幼儿园中班英语教案--中班英语教案 Autumn

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《幼儿园中班英语教案--中班英语教案 Autumn》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《幼儿园中班英语教案--中班英语教案 Autumn(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、中班英语教案 Autumn中班教案 Autumn一、 教学目的:1、对用英语组织的“扫落叶”活动产生极大兴趣,能边听边做游戏。2、初步学习单词:leaves感知整首歌曲,并理解短语flying all around和lying on the ground。二、教学准备:秋天的落叶图片一张、扫帚一把、许多落叶、风的头饰、黑板一块三、教学过程:一、 复习:1、听音乐学袋鼠边唱边跳进教室。2、韵律活动: 3、游戏:go go touch the (复习幼儿对单词的认读)二、 学习单词:(出示树叶)Look,what are these?(Leaves),read after me .三|、抛树叶,引

2、出二组词组:1、(将几片树叶向上抛,指着飘落的树叶)The leaves are flying all around.(树叶落地后)The leaves are lying on the ground.2、Look at the carefully once again .3、I will fly like the leaves (示范).flying all around.I will be like the leaves, lying on the ground. can you?4、教师交替发出指令,速度由慢到快,引导幼儿练习56次。5、边听音乐边做动作,速度由慢到快。Listen to

3、 the music .when you hear “flying all around” you must fly fly fly .When the hear “lying on the ground”.you must go to sleep四、玩游戏: at last, we will play a new game .you are leaves .I am wind.When the wind blows strong .you should fly fast.When the wind blows feeble. You should fly slowly.When the wind stop.you should stop.Then ,I will put all of you together.When you hear the music .you go back to you seats.(第一次教师做风,第二次第三次请小朋友做风)结束:lets go out play.P3实用文档 精心整理


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