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1、.专业整理.四年级上册知识点总结Unit 1 My friends1、 词汇:window窗户 blackboard 黑板 light 灯 picture 图画 door 门 floor 地板 classroom教室 computer 计算机 teachers desk 讲台 wall 墙 fan电扇 二、句型:1、Whats in the classroom ? 教室里面有什么? Many desks and chairs. 许多课桌和椅子。2、 Lets clean our classroom .让我们一起打扫教室吧 OK. 好。 Good idea . 好主意。 All right .好

2、的。3、Wheres my seat ?我的座位在哪里? Its near the door.它在门的附近。 4、Look at the picture .看那幅图画。Its nice .它很好看。5、We have a new classroom,.我们有一个新教室。 Lets go and have a look.让我们一起去看看吧。 Its so big.它很大。 The wall is white.墙是白色的。 6、Let me clean the window.让我来擦窗户。 Good job!做得好! 三、语法:1. Where 引导的特殊疑问句:Where“哪里”,看到where

3、就要想到地点方位词,例如:on,in,under,near,behind等。2. Lets = Let us让我们 Let me 让我疑问词意义用法特殊疑问句例句what什么用来问是什么,叫什么做什么等1. Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?2. Whats your father?你爸爸是干什么的?3. what is in your box? 你的盒子里是什么?4 what is weather like in Beijing?What time什么时间用来问时间1.What time is it? 几点了?2.What time is it now? 现在几点了?What

4、about怎么样用来征求意见或询问感受等,大多用于承接上面的同样问题1.what bout this pair of shoes?这双鞋子怎么样?2.what about you? 你呢?3.what about your dad?你爸爸呢?How many多少用来问数量1.How many apples do you have? 你有多少苹果?2.How many students are there in your class ?你班有多少学生?How old几岁用来问年龄1.how old are you? 你几岁了?2. how old is your father? 你爸爸多大了?H

5、ow about怎么样用法与what about相同1. how about you? 你呢?2.how about that shirt? 那件衬衣怎么样?where哪里用来问地点1. where is my ruler? 我的尺子在哪里?2.where are you from? 你是哪里人?3. where are you going to ? 你打算去哪里?How much多少钱用来问价格1.how much is this dress? 这个连衣裙多少钱?2.how much are these desks? 这些桌子多少钱?who谁用来问人物是谁1.who is that boy?

6、那个男孩是谁?2. who are you ? 你是谁 ?3. Who is that pretty lady?那个漂亮的女士是谁?whose谁的用来问东西是谁的1. whose bag is this? 这是谁的包?2.whose bike is yellow? 谁的自行车是黄色的?how怎么样用来询问身体等状况1. how are you? 你好吗?2. how is your mother? 你妈妈好吗?特殊疑问句练习1、 选择正确的特殊疑问词填空(who,where,what,how,how many,how much)1. _isthatprettygirl?Sheismysiste

7、r.2. _areJackandTom?Theyarebehindyou.3. -_hasabeautifulflower?-Johnhasabeautifulflower.4. -_ismymother?-Sheisinthelivingroom.5. -_areyoufrom? - ImfromChangchuncity.6_ milkdoyouneed?-Threecups.7.Excuseme,_isthenearest(最近 的)bookshop?8._is your fathers job?9._are you? Fine,thanks.10._ is it?-Five yuan.

8、Unit 2 My schoolbag一、词汇:Chinese book语文书 English book英语书 maths book 数学书 schoolbag书包 storybook故事书 notebook笔记本candy 糖果 notebook 笔记本 toy 玩具句型:1、 How many books do you have ?你有几本书? I have six.我有6本。 Six .6本2、I have a new schoolbag.我有一个新书包。 What colour is it?它是什么颜色的。 Its black and white.它是黑色和白色的。 3、May I h

9、ave a look?我可以看看吗? Sure. Here you are.当然可以。给你。 4、How many English books can you see?你能看见几本英语书? I can see .Sorry, too many.我可以看到.对不起,太多了。5、My schoolbag is heavy.我的书包太重了。 Whats in it?它里面有什么? Many books.有许多书。 三。语法What colour 引导的特殊疑问句,问的是颜色,回答中肯定有例如black,red等表示颜色的词。单元练习题( )1. I have _ English book. A a

10、B is C an ( ) 2. Put your maths book _your desk. A at B on C the ( ) 3. -Let me help you. - _. A Thank you B Here you are C Youre right ( ) 4.-I have a new schoolbag. -_? A Good B Really C No ( )5. Lets _and see. A go B to go C Go to( ) 6. Turn _ the light. A B on C in ( ) 7. I have _ English book a

11、nd _maths book. A a; a B a; an C an; a ( )8. -Whats in the classroom? -Two doors and _chairs. A many B may C much ( ) 9. _in your hand ? A Where B What C Whats ( )10._is it? A What B What colour C How many ( ) 11.There are 15_in the bag. A pen B pens C a pen ( ) 12.How many _do you have? A English books B English C English book ( ) 13-I lost my Chinese book. -_. A Thank you B Here it is C OK ( )14. Whats in _schoolbag? A you B your C I( ) 15.-Whats in your


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