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1、1 UnitUnit 8 8 TopicTopic 1 1 一 重点单词一 重点单词 的程度较差可以不掌握 中 上学生需全部掌握 的程度较差可以不掌握 中 上学生需全部掌握 二 词组 二 词组 的程度较差可以不掌握 中 上学生需全部掌握 的程度较差可以不掌握 中 上学生需全部掌握 SectionSection A A 1 in spring summer fall winter 在春 夏 秋 冬 2 climb hills 爬山 3 make snowmen make a snowman 堆雪人 4 It s hard to say 很难说 5 learn to swim 学游泳 Sectio

2、nSection B B 1 remember to do sth 记住去做某事 rain v rainy adj bright adj brightly adv snow v n snowy adj low adj high 反义词 wind n windy adj wear v wore 过去式 fog n foggy adj suddenly adv sudden adj outside adv inside adv Australia n Australian adj n cloudy adj cloud n heavy adj heavily adv sun n sunny adj

3、leaf n leaves pl 2 2 put on 穿 戴 3 go outside go out 出去 4 nice and bright very bright 非常明亮 5 the lowest temperature 最低温度 6 the highest temperature 最高温度 SectionSection C C 1 the summer holidays 暑假 2 on your holidays 在你的假期 3 had better do sth 最好做某事 had better not do sth 最好别做某事 4 know about 知道 了解 5 need

4、 to do sth 需要做某事 6 the best time to go there 去那儿的最佳时间 7 wear warm clothes 穿保暖的衣服 8 in most areas of China 在中国的大部分地区 9 shine brightly 明亮地照耀 10 wear sunglasses a T shirt and shorts 戴太阳镜 穿 T 恤衫和短裤 11 rain suddenly 突然下雨 12 later on 后来 13 get fine warm 变好 转晴 14 return in March 三月份回来 3 15 come back to lif

5、e 复苏 苏醒 复活 16 turn green 变绿 17 come out 开花 出版 发行 18 rain heavily 下大雨 19 come after 在 之后来 20 the harvest season 收获的季节 21 be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 22 fall from 从 落下 23 last from to 从 持续到 24 blow strongly 猛烈地吹 SectionSection D D 1 change a lot 多变 2 take a walk 散步 3 see sb doing 看见某人正在做某事 4 perform Beiji

6、ng Opera 表演京剧 5 have a short rest 休息一会儿 6 take some pictures photos 照相 7 turn windy and cloudy 变得有风和阴天 8 right away at once 立刻 马上 9 get back home 回到家 4 三 重点句子三 重点句子 的程度较差可以不掌握 中 上学生需全部掌握的程度较差可以不掌握 中 上学生需全部掌握 SectionSection A A 1 What s1 What s thethe weatherweather likelike inin spring spring 春天天气怎么

7、样 How is the weather in spring 这是询问天气的两个句型 2 It s2 It s a a goodgood seasonseason forfor flyingflying kites kites 是放风筝的好季节 It s a good season for sth doing sth 是做什么事的好季节 It s a good season to do sth 例 It s a good season for swimming 是游泳的好季节 It s a good season to swim 3 It s3 It s a a goodgood timeti

8、me toto climbclimb hills hills 是爬山的好时光 It s a good time to do sth 是做什么事的好时候 It s a good time for sth doing sth 例 It s a good time to have classes 是时候下课了 It s a good time for class It s a good time for having classes It s a good time for sb to do sth 是某人做什么事的好时候 例 It s a good time for me to fly a kit

9、e 这是我放风筝的好时候 5 4 Which4 Which seasonseason dodo youyou likelike best best I I likelike springspring best best 你最喜欢哪个季节 我最喜欢春季 What s your favorite season 回答 My favorite season is 5 It s5 It s hardhard toto say say 很难说 It s adj to do sth 做某事是 的 例 It s good to get up early 早起是好的 SectionSection B B 6 H

10、ow6 How areare thingsthings going Thingsgoing Things areare goinggoing veryvery well well 一切都好吗 一切都好 7 How7 How isis everyoneeveryone there Everyonethere Everyone isis finefine here here 大家在那儿好吗 大家在这儿都很好 How 可用来对身体健康状况 事情进展情况等进行提问 例 How are your parents 你父母身体好吗 How are things in your father s factor

11、y 你爸爸厂里的情况怎么样 8 Remember8 Remember toto putput onon youryour raincoatraincoat whenwhen youyou gogo outside outside 当你外出时 记住穿上你的雨衣 remember to do sth 记得去做某事 实际动作还做 remember doing sth 记得做过某事 实际动作已经做 6 例 You must remember to close the door 你一定要记得关门 门还没有关 He remembered closing the door 他记得关过门了 门已经关上了 9

12、What s9 What s thethe temperaturetemperature It s It s betweenbetween 8 8 andand 2 2 今天的温度是多少 温度是在 8 and 2 之间 询问温度 What s the temperature 回答 The low high temperature is The temperature is from to The temperature is between and SectionSection C C 10 You10 You hadhad betterbetter knowknow aboutabout t

13、hethe weatherweather inin differentdifferent placesplaces inin AugustAugust 你最好了解八月份不同地方的天气情况 had better do sth 最好做某事 had better 最好 had 缩写 d 否定形式 had better not do sth 例 The temperature is high outside You d better not go out 外面高温 你最好不要出去 11 It11 It rainsrains a a lot lot 经常下雨 It often rains It is o

14、ften rainy rain 是动词 rainy 是形容词 too much rain rain 译为 雨水 时是不可数名词 7 SectionSection D D 12 I12 I hopehope allall isis wellwell withwith you you 我希望你一切顺利 all 是不定代词 意为 所有的都 指 三者或三者以上都 而 both 是指 两者都 另外 all 做主语谓语动词要用单数 四 语法四 语法 1 1 一般现在时与一般过去时区别 一般现在时与一般过去时区别 一般现在时表示经常性 习惯性发生的动作或现在存在的状态 常和表示频度的时间状语连用 如 oft

15、en usually always sometimes never every week day year month once a week 等 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态 常和表示过去的时间状语连用 如 yesterday yesterday evening last 时间 last Sunday in 2013 等 例 My father bought a new book for me yesterday My father often buy new books for me 2 2 构词法 构词法 1 名词 形容词 形容词修饰名词 be 形容词 sun sun

16、ny rain rainy wind windy snow snowy cloud cloudy fog foggy 2 形容词 副词 副词修饰动词 bright brightly strong strongly sudden suddenly careful carefully heavy heavily busy busily easy easily slow slowly 例 The sun shines brightly 阳光明媚 The wind blows strongly 刮大风 8 It rains heavily 下大雨 It rained suddenly 突然下雨 语法考点例析语法考点例析 例例 1 1 When Mr Gao calls the girl s name her face red at once A turns B gets C turned D got 析 句意 当高先生叫女孩的名字时 她的脸立刻变红了 when 引导的时间状语从句中时态是一般现在时 主 语时态也要用一般现在时 get 和 turn 均有 变得 之意 根据题干的 red 变红色需



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