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1、第 1 页 共 21 页 七年级 下 期末英语试卷七年级 下 期末英语试卷 题号 IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIII总分 得分 一 补全对话 本大题共 2 小题 共 10 0 分 1 A Excuse me 1 B Yes there is It is very big A 2 B Certainly Go along this street Turn right at the third street You will see it on your left A Thanks a lot 3 I want to meet my friend there B Sure You can tak

2、e the No 2bus to the railway station A 4 B No it is not very far from the library A Thank you B 5 A You are welcome B Is there a library near here C Is it far D Can you tell me the way to the library E Don t thank me F Then can you tell me how to get to the railway station 2 A Excuse me Sir B Yes 1

3、A I want to go to the train station but I don t know how to get the ticket from the TVM 自动售票机 B 2 Well just press here A 3 B 15yuan each A All right By the way How often do the trains come B 4 A What time is the last one B 5 A OK Thanks for your help B You re welcome A Goodbye 第 2 页 共 21 页 B Bye bye

4、 A This way please B What can I do for you C Do you live here D How much is the ticket E About every six minutes F At 11 00pm 二 完形填空 本大题共 20 小题 共 20 0 分 It is Sunday today Mike and Peter 3 go to school Listen They are talking about the life 4 in the room 5 will the world be like Peter asks I think t

5、hat the world will be a 6 place to live in And we will 7 machines and robots at home They will help us do lots of 8 says Mike The robots will help 9 cook dinner clean the houses and 10 old people I think there will be a kind of medicine 药 11 it can make us live more than 100years old Peter says What

6、 will you do then says Mike Then I will 12 my great grandchildren 曾孙 to the moon says Peter The moon I will go to the Mars with my wife says Mike 3 A aren tB don tC doesn tD isn t 4 A in the futureB at the momentC in the pastD last week 5 A WhenB WhyC WhatD How 6 A badB difficultC betterD well 7 A b

7、eB haveC hasD are 8 A workB worksC jobD thing 9 A themB usC weD they 10 A look afterB look forC look likeD looks for 11 A andB butC becauseD so 12 A useB bringC takeD get Thomas Edison was a 13 American inventor 发明家 14 he was a child he was always trying out new things His mother loved him very much

8、 She called 15 Tom Young Tom 16 at school for only three 17 During those three months he asked his teacher a lot of 18 Most of the questions were not 19 his lessons His teacher thought 想 认为 he wasn t clever and 20 his mother to take him out of 第 3 页 共 21 页 school Edison s mother had to 21 him hersel

9、f Edison learnt very quickly He read a lot and later he became very interested in science and invented 22 useful things 13 A famousB happyC sadD friendly 14 A WhenB WhatC WhyD Who 15 A himB hisC herD she 16 A isB wasC areD were 17 A hoursB monthsC daysD years 18 A questionB questionsC answerD answer

10、s 19 A inB aboutC atD with 20 A tellB telledC toldD taught 21 A teachB teachesC taughtD teaching 22 A manyB littleC a littleD much 三 阅读理解 本大题共 20 小题 共 40 0 分 A Here is a test 考试 notice 公告 Mrs Dickson gives it to her students To the students of Class 3 Day Monday Tuesday Time English Monday 9 30am 10

11、 30am Maths Monday 11 00am 12 00am PE Tuesday 8 00am 10 00am Music Tuesday 1 00pm 3 00pm Place PEPlayground MusicPiano Room Other subjectsClassroom 3 Notice No students can get into the test room after 15minutes after the test starts No food or drinks during tests No dictionaries during the English

12、test Wear sports shoes for the PE test If you have questions go to the teachers office before the tests 第 4 页 共 21 页 23 When do they have Maths lesson A 9 30am 10 30am B 11 00am 12 00am C 8 00am 10 00am D 1 00pm 3 00pm 24 Where will the students of Class 3be at 8 00am on Tuesday A On the playground

13、B In their classroom C In the Piano Room D In the teachers office 25 Can they take some food to the test classroom A Yes they can B No they can t C It depends on 取决于 time D We don t know 26 Which one is TRUE 正确的 A You will have your English test at 8 00am on Monday B You will have your music test on

14、 the playground C You can take dictionaries D You must 必须 wear sports shoes for the PE test 27 Tom has some questions about the tests so he can A go to the teachers office B find his teacher on the playground C send an email to the teacher D call the teacher B Mr Brown works in a hospital He is a go

15、od doctor Mr Brown is shortsighted 近 视 but he doesn t like wearing glasses when he has his meals Mr Brown is very strict with his son Peter Peter is a good student He likes talking with others very much He often talks about his teachers and his classmates at table Mr Brown says Don t talk when you h

16、ave meals It s not good for your health 健 康 One day when they re having dinner Peter sees a fly 苍蝇 in his father s bowl He wants to tell his father about it His father looks at him and says Don t talk After dinner his father asks him What do you want to say There is a fly in your bowl 28 Mr Brown is a A workerB doctorC teacherD nurse 29 Mr Brown is a father A goodB badC kindD strict 第 5 页 共 21 页 30 Peter likes A talking with othersB talking about flies C singing with fliesD eating 31 Why doesn t



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