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1、1 双语中学双语中学 20182018 届高中一年级第一次招生考试届高中一年级第一次招生考试 英英 语语 试试 题题 一 听力测试 共 25 小题 1 20 小题 每小题 1 分 21 25 小题 每小题 2 分 总计 30 分 每小题约有 8 秒钟的答题时间 一 录音中有五个句子 每个句子听两遍 然后从每小题 A B C 中选出能对每个 句子做出适当反应的答语 5 分 1 A At 5 00 pm B You are so kind C Twice a week 2 A Thank you all the time B Sounds good C I don t think so 3 A Y

2、es it s on the second floor B Yes it sells toys C No there is a music area 4 A I don t like it B Salad please C I ll take it 5 A No you needn t B That s very kind of you C Yes you wouldn t 二 录音中有三个句子 每个句子对应一幅图片 每个句子听两遍 然后选择与句 子内容相对应的图片 3 分 6 7 8 A B C 三 录音中有五组对话 听对话两遍后 从每小题 A B C 中选出能回答所给问题 的正确答案 5

3、分 9 Which does Lucy like better fruit or bread A Cake B Fruit C Bread 10 Where is the woman going A The supermarket B His new house C We don t know 11 Who likes reading alone A Jim B Mary C Sarah 12 Whose birthday is it A Bob s B Julia s C John s 13 Why is snow bad news for the man A He can t go hom

4、e B He lost his hat and gloves C He does not have his hat and gloves with him 2 四 录音中有一段长对话 听对话两遍后 从每小题 A B C 中选出能回答所给问 题的正确答案 4 分 14 What are the two speakers talking about A Their business plans B Their travel plans C Their weekend plans 15 What will the man speaker probably do on Saturday morning

5、 A Go shopping B Stay at home C See a movie 16 When will the film start A At 7 o clock B At 7 30 C At 8 o clock 17 Who is coming to see the woman speaker on the weekend A Her sister B Her cousin C Her grandfather 五 录音中有三小段独白 听独白两遍后 根据独白内容 将信息配对 3 分 18 Nicole A Hangzhou 19 Lin Feng B Beijing 20 Wang

6、Wei C Qingdao 六 听力填表 共 5 小题 录音播放前 你有 20 秒钟的读题时间 10 分 录音中有一篇短文 听短文两遍后 请你根据表格内容提示 完成表格 每空一词 Our town Introduction Our town has changed a lot in the last 21 years Jobs In the past most people worked as fisherman or 22 Now many people work in 23 factories office or banks Activities Young people like goi

7、ng to swimming pool and the 24 Older people like going to the beach or the restaurants There are football matches and races in the sports center 25 a week 二 阅读理解 共 20 小题 每小题 2 5 分 计 50 分 阅读下列短文 从各题 A B C D 中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案 A A few years ago my husband and I were on an island for a week with ou

8、r two little daughters As we talked about what to do next our daughters jumped in and told us exactly what they wanted to do We agreed As soon as we walked into the main area of Butterfly Museum we saw thousands of beautiful butterflies They all flew with their colorful wings My girls were jumping u

9、p and down And I knew we had made the right decision to come to the museum They were having so much fun I turned to our guide and asked curiously How long do butterflies live she said About ten days What can butterflies do in ten days The guide stopped looked at me and said They make the world a mor

10、e beautiful place 3 After we said goodbye I couldn t stop thinking about what the guide had said She was right We all have something to offer the world If we all spend time doing what we can do for others we can make the world a better place 26 What did the girls want to do A Go to visit an island B

11、 Visit Butterfly Museum C Listen to the guide D Make the world beautiful 27 What made the writer think they had made the right decision A They were welcome in the museum B She saw thousands of beautiful butterflies C Her daughters were having a good time D She knew how long butterflies lived 28 The

12、underline word curiously means A 害怕地 B 自豪地 C 好奇地 D 愤怒地 29 How can we make the world a better place A By visiting some museums B By talking with a guide C By living a happy and healthy life D By doing what we can do for others 30 Which is the proper time order 顺序 of what happened a The girls enjoyed

13、themselves in Butterfly Museum b My husband and I talked about what to do next c The guide told me how the butterflies spent their life d I kept thinking about the guide s words A b a c d B a b d c C a d b c D a b c d B Everybody Should Say Thank You to Ray TomGnson Why should you thank Ray Tomlinso

14、n You might have never heard of his name before but do you know that the e mail you use every day was his child Ray Tomlinson is known as the father of e mail He was born in New York in 1941 He attended college at the Renaselaer Polytechnic Institute where he took part in a program with IBM and in 1

15、963 he received a bachelor 学士 of Science in electrical engineering In 1971 Ray created the first e 一 mail system which allowed people to send messages electronically from the same computer But he thought that there might also be a way to send messages from different computers which led to the birth

16、of the e mail we know now He chose the sign to separate local from global emails in the mailing address I used the sign to show that the user was at some other hosts rather than being local said Ray in an interview person to person network email was born and user host became the standard for email addresses as it remainstoday 4 Ray Tomlinson died at the age of 74 Thanks Ray Tomlinson for inventing the email and putting the sign on the map Though he may not be famous as Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Ga


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