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1、公共英语等级考试四级(PETS4)课程辅导(01)讲Dialogue: 1. I wonder if you can help me when I get stuck. get stuck: be in trouble 遇到麻烦 E.g. He always comes to my rescue whenever I get stuck. 每次我遇到麻烦都是他帮我解围。 2. Let me know at any time. Let me know: tell me or inform me 告诉,通知 E.g. when you get to Beijing, please let me k

2、now and Ill meet you at the airport. 你到了北京告诉我一声,我去机场接你。 Passage : 1. As we cross the threshold into the next centuryknowledge based economy. threshold n. 门槛、门栏、(喻)开始 E.g. Mind you step when you cross the threshold. (mind your head 小心碰头) 过门槛的时候小心点. He was graduated last year and now is on the thresho

3、ld of his career. 他去年刚刚毕业,现在正是事业的起步阶段. Knowledge-based economy 知识经济 E.g. Market-based /driven economy 市场经济 State-owned enterprises 国有企业(S0E) overseas-funded enterprises外资企业 Snow-covered mountain雪山 2.In more specific terms ,the application of information to economy is best exemplified in the net work

4、ing and communication A. in .terms= in terms of 措辞、说法; E.g. The Australian professor spoke of the fighting against SARS in china in terms of praise. 那位澳大利亚教授谈起中国抗击非典的战斗给予了高度的评价. Dont speak to your parents in impolite terms. 不要对父母讲不礼貌的话. B. Scientific/technical/legal terms科学、技术、法律术语 E.g. In box-offic

5、e terms,Spider was a great success. 从票房收入来看,蜘蛛侠获得了巨大的成功. C. be on good /bad terms with sb和某人关系好/不好 E.g. He is always on good terms with his neighbors. 3. This net refers to the computer network of satellites It (electronic currency) refers to on entire finance system on the net. refer to: allude to;

6、 apply to;提及、应用于、指的是 E.g. I wasnt referring to you when I said someone was lazy. 我说有些人懒,并不是指你. 4. Internet shopping belongs to the first aspect belong to: be the property of ,be a member of 属于 E.g. Taiwan belongs to China.台湾属于中国. Which team do you belong to? 你是属于哪个队的? 5.Belongings n. movable possess

7、ions 财产 (尤指动产) E.g. Keep your belongings sage to ensure they are not stolen. personal belongings/estate 个人财产、动产 real estate不动产、房地产 6. Sporting goods company puma was on the verge of bankruptcy back in 1992. be on the verge of : be close to 濒临 E.g. After losing his son in the accident, the old man wa

8、s nearly on the verge of nervous breaking. 儿子在事故中丧生使这位老人几乎精神崩溃. bankrupt adj. go bankrupt 破产 7. In time to come, have to forsake the familiar paper currency. in time to come: in the coming/near future 在不久的将来 get/be familiar with sh 熟悉 be familiar to sb 为熟知 E.g. He likes plants very much, so he is fa

9、miliar with many flowers. 他喜欢植物,所以知道很多种花. This is a flower familiar to many of us. 这是我们都很熟悉的一种花. forsake: give up, abandon 放弃,遗弃 E.g. He forsook his bad habits with the help of his friend. 在朋友的帮助下,他改掉了坏习惯.8. Resulting in the Internet itself becoming the worlds largest emerging market. result in: bri

10、ng about, have a result 致使、导致 result from: happen as a result of, be caused by 起因于,因.引起 E.g. The disagreement resulted in the war between the two nations. 两国家之间的分歧导致了战争. (The war resulted from the disagreement between the two nations.) 9. make profits =in the red 盈利 make losses= in the black亏损 E.g.

11、This industry will make profit from a long-term perspective/in the long run. 长远来讲,这个产业是会盈利. This company is making losses now, but it will make profits from a long perspective. 这家公司目前虽然亏损,但长远看来它是会赢利的. 10.to date: so far, until now 到目前为止 E.g. This company is making profits to date.这家公司目前为止一直赢利.11. fr

12、eelancer n.自由职业者 freelance v. 做自由职业 E.g. He has great interest in working as a freelancer. 他对做个自由职业人很感兴趣. 12. Superiority . 1).be/feel superior to 比好 2).be/feel inferior to 不如 E.g. He always feels superior to other guys in his class. 他总是自以为比班里其他的男孩子都强. 13. Exemplify v. E.g. His theory was exemplifie

13、d in the financial crisis. 他的理论在这场金融危机中得到了证实. 14.optic adj.视觉的the optic nerve视觉神经 optics n.光学 (和maths, physics一样,表示学科时,和单数动词连用) E.g. Thanks to the help of my brother, the problems that I had in optics have been solved. 多亏哥哥帮忙, 我在光学中遇到的问题都解决了 15.dizzying adj.极快的 E.g. The 21st century witnesses the di

14、zzying development of the electronic industries. 电子产业在二十一世纪得到了迅猛的发展. 16. Consultation n. 请教, 咨询, 商议 E.g. The doctors held a consultation to decide whether an operation was necessary. 医生们商议了一下看是否有必要做手术. 17.diffuse v.使分散 to diffuse learning/knowledge/light/heat传播学问/知识/光/热量 18.logistics n.后勤(学) E.g. Logistics is crucial for a war. 后勤保障对于一场战役来讲至关重要. 19. Feline n. cat 猫科动物 E.g. He walked quite like a feline to his brothers room. 20. Rationalize v. To rationalize the management system 使管理系统合理化 21. Foster v. foster a child 抚养孩子foster parents养父母 (无法律约束) adopt a child领养孩子adoptive parents养父母(具有法律



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