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1、1 UnitUnit 2323 ConflictConflict SectionSection 单句语法填空 1 The early you set about your work the sooner you will finish it 2 He talks about Rome as if he be there before 3 Are men and women equals in physical strengthen 4 I intended to arrange them but I forgot 5 We asked him to join us in sing but he

2、 refused 答案 1 earlier 2 had been 3 strength 4 have arranged 5 singing 单句改错 1 They treat me as though I was a stranger 2 The busier she is the happiest she feels 3 All sort of people found shelter under his roof 4 This is one of the great strength of my country 5 He saved the girl for the expense of

3、his life 答案 1 was were 2 happiest happier 3 sort sorts 4 strength strengths 5 for at 完成句子 1 他张开嘴好像要说什么 He opened his mouth as if he would say something 2 问题越难 他回答出来的可能性就越小 The more difficult the questions are the less likely he is able to answer them 3 他本来打算去 但进一步考虑后 打消了这个念头 He had intended to go bu

4、t on second thought he gave up the idea 4 那首歌总是使人想起过去的学校生活 That song always brings back memories of school 5 为了把婚礼办得像模像样他们不惜花费巨资 They spared no expense to make the wedding party a success 2 阅读理解 A A Complainers have a complaint about everything in their life This usually comes from the fact that the

5、y are unsatisfied or angry about their own personal lives The complainer has a need for their concerns to be accepted Whether it is in their professional or personal life the complainer can t have peace of mind until someone listens to their concerns They feel dissatisfied and they don t just want t

6、hings to change they want to be heard and understood The key to effectively dealing with a complainer is by using your active listening skills and trying to understand what their interests and needs are They want to be heard and acknowledged not ignored and argued with ListenListen toto thethe conce

7、rnsconcerns It s not enough sometimes just to fix the problems The person has a psychological need for someone to acknowledge his or her concerns Let them get all of these piled frustrations 挫折 out of their system before you address the problem Listen and accept what they have to say Encourage them

8、to keep on talking until all these frustrations have been let out EmpathyEmpathy 同情 withwith themthem Imagine yourself walking around in their shoes and see the situation from their point of view Empathy is an important tool that you can use to serve cooperation Use empathetic statements such as If

9、I were in your shoes I d be really angry too Reword their concerns back in your own words This lets them know that you have been listening and have understood everything correctly Repeating is also a powerful agreement building tool AskAsk themthem whatwhat theythey wouldwould likelike youyou toto d

10、odo In most cases you will already know what the person wants but ask them what they would like you to do because it lets them walk away happy 语篇解读 本文主要叙述了如何应对抱怨者 1 By saying If I were in your shoes I d be really angry too the listener means A If I put on your shoes I would be angry too B If I wore

11、your shoes I would also be happy too C If I were in your situation I would also be angry D If I knew the situation of your shoes I would not wear them 解析 推理判断题 根据本段标题可知是表达同情 也就是设身处地地为他人考虑 3 因此选 C 答案 C 2 According to the passage what s the main purpose of the complainer s complaints A They want to ha

12、ve an argument with someone B They are concerned about others life C They are dissatisfied with both their job and their life D They need a listener and understanding 解析 推理判断题 根据第一段 the complainer can t have peace of mind until someone listens to their concerns 可知 D 项正确 答案 D 3 According to the passa

13、ge what would you best say before getting away from a complainer if you were a listener A I m sorry to hear that but it s no use complaining like that B I m also unsatisfied with my own job C Pardon What job would you like better D What can I do for you 解析 推理判断题 根据文章最后一句 but ask them what they would

14、 like you to do because it lets them walk away happy 可知 D 项合适 答案 D 4 The author writes the passage mainly to A teach readers how to deal with complainers B teach readers to be patient with complainers C help deal with complainers problems D help readers listen to complaints better 解析 主旨大意题 本文主要叙述了如何

15、应对一些抱怨的人 答案 A B B GrandparentsGrandparents AnswerAnswer a a CallCall As a third generation native of Brownsville Texas Mildred Garza never planned to move away Even when her daughter and son asked her to move to San Antonio to help with their children she politely refused Only after a year of friend

16、ly discussion did Ms Garza finally say yes That was four years ago Today all three generations regard the move as a success giving them a closer relationship than they would have 4 had in separate cities No statistics show the number of grandparents like Garza who are moving closer to adult children and grandchildren Yet there is evidence suggesting that the trend is growing Even President Obama s mother in law Marian Robinson has agreed to leave Chicago and move into the White House to help car


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