人教PEP版小学英语三年级下册Unit 4 Part A 第1课时 教学课件PPT

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1、Unit4Whereismycar PEP 三年级下册 PartALet stalk Let splay Enjoyasong Whereismyball Theballismissing Whereistheball Isitinthedesk No it snotinthedesk Lookfortheball Whereistheball Isitonthedesk No it snotonthedesk Whereistheball Isitunderthedesk Yes it sunderthedesk Learnthesentences Oh Ican tfindmyEnglis

2、hbooknow Canyouhelpme It sinyourhand Oh sillyme 我真傻 Practice ZhangPengandJohnaregoinghome Whataretheylookingfor Q1 WhereisZhangPeng spencilbox Q2 WhereisZhangPeng spencil Q1 WhereisZhangPeng spencilbox Q2 WhereisZhangPeng spencil It sinZhangPeng sdesk It sunderZhangPeng sbook Let sgohome Uh oh Where

3、ismypencilbox OK Role play Look It sinyourdesk Oh yes Andyourpencil It sunderyourbook Sillyme Thanks 我真傻 Let splay Whereismy It s the under desk A let sgo B OK A Uh oh Whereismy B Look It s your A Sillyme Thanks home keys in hand Makeupadialogue Whereismy It s the on under in egg in bag Makeyourowndialogues Whereismy It s the on under in 开心大糖果 点击每颗糖果 根据图片完成句子 Playagame The is the Whereisthe Blackboarddesign Unit4Whereismycar 1 Readthedialogueof let stalk threetimes 2 Lookforobjectsaroundyouanddescribetheirlocations 3 Dotheexercises Homework


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