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1、2019高考英语(衡水市)阅读理解(3)(解析)Last week the manager of an old jewelers shop received a letter marked “personal”, so of course his secretary gave it to him unopened. As he was very busy, the letter lay on his desk till tea-time. Then he opened it and a 10 note fell out onto his desk. With the note was a sh

2、ort letter. This is what it said:Dear sir, In 1935 I got engaged. But unfortunately at that time there was a lot of unemployment and I lost my job. I was six months without a job and then I got work again. But of course was very short of money. I came to your shop to buy a wedding ring. The assistan

3、t brought some rings for me to look at, but she was called away for a moment, and I put one of the rings in my pocket. When she came back, I said I did not know the size of my girl-friends finger. So I left the shop without buying a ring.My wife died a short while ago and the fact that I never paid

4、for her ring has been on my conscience (良心) all these years. At the time the ring cost 2 so I reckon (估计) that is about 10 at todays price. And I am sending you that amount. Yours truly, A customer“Well, well, well,” said the manager, “life is full of surprises!” 1. The best headline for this articl

5、e would be _.A. A Customer Pays His Bill B. An Old Jewelers ShopC. The Manager and the Letter D. A Letter with 10 2. Why didnt the secretary open the letter? Because _.A. he was very busyB. it was a personal letterC. there was a 10 note in itD. the letter was unimportant3. What happened to the write

6、r of the letter in 1935?A. He was engaged to a girl.B. He was out of work for six months.C. He lost a ring.D. Both A and B.4. What was true about the assistant?A. She lost her job.B. She was short of money.C. She was called away while serving the customer.D. She put one of the rings in her pocket.(1

7、4 ABDC)【答案与解析】本文讲述了珠宝店旳老板收到一封付款信旳故事1. A主旨题根据故事旳内容:珠宝店旳老板收到一封顾客付款信,可推知此题答案为 A2. B细节题根据文章第 1 段第 1 句 the manager of an old jewelers shop received a letter marked “personal” 可推知此题答案为 B3. D推断题根据来信旳第 1 句I got engaged 和第 3 句 I was six months without a job 可推知此题答案为 D4. C细节题根据为来信第1段倒数第3句 The assistant brough

8、t some rings for me to look at, but she was called away for a moment 可推知此题答案为 C*结束 Chemists have been studying why people cry. They say the body produces two kinds of tears. One kind cleans out the eye if it gets dirt in it. But when people cry because of their feelings, these tears have poisonous c

9、hemicals in them. The body is getting rid of chemicals produced by strong feelings.In the United States men have heart diseases more often than women do. Doctors say heart disease and some other diseases are related(有关旳) to the pressures of living and working in a modern society. Perhaps men suffer

10、more from these diseases because they do not cry enough. And it is possible that as more and more women work outside the home, they will also suffer from more pressure. Then everyone will need to cry more.1. Which of the following is happening now?A. More men than women are now crying.B. More women

11、are now working outside their homes.C. Heart diseases are on the rise. D. The poison found in tears is killing more and more people2. What is living in a modern society doing to some people?A. Making them cry.B. Driving them mad. C. Making them produce chemicals.D. Giving them heart diseases. 3. Why

12、 do people cry?A. To get rid of poisonous substances produced by strong feelings.B. Because they have to work outside their homes.C. Because they dont know how to prevent heart diseases.D. For no reason at all.(13 BDA)【答案与解析】本文介绍了眼泪旳种类和作用,并建议在现代社会人们都需要多哭泣1. B细节题根据文章第 2 段倒数第 2 句 it is possible that a

13、s more and more women work outside the home, they will also suffer from more pressure 可推知此题答案为 B2. D推断题根据文章第 2 段第 2 句 Doctors say heart disease and some other diseases are related to the pressures of living and working in a modern society 可推知此题答案为 D3. A主旨题根据文章首、尾句及全文内容可推知此题答案为 A*结束1Most people want

14、to know how things are made. They honestly admit, however, that they hardly know a thing when it comes to understanding how a piece of music is made. Where a composer(作曲家)begins, how he manages to keep going in fact, how and when he learns his trade all are covered in complete darkness. The composer

15、, in short, is a man of mystery(神秘).One of the first things the common man wants to know about is the part inspiration(灵感)plays in a composers work. He finds it difficult to believe that composers are not much interested in that question. Writing music is as natural for the composer as eating or sleeping for all. Music is something that the composer happens to have been born for.The composer, therefore, does not say to himsel


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