付出时间/努力/金钱等 devotion n热爱;忠诚 devoted adj.忠诚的;挚爱的8beg v请求

6、,恳求beggar n乞丐;穷人 9humor n幽默humorous adj.幽默的语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空。1Peoples life here is full of harmony and at the same time, humans and nature make a harmonious picture.(harmony)2The old scientist is devoted to studying space, and the spirit of devotion deserves learning from.He said he would go on devoti

7、ng himself to the science field.(devote)3He has a good sense of humor and always acts in a humorous way.(humor)4The touching scene in this film touched my heart deeply and I was touched to tears at last.(touch)5My brother is a consultant of law and many people come to consult him about their problem

8、s.(consult)阅读单词1boom v繁荣;兴起;迅速发展2friction n不和,抵触;摩擦3fancy adj.新潮的4neat adj.整齐的,整洁的_5consensus n. 共同意见,一致看法,共识6cheque n支票7vain adj.自负的,自视过高的8bonus n没有预料到的好事9pace n速度,进度_10tight adj.(控制)严格的,严密的11allowance n津贴,补助12parttime adj.部分时间的,兼职的13super adj.极好的,了不起的,超级的14yell v叫喊,叫嚷15pension n养老金;退休金;抚恤金16refres

9、hing adj. 令人耳目一新的17pioneer n先锋;创始人;先驱;开拓者18protest n抗议1(2018江苏高考)Before the tool came out, small farmers couldnt touch the price per pound offered by California farms.改变2(2016江苏卷)Even chimp mothers regularly decline to share food with their children, who are able from a young age to gather their own

10、 food.婉言拒绝短语多维应用高频短语1.take_advantage_of 利用2come_out 出版3side_by_side 并排;并肩4be_devoted_to 对专一,专注5be_bored_with 厌烦6try_out 尝试语境运用选用左栏短语的适当形式填空。My earliest memories of my father are that he is a tall, successful man who is_devoted_to his work and his family, but uncomfortable with his children.Three fam

11、ous books written by him have come_out.As a child I loved him.He was_bored_with seeing me unless I got straight As.Whenever I went out with him on weekends, I used to struggle to try_out_something to say, feeling on guard.7.in_order 有序地8rather_than 而不是9be_blessed_with 有幸10make_an_impression_on_sb. 给

12、某人留下印象11beg_for 乞求,请求12far_from_完全不语境运用选用左栏短语的适当形式填空。Halloween makes_an_impression_on me, which falls on October 31st, the last day of the Celtic calendar.During the festivities, poor citizens would beg_for food to pray for the familys dead relatives.On Halloween, to make ghosts be far_from their ho

13、uses, people would place bowls of food outside their homes to satisfy the ghosts and prevent them from trying to enter their houses.句式结构仿写教材原句背诵句式仿写应用1.the moment 引导时间状语从句,意为“一就”“The moment I heard it,” he said, “I knew it was a completely new kind of music.”我一听到这个音乐,就立刻兴奋起来。The_moment_I_heard_the_m

14、usic,I got excited immediately.2.由time构成的名词短语引导的时间状语从句。The next time I heard the song, I was in the cinema, waiting for the film to start.第一次我见到他,就认为他是诚实的。The_first_time_I_saw_him,_I thought him to be honest.3.It doesnt matter wh/if/whether.意为“无关紧要”。My message is that it doesnt matter if youre black

15、, white, fat, thin, old and youngwere all the same, its a great world and you can do something with your life.你失败多少次都不要紧,要紧的是你有多少次站起来并再次尝试。It_doesnt_matter how many times you fail; what matters is how many times you stand up and try again.1decline n& vi.下降;减少;衰退(1) be in decline 处于下降、衰退中on the decline 在下坡路上;在衰退(减少)(2) decline to do sth.拒绝做某事decline by/to 下降了/到a city in decline 一个衰退中的城市decline to


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