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1、2019年湖北省宜昌市中考英语试卷 题号IIIIIIIVVVIVII总分得分一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1. -_doyouexercise,Tony?-Threetimesaweek()A. HowoftenB. HowsoonC. HowlongD. Howmuch2. -YangMing,couldyoupleaseteachmeChinese?-_()A. NotatallB. ItisnotabigdealC. WithpleasureD. Thatsallright3. -_doyouputalotofsnakesintotheforest?-Toprotectth

2、eecosystem()A. WhyB. WhichC. HowD. When4. -Shallwe_thethingswedontusetothepeopleinneed?-Goodidea()A. putoffB. setoutC. getintoD. giveaway5. -WhatgreatprogressHuawei_inrecentyears!-Nowonderitiswidelyknowninallpartsoftheworld()A. ismakingB. hasmadeC. makesD. made6. -Moreandmorepeopleprefertowalkrather

3、thanrideincars-_Walkingisgoodforhealth()A. SotheyareB. SoaretheyC. SotheydoD. Sodothey7. -Didyou_theInternationalMarathoninLanZhouonJune2,2019?-OfcourseHowexciting!()A. watchB. reviewC. supposeD. discover8. -Alittlebirdenteredthroughtheopenwindowtojoinusfordinnerlastnight-Wow,theunexpectedguest_welc

4、omed()A. willbeB. mustbeC. wontbeD. mustntbe9. -Lucy,youcantusethephone_wearefarfromthegas(天然气)station-OK,Iwontdothatagain()A. afterB. whenC. thoughD. until10. -Timepastcannotbecalledbackagain-Yes,Wastingtimeisa_()A. pressureB. fairnessC. choiceD. shame11. -Hehardlyhadfriendsbecauseheusedtobemean-Bu

5、tnowhehaschangedalotHetreatsothers_andispopular()A. nicelyB. carelessC. rudelyD. heavily12. -Itsreportedthat31ofthebraveyoungmen_inabigforestfireinSichuan-Idontknowwhotheyare,butIknowwhotheyarefor()A. werekillingB. werekilledC. killedD. hadkilled13. -About20millionpeopleintheworldhavenoenoughsafedri

6、nkingwater-Soweshould_howtodealwiththeproblemsofwater()A. putonB. lookafterC. thinkaboutD. getonwith14. -Itsapitythat_myteachers_parentsallowmetoswimalone-Afterallyouaretooyoung,safetyfirst()A. either;orB. Neither;norC. Both;andD. not only;but also15. -Doyoumindtellingme_?-OfcoursenotRememberKeepMov

7、ing()A. howcanIloseweightB. wherecanIloseweightC. howIcanloseweightD. whereIcanloseweight二、补全对话(本大题共1小题,共10.0分)16. Atheyve learned at school Bthey should get some free time to have fun Cthey often come up with their own games and projects Dtake advantage of the time to add some fun learning activiti

8、es Eits up to parents to encourage continued learning during the summer Its June,and summer vacation will begin soon,Thats a good thingMost kids love summer vacation一theyve worked hard during the school year and (1) Also,the freedom of summer gives them self-esteem(自尊心),happiness,and creativityWhen

9、kids have free time, (2) ,causing them to feel good about themselves and believe in themselves But theres another side: the freedom of summer can cause the summer drop,where kids forget some of the reading, writing and math skills (3) Many students go down in reading levels during the summer Math sk

10、ills are also easily forgettable for kids during the two months of school break A lot of teachers spend weeks playing catch-up in the fall to make up for the summer drop To avoid this drop in learning, (4) Traveling can be a fantastic way for parents to encourage continued learning during the summer

11、time Whether taking the kids on a road trip to visit family, or getting on a flight to travel in a different province or country, the learning possibilities are endless If you and your family have a road trip or vacation planned this summer, (5) With a little planning, parents can create learning op

12、portunities that are so fun The kids wont even realize you are putting education into their free time quietly and secretly三、完形填空(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)Here are the materials you need to have a successful study period Water and Healthy Snacks Nowadays, you may spend much time studying In the middle of a st

13、udy period, you must be a little tired It can be (17) to tell yourself that you have to stop You may go to the(18) because youre so hungry or thirsty How can you save time? Solve this problem(19) keeping a bottle of water and healthy snacks at your desk These (20) will give you what you need for the

14、 long hours of studying ahead of you The Internet If you are not clear about what you have learnt , you ll probably use your class notes to(21)What happens if theres a topic that you still dont (22) understand? Youd better have a website or two that you can (23) to search a subject You can find explanations(解释)in the website These can be very(24) in making sure that y



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