五年级下册英语教案-Unit3 Asking the way Sound time |译林版(三起)

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1、小学英语(五年级下册)Unit 3 Asking the way (Period 3)Teaching contents教学内容Cartoon time,Culture time, Sound timeTeaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:1学生能理解朗读Sound time小诗,并掌握sh字母组合的发音;2 能正确地理解并朗读Cartoon对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。3 通过本课学习,学生能够了解美式英语和英式英语的不同。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学

2、重难点:1学生能理解朗读Sound time小诗,并掌握sh字母组合的发音;2 能正确地理解并朗读Cartoon对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。Preparation教学准备:板书,多媒体课件,故事插图Teaching procedures教学过程:Step 1 Warming-up and lead-in1 T: Good morning!Ss: Good morning!T: Today, lets continue to learn Unit3. First, here are our learning aims today. (1)To know the sound of

3、sh; (2)To understand Culture time; (3)To read and act the Cartoon time.T:Look, Tina and Bobby are talking about their daily plan. First, they want to go to the shoe shop .How do they get to the shoe shop? Can you help them? You can use the sentences here. First, go along.Street. Turn.at the.traffic

4、lights. Next, go along.Street. Then,.Its on your.Step 2 Sound timeT: Now Tina and Bobby are in the shoe shop,they meet a girl. Look at the picture.Whats her name? What does she like? (1)Lets listen to the tape and answer. (2)Check the answer. (3)Read the rhyme. (4)Learn the sound of sh; T: Pay atten

5、tion to the red letters “sh”. What sound do they make? (带读几遍) T: Can you tell me more words that including “sh” and making the same sound? (sheep,ship,she,shirt,wash,brush,dish,fish,push, mushroom.) Step 3 Culture timeT:Bobby wants to go to the toilet. They are asking the way again. Look,they are as

6、king a girl.(齐读对话) Where is the toilet? Sorry, I dont know. Where is the restroom?Oh, I see. Go along this street, you can see it at the end of the street.Thank you!T: The girl knows restroom, but she doesnt know the toilet.Because there are some differences between American English and British Engl

7、ish.(齐读Culture time)Step 4 Cartoon timeT:We know, Bobby and Tina are going to the cinema.How do Bobby and Tina go to the cinema? (1)Watch the Cartoon and answer How do Bobby and Tina go to the cinema? (2) Read after the tape(3) Read together(4) Act the story in groups of three.Homework1. Read and re

8、cite the story of Cartoon Time. 2. Find more words that are different in American English and British English.3. Recite the Sound time.Blackboard design Unit 3 Asking the way sh /t/sheep ship she shorts shirt wash brush dish fish push mushroom First, go along.Street. Turn.at the.traffic lights.Next, go along.Street.Then,.Its on your.


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