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1、第 1 页 共 22 页 八年级 下 期末英语试卷 八年级 下 期末英语试卷 题号 IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIX总分 得分 一 单词拼写 单词释义 本大题共 1 小题 共 1 0 分 1 在别人面前插队是粗鲁无礼的 二 单选题 本大题共 14 小题 共 14 0 分 2 一 What s weather like today 一 It s hot summer day A the aB 不填 aC the theD 不填 the 3 一 What a terrible ship accident in China 一 Yes More than 400passengers on O

2、riental Star 东方之星 lost their A familiesB confidenceC interestD 1ives 4 My mother is a teacher and she always helps my brother and with Engl ish A I ourB me ourselvesC me ourD I my 5 Mr Smith had an important meeting just now A did heB had heC didn t heD hadn t he 6 On snowy days a driver must drive

3、as as possible A carefullyB more carefully C carefulD more careful 7 一 can the batteries 电池 keep these cool iPhones and iPads working For about ten hours A How muchB How manyC How oftenD How long 8 Tell him not to speak or laugh so loudly A in placeB in publicC by accidentD on business 9 Susan her f

4、riends invitation to picnic because she had to stay at home and look after her little sister 第 2 页 共 22 页 A receivedB refusedC replied 10 We Chinese parents should learn to let our children everything A to decideB decidesC decideD deciding 11 You know a lot about Chinese history don t you Yes I Chin

5、a for a long time since 1998 A have come toB have gone toC have been toD have lived in 12 According to the survey some people enjoy working hard for high pay while don t want to work in their spare time A allB othersC the othersD none 13 I can t stop playing computer games For your health and study

6、I am afraid you A canB mayC needD have to 14 Can I play football for some time Mum You can if your homework A will doB doesC is doneD will be done 15 Could you tell me for Hong Kong A when they will leave BeijingB when would they leave Beijing C when will they leave BeijingD when did they leave Beij

7、ing 三 完形填空 本大题共 10 小题 共 15 0 分 Imagine this your parents go away on business but you have to stay at home alone Would life be as easy as when your parents are 16 Would it be a perfect holiday for you Zheng Chenyu says that she would 17 Where can I find food How can I cook it The 14 year old girl say

8、s that she knows 18 about cooking I can have tomato and egg soup but that s all I think many of my classmates are the same We don t know what to do or how to 19 ourselves said Zheng And I may forget something important I may probably watch television and then burn the soup 20 Zheng believes that bas

9、ic life skills such as cooking and washing clothes are especially important She doesn t think teenagers get enough practice As soon as I leave home I ll learn to cook But now parents do almost 21 for us We re very lazy she said Most teenagers only have time for their 22 They don t learn any life ski

10、lls until they go to college However Sima Yige doesn t think so I think I d be all right I wouldn t just eat sandwiches or fruit I know how to cook some 23 dishes because my mum showed me the 1 3 year old boy said In his opinion many teenagers 24 their parents too much and there 第 3 页 共 22 页 is much

11、 more to learn than cooking like 25 yourself properly every morning or even tidying up your room For most teenagers it wouldn t be a holiday at all 16 A atB aroundC awayD out 17 A thinkB feelC worryD say 18 A 1ittleB a littleC fewD a few 19 A look afterB look atC look forD look out 20 A AlthoughB Ho

12、weverC BecauseD So 21 A noneB somethingC nothingD everything 22 A houseworkB schoolC homeworkD 1ife 23 A niceB easyC difficultD important 24 A work onB spend onC depend onD put on 25 A enjoyingB dressingC stoppingD wearing 四 阅读理解 本大题共 15 小题 共 30 0 分 A Boys and girls do you like your eyes And do you

13、know that there are many phrases 短语 in English about eyes We all know people s eyes can be a window into their hearts Today we ll enjoy the following eye phrases by a story It s about a man and a woman who are both teachers at the same school Let s suppose that the man asked the woman out on a date

14、She was so happy because this man was the apple of her eye a very special man On their date they might eat a meal During their dinner they might discuss many things They might discover that they see eye to eye or agree on many things For example they might agree that every crime 罪行 should be punishe

15、d That is to say they believed in the idea of an eye for an eye The next day the woman asked the man to keep an eye on the young students in her class while she was out This might be hard to do when the teacher was writing on the blackboard To do so a teacher would need to have eyes in the back of h

16、is head In other words he could know what the students were doing even when he was not watching them Boys and girls are you interested in these phrases Maybe there are many phrases about other parts of the body in English Try to find them 26 According to the passage how can we know a boy without talking to him A By looking at his hair B By looking at his eyes C By looking at his ears D By looking at his heart 第 4 页 共 22 页 27 What does the phrase see eye to eye in the second paragraph mean A Be f



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