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1、七年级(下)第九周周考英语试卷Class: _ Name: _复习练习一根据句意用括号内所给的单词的适当形式填空。 1. I like to watch the girl _ (play) with the dog.2. Those pandas are _ (kind) of cute.3. Look! Everyone is _ (have) a good time in the park.4. There are a lot of _ (cloud) in the sky. Its _ (cloud).5. Thank you for _ (join) our school show.6

2、. Its a little hot because its _ (sun).7. These people are taking _ (photo) in the park.8. Who is _ (sing) in the room?9. There are two _ (scarf) in the room.10. Look! It is _ (snow).11. My sister _ (clean) her room every day.12. Mike is dancing and _ (sing) in his room.13. There _ (be) a park and m

3、any shops near our school.14. There is a hotel in the _ (neighbor).15. Most boys enjoy _ (watch) basketball games.16. Kate, do you want _ (see) the tigers.17. Its half past six now. I _ (read) a book.18. Uncle Joe _ (not watch) TV now. He _ (listen) to music.19. Tom is like any other _ (child) in he

4、r family.20. Mary always _ (wish) to buy a new bike.21. I teach you and then you can do it _ (easy).22. This music sounds _ (relax).23. We want to see the tigers _ (one).二. 翻译句子。1. 那个小男孩处境十分危险。 The little boy _.2. 人们砍伐大量的树木。People _ many trees.3. 不要忘记去打扫你的房间。 Dont _ your room.4. 这是一种好运气的象征。 This is

5、_ good luck.5. 我们的英语老师对我们很好。 Our English teacher _.6. 长颈鹿有点害羞。 Giraffes are _.7. 在我的生日聚会上,大家玩得正开心。 Everyone is _ at my birthday party.8. 上海的天气怎样? _ the _ in Shanghai?9. 我们去看电影吧! _!10. 他正在给雪人拍照吗? _ he _ the snowman?11. 一些人正在公园唱歌,另一些人正在跳舞。 In the park, some people _ songs, and _ are _.12. 谢谢你的来信。 _ yo

6、ur letter.13. 你们需要穿校服吗? Do you need _.14. 银行就在邮局的对面。 The bank _ the post office.15. 张明看了一整天的电视。 Zhang Ming _.16. 那两头狮子来自非洲。 The two lions _.17. 你为什么不喜欢看书呢? _ like reading books?18. 她正在等公共汽车吗? _ she _ the bus?19. 李军希望在2013年得到一份好工作。 Li Jun _ a good job in 2013.20. 对于我们来说,今天和其他任何一天都一样,我们很忙。 It is like

7、_ for us today; we are all busy.21. 你哥哥喜欢玩电脑游戏吗? _ your brother like _?22. 一切进展怎么样? _?23. 你的寒假过得怎么样? How is your _?24. 我家旁边有一个大超市,我经常去那儿购物。 _ a big supermarket _ my home. I often _ there.25. 我认为生活中最棒的事就是快乐。 I think _ in life are happy.26. 萨利花了4个小时的时间练习跳舞。 Sally _ four hours _.27. 时间飞逝!现在我是个中学生了。 _!

8、Im a middle school student now.28. 他的妈妈看上去有几分老。 His mother _.29. 在公园的右边有付费电话吗? _ a pay phone _ of the park?30. 很多人到海滩度假。 Many people go to the beach _.三选择题。1. Toms little sister is only eight _. A. months old B. month old C. years old D. year-old2. I cant see any _ animals in the small zoo. There ar

9、e only some monkeys and birds. A. another B. other C. the others D. others3. My mother doesnt remember _ a hat, but I remember. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. buys4. -Lets go to the park on Sunday afternoon. - _ A. That sounds interesting. B. Thanks a lot. C. Yes, we are. D. Thats all right.5. They a

10、re doing their _ in the classroom. A. homework B. a homework C. homeworks D. an homework6. He has _ big family. His family _ eating dinner now. A. a; is B. a; are C. the; is D. the; are7. - Hi, Jenny. _ speaking. - Oh, hi, Tony. A. Im Tony B. This is Tony C. That is Tony D. There is Tony8. -Lets watch TV after lunch. - _. A. Yes, Id love to B. Sorry, Im not C. I dont know D. Thats a good idea9. - Could you tell him to _. - Sure, of course. A. call back me B. call me back C. call me D. call back10. - Where is Bob? - He is _


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