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1、1 SectionSection LanguageLanguage Points LessonPoints Lesson 4 4 CommunicationCommunication WorkshopWorkshop CultureCulture CornerCorner Bulletin Bulletin Board Board 语 言 基 础 自 测 高频词汇必会高频词汇必会 单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示 写出下列单词 1 1 The first time I met Tom he seemed to be allergic 敏感的 to everything 2 2 My oral 口

2、头的 English is not too bad 3 3 I turned around and glared 怒视 at the person who was singing 4 4 Please confirm 证实 your telephone message by writing to me 5 5 We re very much alike 相像 and we tell each other everything 6 6 Not being punctual is his greatest shortcoming 7 7 He was waiting for his brother

3、 s return with anxiety 8 8 He was found guilty 9 9 You must devote your attention to your work 1010 In the eyes of my parents I m forever a child 拓展词汇 1 1 anxious adj 担心的 焦虑的 anxiously adv 担心地 焦虑地 忧虑地 anxiety n 忧虑 担心 2 2 revise vt 复习 revision n 复习 3 3 guilt n 罪行 内疚 guilty adj 不安的 有罪的 2 4 4 judge vt

4、评判 n 裁判 judgement n 评判 判定 5 5 devote vt 专心致志 献身于 devoted adj 投入的 深爱的 全心全意的 devotion n 奉献 补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1 1 to be honest 说实话 2 2 can t help doing sth 禁不住要做某事 3 3 be allergic to 对 过敏 4 4 apologize to sb for sth 因 向某人道歉 5 5 pick up 捡起 开车接人 6 6 refer to 参考 查阅 7 7 devote to 贡献 奉献 8 8 lead to 导致 9 9 as

5、long as 只要 1010 as a result 因此 结果 选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1 1 As a result we have to water the vegetable garden 2 2 She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion 3 3 Did you know I was allergic to shellfish 4 4 We often refer to these books in our work 5 5 Too much work and too little rest often lea

6、d to illness 6 6 As long as you drive carefully you will be very safe 寻规律 巧记忆 v sion n as n 复合短语 possession n 拥有 admission n 允许进入 expansion n 扩张 as a whole 总体上 as a rule 规章 规则 as nothing 绝不 3 经典句式必背经典句式必背 背教材原句 记句式结构 仿写促落实 1 The1 The firstfirst timetime I met Tom he seemed to be allergic to everythi

7、ng 我第一次碰见汤姆的时 候他似乎对一切都很敏感 the first time 引 导时间状语从句 这相机在他第一次使用时 就破裂了 The camera just came apart the first time he used it 2 If2 If necessarynecessary look them up in a dictionary 如果有必要的话 就在词 典中查一下它们 状语从句省略 如果有必要 你可以参考字 典 You can refer to a dictionary if necessary 3 The3 The moremore upset I got theth

8、e lessless I was able to concentrate 我越烦就 越难集中精力 the more the more 他吃得越多 人越发胖 The more he eats the fatter he gets 4 4 She was standing withwith a a bookbook inin herher handshands near the English Literature section 她手里拿着一本书 站在英国文学类 书区附近 with n 介词短 语 老师手里拿着一本书走进 教室 The teacher came into the classroo

9、m with a book in his hand 5 As5 As longlong asas national types are not taken too seriously it s fun trying to guess a person s nationality from their personality 只要不把民族类型看得 太重要 试着从一个人的个性猜测他 的国籍还是很有趣的 as long as 引导条 件状语从句 只要有生命 就有希望 As long as there is life there is hope 6 6 Nationalities may influe

10、nce personalities but at the end of the day people are themselves nono mattermatter where they come from 国籍可 能影响个性 但最终他们总是他们自 己 无论他们来自哪里 no matter 疑 问词 引导状语从 句 不管她在哪里 她都会是幸 福的 No matter where she may be she will be happy 核 心 要 点 探 究 4 全析重点词汇全析重点词汇 anxietyanxiety n n 忧虑 担心 教材 P14 The day that I met m

11、y best friend for the first time I was full of anxietyanxiety 我第一次遇见我最好的朋友的那天心里充满了忧虑 归纳拓展 1 with anxiety 着急 be in great anxiety 非常担忧 2 anxious adj 忧虑的 担心的 焦急的 渴望的 be anxious about 担心 be anxious for 渴望 盼望 be anxious to do sth 渴望 盼望 做某事 He was waiting for his brother s return withwith anxiety anxiety

12、他焦虑地等着弟弟归来 I m anxious about her safety 我为她的安全担心 He was anxious to finish finish school and make his own way in the world 他渴望早点从学校毕业在社会上谋生 glanceglance vivi n n 瞥一眼 扫视 匆匆一看 教材 P14 I glancedglanced at the book s cover 我瞥了一眼书的封面 归纳拓展 1 glance at 匆匆一瞥 浏览 glance down over through 浏览 粗略地看 2 take have a g

13、lance 匆匆看一眼 at first glance 乍一看 乍看之下 She glancedglanced atat the sleeping child and then hurried away 她瞟了一眼睡着的孩子 然后匆匆离去 Can we just take a glance at some of your products 我们可以浏览一下你们的产品吗 The problem was less serious at first glance 乍看起来 问题没那么严重 明辨异同 glareglare at glanceat glance at stareat stare at l

14、ookat look atat glare at 意为 瞪眼 怒目而视 强调敌对或威胁的态度 5 glance at 意为 匆匆一看 扫视 一瞥 浏览 指速度非常快地看一看某人或某物 的大体轮廓 或粗略地浏览 stare at 意为 目不转睛地看 盯着 凝视 表示由于害怕 深思或惊吓而睁大眼 睛看 look at 意为 看 着 指把眼睛转向目标 glare at glance at stare at look at They stopped arguing and glared at each other It s bad manners to stare at people She glan

15、ced at her sleeping son and then gave him a kiss before she left can tcan t helphelp doingdoing sth sth 情不自禁地做某事 教材 P14 I couldn tcouldn t helphelp laughinglaughing atat this and I invited her back to my apartment for a quick cup of tea 我禁不住笑了起来 并邀请她到我的公寓里来喝杯茶 归纳拓展 can t help but do 只能做 没有别的选择 can t

16、 help to do sth 不能帮助做某事 At times I can tcan t helphelp butbut dodo as my parents tell me to 有时候 我不得不按父母说的那样去做 I can t help to carry carry the box for you as I am tired 我累了 不能帮你搬箱子 judgejudge vtvt 评判 评审 判断 n n 法官 审判员 裁判员 教材 P16 It s difficult to judgejudge but we thought they might be in the same class and that they were discussing a problem 这很难判断 但是我们认为他们可能在同一个班级讨论问题 归纳拓展 1 judge by 根据 判断 judging from by 由 来判断 judge to be as 判断 为 认为 是 as far as I can judge 据我判断 我认为 2 judgement judgment n 判断力 识别力


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