上市策划 葡萄酒上市策划

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《上市策划 葡萄酒上市策划》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《上市策划 葡萄酒上市策划(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、上市策划方案 葡萄酒上市策划方案葡萄酒上市策划报告(Wine listed planning report for backsberg wine)一、桂林葡萄酒市场概况(introduction to wine market in Guilin)(一)目前市场(Current market)目前在桂林市场上销售的葡萄酒品种繁多,其中本土品牌有:长城、张裕、王朝、威龙、通化、华东、白洋河、云南红、冰玫瑰及永福山等。主要在专卖店、大小超市、批发市场及零售店等。其中永福山为山野葡萄酒,价格便宜加上其为桂林本地品牌,很受桂林市民的欢迎。There are currently several wines

2、 in Guilin market,including changcheng,zhangyu,wangchao,weilong,tonghua,huadong,baiyanghe,yunnanhong,icerose and yongfushang which is produced in the local place,also, is popular in of these wine are domestic products.在桂林市场上销售的国外品牌有:芝华士、人头马、伏特加、轩尼诗等,主要是在名酒专卖店和各星级宾馆、酒店销售。Guilin also has some foreign

3、wines such as Chivas, V odka,Piyaer,Matell,Martini, XO,which are sale in star hotels ,restaurants and shops.(二)桂林市场各葡萄酒品牌的价格(price)1、国产品牌(Domestic pands )长城葡萄酒市场价格(changcheng wine)(张裕) 红酒市场价格(changyu wine)规格(Specifications ) (750ml)其他品牌(the rest pand)2、国外品牌(foreign pands)(1)芝华士(Chivas)(支):428RMB/two

4、 bottles(shop price)(专卖店)(2)人头马(XO)( ):360元(shop price)(专卖店)(3)人头马特级:420RMB (专卖店)(shop price)(4)路易十三:9888元(专卖店)(shop price)(5)芝华士特级:4628元(专卖店)(shop price)3、价格分析(Price analysis)(1)从上表可看出,国产葡萄酒已经形成从高到低而且比较完整的价格体系,同时以低价策略为主要竞争手段,这源于国产品牌的成本优势以及大众化战略,即以优先占领市场为出发点。From the table, we can see that the domes

5、tic wines had formed a relativelycomplete revolutions price system, and low-cost strategies is the main means of this stems because of the cost advantages and popular domestic pand is as a starting point to occupy the markets priority.(2)进口葡萄酒的价格偏高且价格单一,由于产品的单一从而没有形成完整的价格体系,消费者选择余地比较小,阻碍其对进口葡萄酒的消费。T

6、he imported wine prices is high , and the wines has not formed a complete price system and the consumer s choice is relatively small, which hindered the imported wine consumption.(3)由于销售渠道、市场开拓成本及利润空间的不同,无论是国产葡萄酒还是进口葡萄酒,在不同的消费市场其价格也不一样,酒店的葡萄酒价格比市场价高。 Because of different sales channels, marketing co

7、sts and profits of the space, the domestically produced and the imported wine have different prices and consumer markets, more importantly ,the prices of the wines which are sold in the hotel is high than market prices.(三)销售渠道及消费趋势(Distribution channels and consumption trends)目前桂林市场上的葡萄酒分为两大销售渠道:一是以


9、家预测,从现在到20XX年,葡萄酒的高中低消费比例由现在的1:4:5转变到5:4:1。这对以销售中高档为主的进口葡萄酒来说,是打开市场的最佳时期。The wines market is divided into two sales channels in Guilin : first, domestic wines are mainly sold in the supermarket , the wholesale markets and the retail outlets;Second, the foreign wines and the three domestim wines such

10、 as Great Wall pand, zhangyu and wangchao, which as the high-grade products are sold in the star hotels,restaurants and shops. From this we can see that as a result of prices, consumption habits, pand recognition, taste, product systems and the impact of factors that make the import wine market has

11、a relatively narrow clip. But this Environment is changing, beause the new policy was implemented and the wine culture is gradually example, firstly, the wine tariffs are further downward., from the present 14% to zero by 20XX; Secondly,the new consumption tax management approach was implemented on

12、July 1, 20XX; the thirst, .acording to the enterprises and the media publicity, wine consumption health concepts are gradually accepted by consumers. According to some experts, that the consumption of the high-grade wine will shift 1:4:5 to 5:4:1 from 20XX to 20XX. This is useful to the imported win

13、es and it is the best time to open up the market in Guilin.(四)葡萄酒的购买动机(Wine purchase motivation)目前中国人还没有形成进口葡萄酒的消费习惯,相对稳定的消费群体是国际商务人员、在华工作或旅游的外籍人士及城市白领,目前进口葡萄酒的竞争主要集中在这三个消费领域。这些人员又有不同的消费取向:国际商务人员主要是社交需要,这部分人认同进口葡萄酒的高品质;在华外籍人士来自葡萄酒消费文化普及的国家,他们把葡萄酒当作生活必需品来消费;城市白领消费进口葡萄酒则是展示身份和时尚追求的需要。除此之外的主要消费是假日购买行为,

14、即在国家传统节假日,消费者对葡萄酒的临时需求,其目的是营造家庭团聚氛围或亲朋好友之间的礼尚往来。At present, Chinese people have not yet taken shape to drink the import wines, the relatively stable consumer groups are international businessmen , foreigners who work or travel in China and white-collar,.the competition for the imported wine consumpt

15、ion is mainly in the three areas. These people have different consumption trends : the international businessmen drink the import wines is primarily social needs, they agree with the high-quality wine; foreigners drinking wines is as the necessities to their wine consumption habits; the white-collar

16、 dringking wine is the need for the display of their identity and fashion. In addition ,the major consumer behavior is in a holiday, for example, the consumer demand wines in the traditional holidays, the purpose of which is to create a family reunion atmosphere or the interaction between relatives and friends.二、桂林进口葡萄酒市场的挑战和机会( challenges and oppo



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