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1、第一学期三年级英语期末试卷班级_姓名_签名_听力部分(40%)一听录音,选出你所听到的字母或单词,听两遍。(10%)()1. A.GH B.LG C.GJ()2. A.pdb B.bdp C.bpd()3. A.QPO B.OPQ C.POQ()4. A.skirt B.T-shirt C.shirt()5. A.sweet B.cake C.pie()6. A.doll B.ball C.car()7. A.egg B.cake C.pie()8. A.brother B.sister C.birthday()9. A.morningB.mother C.evening()10. A.Mis

2、s B.Mr. C.Mike 二听录音,选出你所听到的句子,听两遍。(5%)( )1.A.Would you like a ball? B.Would you like a cake ?( )2.A.Its a cap. B.This is a cap. ( )3.A.What about a car? B.What about a robot ?( )4.A.The doll is for you. B. The ball is for you .( )5.A.Happy New Year. B. Happy Birthday. 三听录音,根据所听内容给下列图片标号,听两遍。(5%)1( )

3、 2( )3( )4 ( )5 ( )四听录音,根据所听内容给下列句子标号,听两遍(5%)( ) 1.What about a cake? ( )2. This is for you, Helen.( )3. Hello, shes my sister. ( )4. Are you SuHai?( )5.What colour is it now? 五听录音,选出正确的应答,听两遍。(5%)( )1. A. Good afternoon B. Good morning.( )2. A. How nice . B. Thank you .( )3. A. Would you like an eg

4、g? B. Yes .please .( )4. A. Its an orange B. whats this?( )5. A. Nice to meet you.Helen B. Hi .Yang Ling 六听录音,填入所缺的单词,每空一词,听三遍。(10%)1_ is Wang Bing. _my_.2.Look at my_ _.3.Whats_? Its _ _.4.Id _ a_. 笔试部分(60%)七选出不同类的单词。(5%) ( ) 1. A. orange B.brown C. cap ( ) 2. A. family B. sister C. brother ( )3. A

5、.he B.she C.my ( ) 4. A.nice B.great C.how ( ) 5. A. am B. is C.he 八写出字母的左邻右舍。(5%) Jj Ss OoXx Ll九英汉互译。(10%)1. 我的朋友们_ 2. 一件新的夹克衫_3. 一个冰淇凌_ 4. 那是什么? _5. 看 _ 6. What about? _7. my family_ 8. a ball_9. thank you_ 10. Its great._十根据首字母填空,不需重复写第一个字母,每条横线只写一个单词。(10%)1. Look,this is m_ n_ skirt.2. Would y_

6、like a p_?3. N_ to m_ you.4. W_ colour is the cap? Its y_.5.Its a doll. Its f_ Helen.6.H_ Birthday, Bobby! 十一选择正确答案。(10%)( )1. _ a cake?A. Whats B. Would youC. What about( )2._this? _a hot dog.A. What; It B. Whats; ItC. Whats; Its( )3This is my father. _.A. Nice to meet you. B. Yes, he is.C. Thank y

7、ou.( )4Is that your T-shirt? No, _.A. it is B. it isnt C. that is( )5_ Alice(艾莉丝). Shes _ friend.A. She; her B. Hes; my C. Shes; my( )6- _ is it? Its red.A. What colour B. Whats colour C. What( )7开学了,老师叫刘涛在班级作自我介绍,刘涛应该说:A. This is Liu Tao. B. Im Liu Tao. C. Good morning, Liu Tao.( )8当你买东西时,售货员会说:A.

8、What do you have ? B. Can I help you ? C. What do you like ?( )9你想问哪只钢笔是刘涛的时,说:A. Whose is this pen?B. Whos Liu Tao. C. Which is your pen, Liu Tao?( )10别人向你道歉时,你说A. All right. B. OK. C. Its all right.十二在栏中找出与栏相对应的答句,将其序号填入题前括号内(8%) ( )1. What colour? A. No, thank you.( )2. Do you like cakes? B. Yes, I do.( )3. Its for you. C. Its blue and white.( )4. Would you like a toy car? D. Thank you. 十三. 连词成句,注意大小写和标点。(10%)1. you nice meet to Mike (, . )_2. robot is Helen this for (.)_3. at, new, look, rubber, my ( . )_4. Skirt green my is new ( . )_5.like some(一些) would milk(牛奶) you ( ? )_



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