2016-2017高中英语 Unit 9 Wheels Period Three 北师大必修3.ppt

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1、PeriodThree Lesson3CleanMachines 课前预习基础落实 课堂讲义核心突破 当堂达标检测巩固 栏目索引 单词检测1 n 汽油2 adj 太阳的 太阳光的3 n 阳光 日光4 n 章节5 n 印象 感觉v 使印象深刻 答案 词语识记 课前预习基础落实 petrol gas solar sunlight chapter impression impress 答案 6 adj 可靠的v 依赖 依靠7 n 操作人员 接线员v 操纵 操作8 vt 欣赏 感谢n 欣赏 感激 鉴别 reliable rely operator operate appreciate apprecia

2、tion 答案 短语检测1 迄今为止2 参加3 发生 举行4 对 有好的印象5 说服某人相信某事6 抱怨7 与某人相处 sofar takepartin takeplace haveagoodimpressionof persuadesb ofsth complainabout getonwithsb 1 Peoplehavebeenworriedaboutpollutioncausedbyfuelslikepetrolandgasforalongtimenow 现在人们一直为汽油 煤气等燃料造成的污染担忧 2 Well theoneIlikebestcrossesthewholeofAust

3、raliafromnorthwesttosoutheast 唔 我最喜欢的那次是从西北向东南穿过整个澳大利亚 句式背诵 答案 1 2 3 4 课文预读 课文阅读理解1 WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaboutMarieLogan A SheisanAustralian B Shegotinterestedinsolarcarswheninkindergarten C Shebegantakingpartincarraceswhenshewasatuniversity D Shewasalwaysthewinnerinthecarracesshetookpartin 答案A

4、答案 2 TheracecrossingthewholeofAustralia A canbedonewithinaweekB islongerthantheChangjiangRiverC isMarieLogan sfavouritebecauseshewasoncethewinnerinitD travelsaroundthecountry 1 2 3 4 A 答案 3 MarieLoganwritesthebookaboutsolarcars A tomakealivingB totellpeoplehowtodesignacarC togetpeopletoknowmoreabout

5、solarcarsD topersuadepeopletobuysolarcars 1 2 3 4 C 答案 4 Fromtheconversation wecaninfer A MarieLogan sbookwillbepopularB solarcarswillbepopularC solarcarscanrunfasterthanusualcarsD weathercaninfluenceasolarcar sspeed 1 2 3 4 D 答案 课文语法填空MarieLoganhasbeeninterestedincarssincekindergarten 1 shewasatuni

6、versity shestarteddesigninghercars She2 design fiveorsixdifferentcarssofar andshehasbeentakingpart3 racesforaboutfouryears ShehaswontwoofthesixracesandtheoneshelikesbesttookplaceacrossthewholeofAustraliafromnorthwest4 southeast TheseyearsMarieLoganhasbeendesigningsolarracingcars Solarcarsarecars5 us

7、ethesun senergyforpower When hasdesigned in to that which 返回 答案 6 arecleanandsafe MarieLoganhasalsobeenwriting7 bookaboutsolarcars Shehasonlyfinishedthefirstfewchaptersofthebook Shewantspeopletohaveagood8 impress ofsolarcars Solarcarsaregetting9 good allthetime Intests onecarshebuilthasaveragedover4

8、0k p h evenin10 cloud weather Theywillbepopularamongpeopleallovertheworld They a impression better cloudy impressionn 印象 感觉 1 原句 Iwantpeopletohaveagoodimpressionofsolarcars 我想让人们对太阳能汽车有个好印象 课堂讲义核心突破 重点单词 归纳拓展 1 have getagood badimpressionofsb sth 对某人 某物的印象好 不好make leaveanimpressiononsb 对某人造成影响 留下印象

9、2 impressvt 给 留下印象 使铭记impresssb withsth 某事物给予某人深刻印象impresssth on uponsb 使某人铭记某事物beimpressedwith by对 留下深刻印象 3 impressiveadj 给人印象深刻的 2 Heleftaveryperfectimpressiononus 他给我们留下了一个很完美的印象 3 Whatimpressedhimmostwastheirspeed 最令他佩服的是他们的速度 4 Iwasveryimpressedbyoneyoungmanatmylectures 来听我课的一个年轻人给我留下很深的印象 1 用i

10、mpression的正确形式填空 Hiscollectionofpaintingsisthemost Myadviceseemedtomakelittleonhim Iwasbyherhandlingoftheaffair 2 我敢肯定 这部影片给每个观众都留下了深刻的印象 Iamsurethefilmeverybodywhosawit 答案 即时跟踪 impressive impression impressed made leftanimpressionon appreciatevt 感激 感谢 欣赏 鉴赏 1 原句 She llappreciateit 她会感激的 归纳拓展 1 appr

11、eciatedoing 感激 Iwouldappreciateitif 如果 我将不胜感激 2 appreciationn 欣赏 感激 感谢 2 Ireallyappreciateyoudoingthis 很感谢你来做这个 3 AndI llappreciateitverymuchifyougivemeanearlyreply 如果你能早点回信我将非常感激 4 HereIsincerelyexpressmyappreciationifyoucouldhelpfindthelostsuitcase 如果你能帮我找到丢失的箱子 我会真诚地表达我的感激之情 注意 appreciate其后不直接跟宾语

12、从句 需要先用it作形式宾语 再接从句 类似的动词还有like dislike hate等 答案 1 Ifwehearfromyouagain wewouldappreciate 句型转换 Wewouldappreciateyouagain Wewouldappreciatewecouldhearfromyouagain 2 Iwouldappreciateifyouwouldopenthewindowforme 单句改错 即时跟踪 hearing from it if if前加it sofar到目前为止 迄今为止 1 原句 I vedesignedfiveorsixdifferentcars

13、sofar 到目前为止 我已经设计了五 六款不同的汽车 2 Iamdeterminedtotrytowriteanovel butsofarIhavenotmadeastart 我下决心试试写小说 不过迄今为止还没开始 重点短语 归纳拓展 3 Gardencitiesshouldbebuiltasfaraspossiblefromexistingcities 花园城市应被建得离现存的城市尽可能的远 易混辨析 sofar byfar 1 sofar到目前为止 迄今为止 常与现在完成时连用 2 byfar是介词短语 一般作表示程度的状语 常用来修饰比较级或最高级 强调数量 程度等 是 最 得多 的

14、意思 答案 1 用sofar byfar填空 Thelastofthesereasonsisthemostimportant ithasbeenthetallestbuildinginthecity Janeisthebeststudentintheclass 2 我们迄今尚未找到治疗艾滋病的有效办法 SofarwetocureAIDS 即时跟踪 byfar Sofar byfar havenotfoundaneffectiveway takeplace举行 发生 1 原句 Wheredotheseracestakeplace 这些 汽车 比赛是在哪儿举行的 归纳拓展 takeone spla

15、ce就座 就位taketheplaceof takesomeoneelse splace代替inplaceofsb sth 代替 顶替 2 Takeyourplacesforthenextdance 各就各位 准备跳下一个舞 3 ElectrictrainshavenowtakentheplaceofsteamtrainsinChina 在中国 电气化火车现在已经取代了蒸汽机车 takeplace happen occur breakout 1 takeplace作 发生 讲时较为正式 不带有偶然之意 多用来指事先安排的事情 2 happen常用来表示偶然 碰巧 发生 而且多指整个情况 3 o

16、ccur多用来指具体事情的发生 虽也可指偶然性 但与happen相比程度较弱 4 breakout多指战争 火灾等的爆发 易混辨析 答案 1 选词填空 即时跟踪 Afireduringthenightandcausedagreatdamage Luckilytheearthquakedidn tinthecenterofthecity Iwasinhalfwaywhenit tomethatIhadleftmynotebookhome soIhadtofetchit Greatchangesinourschoolinthepastfewyears brokeout happen occurred havetakenplace 答案 2 她不能出席会议 因此她的助手代替了她 Shecouldn tattendthemeetingsoherassistant 3 什么也替代不了他失去的家庭 Nothingcouldthefamilyhehadlost tookherplace taketheplaceof 过去分词作定语 1 原句 Peoplehavebeenworriedaboutpol


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