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1、L5 Unit 2-1 Listening One of the most important human emotions is love. However, there are many different kinds of love. Romantic love is certainly one of most interesting kinds of love. It can be beautiful, wonderful and heart breaking, sometimes all of the same time. Romantic Love can make our liv

2、es full and meaningful but it can also be an escape from loneliness and suffering. If romantic love has a purpose, neither phycologist nor biologist has discovered it. however, throughout history, philosopher have offered opinions about it. The Geek Philosopher Plato said love makes us complete. He

3、relates a comic story in which humans originally had 4 arms, 4 legs and 2 faces. Then, when they angered the Gods, they were cut in half. Since then, every person has been searching for their soulmate, the other half of his or her self.Another philosopher believed that love is an illusion. In his vi

4、ew, people fall in love because they believe the other person can make them happy. But in fact, this is just an illusion designed to make us have children(省略that定语从句). Once we have children, we are right back to where we were, still searching for happiness. For nature, this is a success because we h

5、ave children to maintain our species. But it leads us still searching for something more. In Buddhism, romantic love is seen as an attempt to satisfy to our desires. These desires are defect, something we need to overcome. The way we free ourselves from suffering, is to remove desires. Once free of

6、desires, we can reach a state of peace and wisdom. This states of freeing are called *. In one of China greatest classical novels, Dream of the Red Chamber, love is presented as a state of foolishness. A young man falls in love with a beautiful woman, who tricks and makes fool of him. This results i

7、n the conflicting emotions of love and hate which tear him apart(使心碎). To cure him, a priest gives him a magic mirror. The priest tells him to look into the reverse side of the mirror but never look at the front side. When the young man looks into the mirror, he doesnt like what he sees, so he looks

8、 into the forbidden side, the front side. There he sees the lovely image of his love, who invites him into the mirror, to be with her. He does it several times, until he has finally dragged away(拖走)in chains. He dies while looking into the mirror. Perhaps the point of the story is that all such atta

9、chments should be avoided. A famous French writer, Simone de Beauvoir has another point of view. For her, love is the desire to integrate with another, like in a great friendship. However, its important that the lovers not become too dependent on the other person. Becoming too dependent on the other

10、 person can lead to boredom or power games. Lovers should support each other in discovering themselves and developing their potentials. In this way, romantic love can reach the world. Falling in love can be exciting and frightening. Maybe we lose ourselves and maybe we find ourselves. Would you dare

11、 to find out? Other kinds of love include the love between a parent and child. If something is an illusion, it isnt what it seems to be. L5 Unit 2-1 vocabularyForbidden or prohibited to be against the law or not allowed. Smoking is prohibited on many airplanes. Athletes are forbidden from taking cer

12、tain kinds of drugs. If something is allowed, it isnt forbidden or prohibited. Risky to be a big dangerous or unsafe. A risky investment may not be a good idea for people who worry too much. If you make a risky investment, they may lose a lot of money. What level of risk are you willing to take?Ridi

13、culous to be foolish or not make any sense. Their proposal is ridiculous because it requires too much time and money. Without enough quality practice, its ridiculous to expect much progress. Innovative to come up with good idea or way of doing things. Innovative people are often clever and creative.

14、 Too innovate means to come up with a new way of doing something. Innovative thinking can lead to the development of new products and services. Conservative, to be conservative means to avoid taking risks. Conservative investor tries to make safe investments. A conservative investor wants to minimiz

15、e risks. A conservative of approach to management may discourage innovation. To disguise, to change somethings appearance so that it cant be recognized. He wasnt good at disguising himself so we knew who he was right away. She wore and disguise so it wasnt sure who she was. To clarify, to explain or

16、 make something clear. We werent sure what he meant until he clarified his ideas. Everyone was confused until she clarified what she meant. To confuse, to make things difficult to understand. The opposite is to clarify. Everyone is confused, because the presentation is so disorganized. He confuses people because he keeps changing his ideas. The instructions were confusing so nobody knew what to do. To ignore, to try not to notice or deal wit



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