2018_2019学年高中英语Unit5RhythmSectionⅥLanguagePointsⅢLesson4CommunicationWorkshopCultureCorner (1)

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1、1 SectionSection LanguageLanguage Points LessonPoints Lesson 4 4 CommunicationCommunication WorkshopWorkshop CultureCulture CornerCorner Bulletin Bulletin Board Board 语 言 基 础 自 测 单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示 写出下列单词 1 Although she is a famous singer she dresses like an ordinary 普通的 girl 2 From one generation 代 to

2、 another folk music has been passed down orally 口头地 3 You are a walking encyclopedia 百科全书 knowing everything under the sun 4 California has many immigrants 移民 from other countries 5 He is a man of noble 高贵的 birth 6 The scientists were so absorbed in work that they sometimes skipped meals and the res

3、t 7 She mixes with all types of people 8 He is in a rather unique position as his job is different from anyone else s 9 His first reaction was a strange mixture of joy and anger 10 He was only partly responsible for the accident 拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示 写出下列单词 1 reaction n 反应 react vi 反应 回应 2 permission n 允许

4、许可 批准 permit v 允许 容许 3 responsible adj 有责任的 应负责任的 responsibility n 责任 责任心 2 4 realistic adj 现实主义的 real adj 真的 reality n 现实 realize v 实现 5 immigrant adj 移民的 移居的 immigrate v 移民 移居 immigration n 移居 移民人数 寻规律 巧记忆 v ion n 过去式和过去分词双写尾字母的动词 education n 教育 invention n 发明 relation n 关系 亲属 stop stopped stopped

5、 plan planned planned prefer preferred preferred 补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1 fit in with 与 相一致 2 refer to 提及 谈到 说起 参考 3 come from 来自于 4 be famous for 以 而闻名 5 be dressed in 穿着 衣服 6 back and forth 往返 来回 7 start off 出发 动身 开始 8 be related to 和 有关 和 有联系 9 grow out of 产生于 源于 10 for sure 肯定 选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1 Afte

6、r all the students sat down the discussion started off mildly enough 2 You know who I am referring to 3 The idea for the book grew out of a visit to the USA 4 I think he ll be back on Monday afternoon but I can t say for sure 5 Educational levels are closely related to income 寻规律 巧记忆 v from 动词短语 v t

7、o 动词短语 result from 是 由 造成的 depart from 离开 起程 开出 learn from 向 学习 adapt to 适应 amount to 总共达到 attend to 专心 照顾 护理 经典句式仿写 3 背教材原句 记句式结构 仿写促落实 1 1 They are easy to learn and areare usuallyusually danceddanced inin couplescouples 它们容易学 通常是两人一起 跳 sb sth be adj 不定 式 结构 主动表被动 The work is easy to do 这项工作很容易做 2

8、 2 In many parts of the country you can seesee peoplepeople ofof allall agesages dancingdancing in the street during festivals 在这个国家的许多地方 你能 看见不同年龄的人们节日期 间在街上跳舞 see sb doing sth 意为 看见 某人正在做某事 I saw her reading a novel when I passed by her 从她身旁经过时 我看到她 正在读小说 3 Dancing3 Dancing inin couplescouples ret

9、urned in the 1970s and 1980s with disco music 伴着迪斯科音乐的双人舞蹈 在二十世纪七八十年代再度 出现 动名词短语在句中作主语 Getting up early every morning is a good habit 每天早晨早起是个好习惯 4 As4 As withwith blues one of the important elements of jazz is improvisation 和布鲁斯音乐 蓝调音乐 一 样 即兴表演是爵士乐的重要 特色之一 as with 是 as 引导的 状 语 从 句 的 省 略 意 为 与 一样 正如

10、 就 来说 As with life art is full of adventures and possibilities 就像生活一样 艺术也充满 了冒险与机会 核 心 要 点 探 究 fitfit inin withwith 符合 与 相一致 与 相处得好 教材 P28 Make sure that the sentence fitsfits inin withwith the sentences before and after it 确保句子与上下文连贯 I wasn t sure if she would fitfit inin withwith my friends 我不确定她是

11、否能与我的朋友融洽相处 4 1 fit vt vi 对某人 合身 尺寸或形状 合适 适合 2 fit adj 健康的 适合的 称职的 be fit to do for sth 适合 做 某事 keep fit 保持健康 She tries to keep keep fit by jogging everyday 她每天慢跑以保持健康 The food was not fit to eat eat 这种食物不适合吃 教材 P28 TheyThey areare easyeasy toto learnlearn andand areare usuallyusually danceddanced i

12、nin couples couples 它们容易学 通常是两人一起跳 要点提炼 句中 They are easy to learn 是 主语 be adj 不定式 结构 其 中 they 是 learn 的逻辑宾语 不定式用主动形式表示被动意义 Today s homework was easyeasy toto dodo so the boy finished it quickly and went out to play 今天的作业容易做 因此男孩很快完成作业然后出去玩耍了 1 常用形容词有 difficult hard easy comfortable pleasant interest

13、ing exciting 等 2 不定式和句子的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系 若不定式为不及物动词 其后应该加 相应的介词 The pen is smooth to write with 这支钢笔写起来很流畅 A man who is so difficult to please must be hard to work work with 一个很难取悦的人一定很难与之共事 includingincluding prep prep 包括 教材 P28 Many countries have produced ballets includingincluding China 许多国家 包括 中国 都

14、创作芭蕾舞剧 Apple Days are being held at all sorts of places with an interest in fruit includingincluding stately gardens and commercial orchards 果园 苹果节正在各个对水果有兴趣的地方举行 包括一些高贵的花园和一些商业性的果园 1 including 介词 包括 指某事物是上文整体中的一部分 常用于 including n pron 结构 2 included 过去分词 也可作形容词 包含在内的 常用于 n pron included 结构 3 include

15、 vt 包括 包含 把 算入 5 Everyone has to go to the dentist you included include 每个人都得去看牙医 包括你在内 In China when a baby is one month old families name and welcome their child in a celebration that includes include giving red colored eggs to guests 在中国 当宝宝满月 家人在一个庆祝活动上欢迎他们的孩子并起名字 该活动包括为 客人提供红色的鸡蛋 generationgene

16、ration n n 代 一代 教材 P28 They are usually group dances that are taught from one generationgeneration to another 他们通常是代代相传的集体舞 Today all three generationsgenerations regard the move as a success giving them a closer relationship than they would have had in separate cities 当今三代人都认为迁居是成功的 让他们的关系比原来居住在各自城市更密切 for generations 一连好几代 祖祖辈辈 from generation to generation generation after generation 世代相传 the rising young generation 青年一代 My family have lived in the small mountain village for generations 我家祖祖辈



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