广东省专版 广州市八年级(下)期中英语试卷45

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1、广东省广州市八年级(下)期中英语试卷题号IIIIIIIVVVI总分得分一、完形填空(本大题共25小题,共30.0分) Body language is very important in our daily life Debbie and Simon are students. They both have part-time jobs at a travel company. One day, a well-dressed lady (1)the office. She looked at Debbie and Simon,(2)then walked over to Debbie. Deb

2、bie gave her a (3)greeting. Simon sighed and walked away. He didnt understand (4) people always chose Debbie (5)him. Mr.Yang told him that it was the way he communicated. After Simon learned this, he (6) improve his body language. He sat up straight and tried smiling at people. He succeeded in makin

3、g a good impression (7)other people Eye contact means looking into another persons eyes. This is a very important part of body language. It can be the key(8)communication. Eye contact can show feelings (9) friendliness, interest and understanding. In Western countries, (10) eye contact in conversati

4、ons is very important. If you do not use eye contact, westerners may think that you are not listening. And if you look away, they may also think that you are lying. (11) In many Asian countries,looking down when taking with (12), like a teacher or a parent, is polite. These differences can cause pro

5、blems. For example, an Asian person might look down while listening to a Western speaker. The Western speaker might think this person is not interested in what he or she is saying. Not using eye contact can cause problems, but using too much is not polite(13) In many countries, watching other people

6、,(14) strangers, for a long time is impolite. This may make them (15) nervous1. A. enterB. enteredC. enter toD. entered to2. A. soB. butC. /D. and3. A. cheerB. cheeredC. cheerfulD. cheerfully4. A. whyB. thatC. reasons D. /5. A. becauseB. because ofC. insteadD. instead of6. A. decided onB. decide onC

7、. decided toD. decide to7. A. onB. atC. ofD. in8. A. ofB. towardC. towardsD. to9. A. for exampleB. such asC. the same asD. as like10. A. useB. usedC. usingD. useful11. A. ButB. HoweverC. ThoughD. so12. A. a old personB. an old personC. a older personD. an older person13. A. alsoB. tooC. eitherD. as

8、well14. A. specialB. especiallyC. speciallyD. especial15. A. feelB. to feelC. haveD. to haveFire is a good servant but a bad masterThis is an old English sayingWhat does it mean? At one time people did not(16)_how to make fire,then they learnt how to make itthey also learnt how to use it They used i

9、t to keep warm and drive away(17)_They also learnt how to cook food with itFire served people well and is still serving them well But sometimes a building(18)_ fireSometimes a building is destroyed and people lose their homesSometimes people even lose their livesFire is not the servant thenIt has be

10、come the(19)_! Why do fires begin?What starts them?There are many causes of firePerhaps an electric heater is knocked overSometimes a heater is placed too(20)_some clothesYoung children are sometimes allowed to play with matches by their parentsCan you think of any other causes of fire? When a fire

11、begins,we must(21)_ the firemenDo you know how to do this?Go to the nearest telephone and dial the number 119The firemen will arrive quicklyThey have long ladders to(22)_high windowsThey first save the People(23)_in the fire and send the injured (受伤的)people to hospitalWhen all the people have been s

12、aved,the firemen(24)_ the fireSometimes it is very difficultPeople sometimes keep lots of things that(25)_easily in their homeThis makes the fire much bigger16. A. knowB. workC. showD. want17. A. foreignersB. robotsC. friendsD. animals18. A. setsB. catchesC. makesD. lost19. A. masterB. servantC. stu

13、dentD. teacher20. A. thinB. thickC. nearD. dirty21. A. getB. callC. rememberD. tell22. A. getB. reachC. arriveD. ask23. A. catchingB. caughtC. playedD. living24. A. put offB. put awayC. put onD. put out25. A. burnB. useC. showD. break二、阅读理解(本大题共20小题,共40.0分)AHere is a menu for a fast food restaurantT

14、he prices are in American money,called dollars and cents There are 100cents in a dollar 根据表格内容,选择正确答案26. From the menu,how much is a small hamburger?_A. One hundred and eighty dollarsB. Two dollars and thirty centsC. Eighty centsD. One dollar and eighty cents27. If you have only three dollars,what c

15、an you buy?_A. A large salad and a large ice creamB. A large chicken burger and a small cup of teaC. A small vegetable burger and a large chocolateD. An apple pie and a large hamburger with cheese28. Jam is a kind of_A. main mealsB. side dishesC. dessertsD. drinks29. What cant we buy in the restaurant?_A. CoffeeB. FriesC. HamburgersD. Be


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