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1、浙江省选考(学考)十校联盟2018年10月适应性考试 英语参考答案听力:1-5 CACBA 6-10 BABCB 11-15 CAACA 16-20 CBCAB阅读理解:21-23 DDB 24-26 BCA 27-30 ACBD七选五:31-35 BGFAD完形填空:36-40 BCCDA 41-45 CBDBA 46-50 CCADB 51-55 CADDB语法填空:56. is connected57. the 58. However59. for60. which61. to raise 62. Fortunately63. more64. developments65. allowi

2、ng应用文:Dear Mr. Smith,Im terribly sorry that I cannot make it to your place as previously planned, because I will be on business in Hong Kong during the Thanksgiving season. I hope this letter comes just in time for you to schedule something else with your family and friends. Hopefully, we can meet t

3、his Christmas as I will have two weeks holiday then.I hope you will enjoy your reunion with your family and the feast and happy Thanksgiving! Yours sincerely, LiHua续写Suddenly something pulled at my line. Off with it swept the line into deep water. Pulling it up as quickly as I could, I saw a fine pi

4、ckerel wriggling (扭动) in the sun. “Uncle!” I cried, looking back in uncontrollable excitement, “Ive got a fish!” “Not yet,” said my uncle. As he spoke, I saw the fish shooting into the middle of the stream and there was a splash. My hook (鱼钩) hung empty from the line. I had lost my prize. So, overco

5、me with my great and bitter disappointment, I sat down. For a time I refused to be comforted, even by my uncles assurance that there were more fish in the brook. He refitted my bait, and, putting the pole again in my hands, told me to try my luck once more. “But remember, boy,” he said, with a smile

6、. “Never brag of catching a fish until he is on dry ground. Ive seen people doing that in more ways than one, and so making fools of themselves. Its no use boasting of anything until its done, nor then, either, for it speaks for itself.”附听力文字材料(Text 1)M: Maria, would you mind getting me one of those

7、 new mobile phones while youre in Hong Kong?W: Just give me the model number.M: Thanks a lot.(Text 2)W: Mr. Brown, here is your coffee。M: Thank you. Have you posted the letter yet?W: Ive typed the letter, but I havent done the envelope yet。(Text 3)W: Is this the one you took on holiday, Michael?M: Y

8、es. Here I am with my wife and the two children. The weather wasnt so good that day, unfortunately. You can see our hotel in the background.(Text 4)M: Did you find it?W: Yes, I did, in the end. It was at the end of a long path. There wasnt another house in sight. There was a small forest behind it,

9、and fields on either side.(Text 5)M: When I m at the library, I like to sit at the long tables in the reference section. Its quiet there.W: I prefer to read in the comfortable chairs in the history area.M: But therere always too many people talking there.(Text 6)W: Good morning. Can I help you?M: He

10、llo. Margaret. This is Dave. Im at the airport and I want to check the flights of the passengers Im meeting.W: Oh, OK, Dave. Go ahead.M: Right. The Spanish flight arrives at 4:50 and fight 1550 from France arrives at 6:00. The 6:50 one from Italy has been delayed. Is that all of them?W: Yeah, thats

11、all.(Text 7)M: Can I take my phone into the exam hall if I turn it off?W: No mobiles are allowed in the exam hall. You can put it in your bag, though.M: OK, but then what do I do with my bag?W: Bags go in the lockers outside the hall. There are keys in the doors. Just lock the door and take the key

12、with you. When youve put your things away, go to the main door of the exam hall and show the teacher your student ID card.M: OK, I see. And when I get into the exam hall, I need to look for my examination number. Is that the same number as my ID card?W: Yes, thats right.M: So where should I look for

13、 it?W: Your examination number will be on a desk.M: Ahh right. Thank you very much.W: No problem. Good luck.(Text 8)M: Do you want to plan a trip for us for the summer break?W: Thats right. I heard there are some little villages with beautiful scenery and interesting shops.M: Oh no. I dont want to s

14、pend my holiday watching you shop. Anyway, we dont have that much money.W: Youre right. We dont have that much money. I just heard there are some really nice arts in the villages. Id like to have a look. The best place to find a good variety of local artworks such as paintings and handmade jewellery

15、 is Richmond. The only trouble is that there arent any places to eat. Luckily, there are some great restaurants and cafs 20 minutes away in Rosemount.M: Great! Are there any youth hotels around there?W: Yes, theres one in Richmond. But what about sleeping in a tent? We havent done that for ages and we dont have much money to stay in a hotel.M: Sounds fun. Thats a good idea. Is there a site in Richmond?W: There is but Id only stay there if neces


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