人教PEP版小学英语三年级下册Unit 1 Part B 第6课时 教学设计

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1、The sixth period(第六课时)Part B Start to read & Lets check & Lets sing教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标Start to read能够通过图文匹配,在语境中强化对he , she用法的理解能够顺利完成读后打勾的活动,并能按照正确的语音语调朗读句子能够通过观察图片理解例句,在有意义的语境中仿写核心句Lets check能够根据图片信息预测听力考查点,并完成相关练习Lets sing能够在音频教师的帮助下了解歌词意思,并学会清晰准确地演唱教学重点能够完成听音练习,强化对he, she用法的理解教学难点能够通过观察图片理解例句,在有

2、意义的语境中仿写核心句教学准备1.预习状元大课堂创优作业100分状元作业本中本课时的相关内容2. PPT课件课文录音视频人物头饰等Teaching purpose以谈话导入,以歌曲热身,激发学生的学习兴趣,创造英语学习氛围Chain work式的自我介绍,既让学生在活动中复习旧知,同时也可以锻炼他们综合运用语言的能力教学过程7Step 1: Warm-up & Revision1.Greetings.T: Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: Welcome back to our class. Nice to see you aga

3、in.Ss: Nice to see you, too.T: How are you today?Ss: Very well, thank you!2.Sing a song. (播放课件)T: Do you still remember the song: A is for apple, a, a, apple, B is for ball, b, b, ball?Ss: Yes.T: Lets sing it, OK?Ss: OK! A is for apple, a, a, apple, B is for ball, b, b, ball3.Chain work.T: Well, you

4、re all good singers! Now, choose a country you like, then introduce yourselves. Ill divide you into four groups to make a competition. Lets “drive the train”. Are you ready?Ss: Yes!T: OK! One, two, three, go!S1: Hi, S2. Im from Where are you from?Teaching purpose借助头脑风暴,引导学生通过给定图片展开联想,激活学生已有的知识储备,复习本

5、单元有关国家的名称建筑及其代表性动物S2: Im from Hello, S3! Where are you from?S3: Im from Hello, S4! Where are you from?Step 2: Presentation1.Brainstorm.(1) Show Chinas flag on the PPT. (出示课件)The teacher points to the flag of China and asks, “What can you think of?”Ss: When we see this flag, we can think of China, th

6、e Great Wall, the Tiananmen Square, the Palace Museum, the panda and so on. (课件出示:长城天安门广场故宫和熊猫等照片)T: What about other flags? What can you think of?(2) Show other flags, such as the USAs, the UKs, Canadas and Australias. (课件依次出示美国英国加拿大和澳大利亚的国旗)Lead students to discuss. Students can say whatever they

7、think of.Teaching purpose在活动中操练本单元重点句型,避免形式单一的朗读以小组为单位,培养学生的合作竞争意识,提高学生学习英语的积极性2.Group work.Three students work in a group to practice the dialogue and act it out. Choose the best group. Make an example:A: Hi, Im a boy/girl. Im fromB: This is A. He / She is a boy/girl. He / She is from Im a boy/girl

8、. Im fromC: This is A. He / She is a boy/girl. He / She is from This is B. He / She is a boy/girl. He / She is from Im a boy/girl. Im fromTeaching purpose通过看图说话复习本单元介绍他人的句型,为Read and tick板块的练习做准备充分利用多媒体进行范教,并引导学生养成按意群读句子的习惯,培养学生的阅读策略3.Look and say.Show the pictures of Mike, John, Miss White, Zhang P

9、eng (课件出示: 以上人物照片) Lead students to introduce them by the following sentences. (课件出示:以下三个句子)This isHe / She is aHe / She is from4.Read and tick.Teaching purpose将书本知识和学生的实际生活紧密结合,让学生体会到英语的“实用性”,更乐于学习英语(1) Let students look at the four pictures carefully, then read and try to tick the right sentences.

10、 (课件出示:教材P9 Read and tick的四幅图片)(2) Play the recording. (课件出示:教材P9 Read and tick的音频) Students listen to the recording and check the answers.(3) Students read the text after the recording, then practice by themselves according to sense group and pausing.5.Choose and introduce.Show a picture of the cla

11、ss. (课件出示:班级大合影) Students can choose one classmate to introduce him/her by the following sentence structures:This isTeaching purpose教师通过问题引导学生观察并讨论图片,借助图片预测听力内容,培养学生的观察能力和逻辑推理能力有意识地听录音选择图片,培养良好的学习习惯和方法He / She is aHe / She is fromStep 3: Practice1.Listen and number.(1) Let students look at the pictu

12、res and predict the main ideas of the pictures. (课件出示:教材P10 Listen and number的四幅图片)T: Look at Picture 1. Who are they? What are they doing? Can you guess?Ss: TheyreT: What about Picture 2/3/4?Ss: They are(2) Listen to the recording and number the pictures. Students give the answer.(3) Listen again,

13、then check the answer.Teaching purpose“谁更快”的游戏设计将学生情绪推向高潮既活跃课堂气氛,又让学生在游戏中加强对单词的记忆2. Look and match.(1) Who is faster?Show the words “boy, girl, she, he, teacher, student” on the PPT one by one in a fast way. (课件快速闪现以上六个单词,可重复可变换速度) Students need to say what they see as quickly as they can.(2) Show s

14、ome pictures that are familiar to students, such as Yi Yangqianxi, Yao Ming, Zhao Liying, Yang ZiLead students to use the words to match them.(3) Students look at the picture in the book. Match the words to the characters, then check the answers.Step 4: Consolidation & Extension1.Lets sing.Teaching

15、purpose通过图片视频及教师提问等帮助学生理解歌词,并学唱歌曲用问题引导学生理解故事内容跟读并表演故事,帮助学生按正确的语音语调朗读对话(1) Read and understand.Lead students to read the words of the song. The teacher explains the meaning.(2) Learn to sing.Play the recording for the first time. Students sing after the recording.(3) Sing together.2.Story time.(1) Students read the story by themselves.(2) The teacher asks some questions.Who is big? Who is clever? Who becomes the teacher lastly?Students watch the video, then answer


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