五年级下册英语教案-Unit 6 Work quietly! A Let’s spell 人教PEP版

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1、Unit6 A Lets spell教案一、教学内容本节课内容是人教PEP五年级下册Unit 6 Work quietly! Part A Lets spell.二、教学目标1. 能够按照正确的语音、语调朗读字母w以及字母组合wh的发音。2. 能够听、说、读、写字母w以及字母组合wh的发音。3. 能够在句型中正确运用以wh开头的特殊疑问词。4. 能够在情境中运用以wh开头的特殊疑问词引导的特殊疑问句及回答。三、教学重难点1. 能够正确拼读和书写字母组合wh的开头的特殊疑问词。2. 正确运用以wh开头的特殊疑问词引导的特殊疑问句并回答。四、教学准备多媒体课件、单词卡片。五、教学过程Step 1:

2、 Greeting Step 2: Brainstorming Before our class, lets have a brainstorming. (To review the words with “w” or “wh”) Step 3: Presentation 1. 学习由字母w开头的单词的发音/w/。(1) PPT显示由字母w开头的单词,让学生总结相同的字母w,教师引导学生发音/w/. 教师领读,学生跟读。练习分为三种形式:我会认,听音辩词;我会读;我会写,听音写字母。用同样的方法出示字母组合wh开头的单词,让学生总结相同的字母组合,教师播放视频,学生总结字母组合wh有两种不同的

3、发音,即,发/w/和/h/. 教师领读,学生跟读。练习分为两种形式:我会认,听音辩词;我会写,听音写字母。2. 练习以wh开头的特殊疑问词的用法(1) what的含义和用法,然后造句并编对话。T: Do you know the words “what”? Whats the meaning?Ss: 什么。T: And what is to ask things or do some things. For example, what colour is it? Who can make some sentences?S1: .T: Who can make some dialogues?S2

4、: .(2) when的含义和用法,然后造句并编对话。T: Do you know the words “what”? Whats the meaning?Ss: 什么时候。T: And when is to ask time. For example, when is summer vacation? Who can make some sentences?S1: .T: Who can make some dialogues?S2: .(3) where的含义和用法,然后造句并编对话。T: Do you know the words “where”? Whats the meaning?S

5、s: 哪儿。T: And where is to ask place. For example, where is my pen? Who can make some sentences?S1: .T: Who can make some dialogues?S2: .(4) who的含义和用法,然后造句并编对话。T: Do you know the words “who”? Whats the meaning?Ss: 谁。T: And who is to ask people. For example, who is that man? Who can make some sentences

6、?S1: .T: Who can make some dialogues?S2: .(5) whose的含义和用法,然后造句并编对话。T: Do you know the words “whose”? Whats the meaning?Ss: 谁的。T: Who can make some sentences?S1: .T: Who can make some dialogues?S2: .3. 用Lets chant巩固。I will chant first, you can chant following me. 教师先说一遍,学生拍手说一遍。Step4: Practice 1. 练习以

7、wh开头引导的特殊疑问句。Play a game: Im in the picture.You may use the sentences like these: Who are you? / Who is he? Where are you? When is it?What are you doing?Which season is it?2. Work in pairs. 同桌互练 Step5: Consolidation and extension1. 篇章听力练习 Listen and answerQuestion1: Whats the weather like today? Que

8、stion2: What are the monkeys doing?2. 篇章阅读练习Read and write主要让学生练习以wh开头引导的特殊疑问词的用法Now there are some exercises for you, you should fill in the blanks with the words “wh”.3. 如果时间允许的话,可以让学生复述故事内容。Step 6: Summary T: Today, we have learned some words with “w” and “wh”, they have different pronunciation.S

9、tep7: Assignment You can do these after class.1) Read the words with “wh”. 2) Listen to the passage on page 68.3) Retell the story.Im so happy today, lets say “Goodbye” to each other. (Sing the song about “Goodbye”)OK, so much for today, thank you for your listening. Step 8: Blackboard design Unit 6 Work quietly!Part A Lets spell.where whowhat whosewhen


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