九年级英语Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7重点词组和句子

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1、九年级英语Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 重点词组:1. remember doing sth. 记得已做过某事(表示动作已经发生) 2. remember to do sth. 记得要做某事(表示动作尚未发生) 3. win a prize 获奖4. meet the standard 符合标准;达标 5. meet the needs 满足需要 6. meet a friend 遇见一个朋友7. junior high school 初中;初级中学8. in a row 连续几次地9. play the keyboard 演

2、奏电子乐器10. take a break 休息一会11. be patient with sb. 对有耐心12. work out 解决,解答,算出13. no matter how 不管怎样,无论怎样14. put in more effort 更加努力15. look back at 回首; 回顾;回忆16. morning reading 早读17. overcome fear 克服恐惧感18. prepare for 为.做准备19. make a mess 弄得一团糟20. keep ones cool 保持冷静,沉住气21. enter / get into senior hig

3、h school 进入高中;高级中学22. look forward to doing sth. 期盼/期望/期待做某事23. join the school swim team 加入学校游泳队24. go by (时间)逝去, 消逝25. with ones help 在某人的帮助下 / without ones help 没有某人的帮助 26. believe in sb. 相信/信任/信赖某人27. attend the graduation ceremony 出席/参加毕业庆典28. First of all 首先29. be full of. 充满.30. be thirsty of

4、 . 渴望/渴求.31. deal with . 处理,对付32. be proud of. 以. 自豪/为.骄傲33. none of . (三者或以上)都不,全部都不,没有一个34. be thankful to sb. 对某人心存感激;向某人表达感激35. ahead of . 在.之前, 在.前面36. give up (doing) sth. 放弃.37. along with . 连同., 除.以外还 38. be responsible for . 对.负责39. set out开始; 出发; 启程40. separate from sb. 与分别/分离重点句子:1.What h

5、appened in Grade 7 that was special? 在七年级时发生了什么特别的事?2. How have you changed since you started junior high school?你上初中后有什么变化? Ive become much better at speaking English. 我在说英语方面比以前好得多了。3. How do you think things will be different in senior high school? 你认为在高中会有什么不同?4. What are your plans for next yea

6、r? 你明年的计划是什么? Im going to join the school volleyball team. 我打算加入学校排球队。5. I remember being a volunteer. 我记得当过一名志愿者。6. What did you use to do that you dont do now? 你过去经常做而现在不做的事是什么? I used to take dance lessons, but I dont anymore. 我以前经常上舞蹈课,但现在不上了。7. What are you looking forward to? 你期望做什么? Im lookin

7、g forward to going to senior high school. 我期望上高中。8. She helped you to worked out the answers yourself no matter how difficulty they were. 她帮助你自己算出了答案,无论它们有多么难。9. How fast time goes by! 光阴似箭!/ 时光流逝!10. Junior high school days are over. 初中生活结束了。11. I remember I scored two goals in a row during a socce

8、r competition. 我记得在一次足球比赛中连续踢进两个球。12. He always took time to explain things to me clearly whenever I couldnt understand anything. 无论何时只要是我没听懂的,他总是花时间给我解释清楚。13. Because of her, I put in more effort and my exam scores doubled. 正是由于她,我才更加努力,我的成绩也成倍提高了。14. Shall we get each of them a card and gift to sa

9、y thank you? 我们给他们每个人一张卡片和礼物来表达感谢好吗?15. Looking back at these past three years, I remember many things. 回想起过去的三年,我想起了许多事。16. It is time for our lunch. It is time to say goodbye, but none of us want to leave. 午饭的时间到了。是时候说再见了,但我们都不想离开。17. This year, with Mr. Trents help, my English level has been impr

10、oving. 今年在Mr. Trent的帮助下,我的英语水平一直在不断提高。18. The key is to learn from mistakes and never give up. 关键是要从错误中学习并且永不放弃。19. Along with difficulties, there will also be many exciting things waiting for you. 伴随着困难,一路上也会有许多令人兴奋的事在等着你。20. As you set out on your new journey, you shouldnt forget where you came fr

11、om. 当你出发踏上新的旅程时,你不应该忘记了你来自哪里。21. You were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge. Knowledge will give us wings to fly. 你们都那么精力充沛、渴望知识。知识会给我们飞翔的翅膀。22. The future is yours. 未来是属于你们的。话题作文:谈一谈在你中学生活中令人难忘的人/事。(事件要有五要素:when, where, who, what, how, why,最后阐述这个人或这件事对自己所产生的影响。)参考作文: To me, one person

12、 from my junior high school days that I will never forget is Mrs. Wong, my English teacher in Grade 7. When I first started Grade 7, I was shy and did not dare to speak to anyone. My English was not so good and I felt nervous when I had to answer questions in class. I would have problems with pronun

13、ciation and reading texts even though I could read or knew the answer to a question. I felt quite upset in English class, although I looked forward to learning it well. One afternoon, Mrs. Wong talked to me after class. She said I should never give up speaking English. She told me that she believed

14、in me and I could speak English well if I practice more. She asked me to read each sentence in a row. She often encouraged me to speak slowly. She was so patient with me that I was moved by what she said and done. It made me work much harder on my speaking skills. With Mrs. Wongs help and encouragement, I put in more effort. Gradually, I became more and more confident. I improved so much that I won a prize in an English speech contest that year! Mrs. Wong and my classmates were proud of me. I will always be thankful to Mrs. Wong for her advice and support.


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