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1、1 SectionSection LanguageLanguage Points LessonPoints Lesson 4 4 CommunicationCommunication WorkshopWorkshop CultureCulture CornerCorner Bulletin Bulletin Board Board 语 言 基 础 自 测 单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示 写出下列单词 1 1 The fighting between the two sides injured the innocent 无辜的 bystanders 2 2 A new star attracte

2、d the notice of the astronomer 天文学家 3 3 I saw a scene 场面 like this once in a horror movie 4 4 She s taking some of the load 工作量 off the secretaries 5 5 Can I interrupt 打断 you just for a minute 6 6 This plan is worth of serious consideration 7 7 We concluded not to attend the meeting 8 8 A thin jacke

3、t is a poor protection against cold 9 9 Excessive smoking is harmful to one s health 1010 The form the human family takes is a response to environmental pressures 拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示 写出下列单词 1 1 innocent adj 天真无邪的 单纯的 无罪的 innocence n 天真 无罪 无辜 2 2 conclude vt 做出结论 结束 conclusion n 结论 终结 3 3 consideration n

4、体谅 体贴 考虑 作计划或决定时 必须考虑的事 consider v 考虑 细想 considerable adj 值得考虑的 considerate adj 考虑周到的 体贴的 4 4 harmful adj 有害的 harm n v 伤害 2 5 5 interrupt v 打断 讲话或动作 打扰 interruption n 打断 补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1 1 according to 根据 按照 2 2 as long as 只要 如果 的话 3 3 comment on 对 进行评论 4 4 keep sb sth away from 使 远离 不靠近 5 5 take p

5、lace 发生 6 6 in the way of 妨碍 挡 的路 7 7 crash into 冲进 8 8 a load of 一车 船的 9 9 go ahead with 开始做 着手干 1010 be harmful to 对 有害 选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1 1 No mountains and seas can stand in the way of the friendship between our two people 2 2 Most people enjoy commenting on others looks 3 3 The police warned

6、the bystanders to keep away from the burning building 4 4 The story took place in a faraway small village 5 5 A truck went out of control and crashed into the back of a bus 经典句式仿写 背教材原句 记句式结构 仿写促落实 1 1 Leeds University concluded that people made a distinction between bad language usedused inin progr

7、ammesprogrammes forfor adults adults and those meantmeant forfor childrenchildren 利兹大学得出结论 人们对成年人 节目和儿童节目中使用的不良语言 是有区分的 used in 和 meant for 都 是过去分词短语 作后置定语 据说世界上生产的所有能源中有 百分之六十都被作为余热浪费掉 了 It is said that sixty percent of all energy produced in the world today is being lost as waste heat 3 2 2 We hav

8、e always tried to keep bad language away from innocent ears and this is a very important consideration whenwhen decidingdeciding at what times of day certain programmes are shown 我们一直努力使天真无邪的儿童远 离不良语言 在决定每天什么时段 播出某些节目时 这是一个非常重 要的考虑 when deciding 为 时间状语从句的 省略 阅读时 阅读技巧有助于你理解 文章的意思 Reading tips can hel

9、p you understand the meaning of the passage while reading 3 3 At the last minute he jumped out of the truck hurtinghurting hishis ankleankle beforebefore the trolleybus crashed into the truck pushingpushing itit 2020 yardsyards 最后一刻 在电车撞上卡车并把它 撞到 20 码之外前 他跳离了卡车 伤了脚踝 hurting his ankle 和 pushing it 20

10、 yards 均为 现在分词短语作 结果状语 该疾病还会引起内耳的压力增加 从而导致剧烈的耳痛 The disease can also cause a build up of pressure in the inner ear leading to severe earache 4 4 NoNo mattermatter whatwhat the government says it is clear that the airport will also 无论政府怎么说 显而易见 机场 还会 no matter what 引导让步状语从 句 无论你说什么 我都不会相信你 No matter

11、what you say I won t believe you 核 心 要 点 探 究 asas longlong asas 只要 和 一样长 用在数字前 长达 教材 P28 According to a research published by Leeds University yesterday people don t mind bad language on television asas longlong asas it is not used in programmes watched by children 据利兹大学昨天发表的一项研究称 电视中的不良语言 只要不用于儿童节目

12、 人们并 4 不介意 写出下列句中 as long as 的含义 The secret has been buried in my mind for as long as 10 years 长达 One s life has value as long as one brings value to the life of others 只要 The red ruler is three times as long as the yellow one 和 一样长 as so far as 就 来讲 与 一样远 as well as 也 还 与 一样好 as soon as 一 就 as many

13、 as 多达 修饰可数名词复数 as much as 多达 修饰不可数名词 AsAs farfar asas I know he ll be away for two months 据我所知 他将离开两个月的时间 We ll get your order to you as soon as possible 我们将会把您的订货尽早送达 名师点津 1 as long as 表示 只要 引导条件状语从句 可用 so long as 替换 2 as long as 还可以表示 长达 和 一样长 即用于 as as 同级比较句型 在否定句中也可用 so long as 替换 scenescene n

14、n 场面 场景 景色 风景 教材 P28 People were asked to comment on scenesscenes from films like Pulp Fiction TV series like Channel 4 s Brookside and cartoons like South Park 调查要求观众对 低俗小说 之类的电影 4 频道 小河边 之类的电视连续剧和卡通 片 南方公园 中的电影画面进行评论 on the scene 在现场 当场 登场 behind the scenes 在幕后 秘密地 BehindBehind thethe scenesscenes

15、 both sides are working towards an agreement 双方在幕后努力想达成妥协 The police were soon on the scene after he rang the alarm 他按响警铃后 警察很快赶到了现场 明辨异同 scene scenery view sightscene scenery view sight 5 scene 指展现在眼前的情景 场景 大多包括景物中的人及活动在内 也可指具体的 局部的景色 scenery 指某地总的自然风景或景色 尤指美丽的乡间景色 是不可数名词 view 普通名词 多指从某一个角度所见的景色 si

16、ght 指 景色 时是可数名词 指名胜 风景 尤指人工成的景 scene scenery view sight The best part of the trip was the fantastic scenery A scene of rich harvest spreads out before us There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel The Summer Palace is one of the sights of China 教材 P28 LeedsLeeds UniversityUniversity concludedconcluded thatthat peoplepeople mademade a a distinctiondistinction betweenbetween badbad languagelanguage usedused inin programmesprogrammes forfor adultsadults andand thosethose meantmeant forfor



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