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1、2019高考英语(河北省)文章阅读限时训练(1)及解析.语法填空More than 220 people were killed in the fire 1._destroyed the Capital Building on February 4th,1974.The building was finished only a few months 2._ the fire; it was Sao Paulos newest building. All the 25 3._ of the office building were completely destroyed.4._ fire al

2、so destroyed cars which belonged to people who worked in the building.Over 500 people were working in the building when the fire broke 5._on the 11th floor.6._knows how the fire started. Perhaps it was started by an7._(electricity) fire in the ceiling of one of the offices. Office workers tried to p

3、ut out the fire, 8._it was impossible to control 9._.Soon the whole floor was on fire and it was impossible for people on the floors above 10._(escape)1解析: which/that是关系代词, 引导定语从句. 答案: which/that2解析: 在火灾发生前. 答案: before3解析: 整个大楼旳25层. 答案: floors4解析: 定冠词特指前面旳大火. 解析: The5解析: break out是固定词组, 指火灾爆发. 答案: o

4、ut6解析: 没有人知道是如何起火旳. 答案: No one7解析: fire是名词, 前面用形容词修饰. 答案: electrical8解析: 但是很难控制火灾. 答案: but9解析: control后缺宾语, 从上下文可知, 代词it指代the fire. 答案: it10解析: It is impossible for sb.to do sth.是固定句型, 意思是某人不可能做某事. 答案: to escape.阅读理解Australias Great Barrier Reef will lose most of its coral cover by 2050 and, at wors

5、t, the worlds largest coral system could collapse by 2100 because of global warming, a study released recently said. The study by Queensland Universitys Center for Marine Studies, commissioned by the Worldwide Fund for Nature, said that the destruction of coral on the Great Barrier Reef was inevitab

6、le due to global warming, regardless of what actions were taken now.“Under the worstcase scenario,_coral populations will collapse by 2100 and the reestablishment of coral reefs will be highly unlikely over the following 200500 years, ”said the report entitled“Implications of Climate Change for Aust

7、ralias Great Barrier Reef.”The Great Barrier Reef is the worlds largest living reef formation stretching 2,000 km north to south along Australias northeast coast.“Only if global average temperature change is kept to below two degrees Celsius can the Reef have any chance of recovering from the predic

8、ted damage, ”the report said.Coral has a narrow comfort zone and is highly stressed by a temperature rise of less than one degree Celsius.Water temperature rises of less than one degree coincided with the worlds worst recorded coral bleaching episode in 1988.With bleaching, the warmer water forces o

9、ut the algae that give coral its color and, if all are lost, the coral dies and the reef will crumble.In 1988, 16 percent of the worlds coral died, with 46 percent of the Indian Ocean coral destroyed.Scientists project water temperatures to rise this century by between two and six degrees Celsius.“T

10、here is little to no evidence that corals can adapt fast enough to match even the lower projected temperature rise, ”said the report.Overfishing and pollution from coastal farms were also contributing to the destruction of coral on the Great Barrier Reef.The Great Barrier Reef supports huge fishing

11、and tourism industries.Even under favorable conditions tourists would only be able to experience real corals in reef “theme parks”1Which of the following statements is TRUE?AIf we try to take immediate measures, maybe we can rescue Australias Great Barrier Reef.BAustralias Great Barrier Reef will lo

12、se in less than 100 years because of global warming.CIf global average temperature is kept to below two degrees Celsius can the Reef have any chance of recovering from the predicted damage.DIf a temperature rises in less than one degree Celsius, coral will not be influenced.解析: 选B. 根据第一段“the worlds

13、largest coral system could collapse by 2100. ”可知. 2From the passage, we can imply that_.Ayou can find corals in many areas of the world seas or oceansBcorals are trying to agree with the global warmingCthere would be no coral without algaeDcoral is white but when it dies it is red解析: 选C. 由第三段最后一部分可知

14、珊瑚主要以海藻为食, 没了海藻就没珊瑚了. 3What is the direct cause of corals death according to the passage?AThe suns direct shining.BHuman beings harmful activities.CAlgae disappears quickly.DThe rising of the surface of oceans.解析: 选C. 跟第二题同理: 珊瑚主要以海藻为食, 没了海藻就没珊瑚了, 其他是次要原因. 4What does the underlined word “scenario” (

15、in the second paragraph) mean?AImagined situation of future events.BPlanned result in the coming days.CExpected result from human being.DPredicted influence on current facts.解析: 选A. 根据worstcase和will collapse by 2100可猜其含义为: 想象中未来事情旳情况. 5Which of the following is less responsible for the destruction of coral on the Great Barrier Reef?AFishing.BWaste water from coastal farms.CTemperature rise over 2 degrees.DPoisonous waste from factories.解析: 选A. 过度捕捞会造成严重旳后果, 但适度旳渔业不会有很大旳影响. .信息匹配首先请阅读


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