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1、SEATTLE With hometown companies like Amazon and Microsoft, this bustling region on the Puget Sound easily ranks in the top tier of technology hubs in the United States. 西雅图 作为亚马逊(Amazon)和微软(Microsoft)等公司的家乡,位于普及湾(Puget Sound)的这个繁荣区域,可以轻松跻身美国一流科技中心之列。But the area lags its peers in one glaring way: It

2、 is home to a single major research university, the University of Washington, while nearly every other big technology scene in the country has at least two. 但与美国其他大型科技中心相比,它有一个明显的薄弱环节:这里只有一所重要的研究型大学,即华盛顿大学(University of Washington),而其他中心至少有两所这种档次的大学。For years, that weakness has stoked local unease a

3、bout whether the gap between the supply of people with computer-related degrees and the surge in demand for those skills could impede the regions economy. “Weve long realized were at a relative competitive disadvantage when it comes to higher education,” said Bradford L. Smith, Microsofts general co

4、unsel. 多年来,这个薄弱环节令当地人感到不安,因为这里对计算机相关人才的需求激增,而对人才的培养却不足,其差距有可能会阻碍该地区的经济发展。“我们早就意识到,在高等教育方面,我们相对处在劣势,”微软总法律顾问布拉德福德L史密斯(Bradford L. Smith)说。 On Thursday, Seattles top academic and business leaders unveiled a plan to create a new institute of learning, with the goal of strengthening the educational foun

5、dation of the regions high-tech economy. The institute, the Global Innovation Exchange, is a partnership between the University of Washington and one of Chinas leading research universities, Tsinghua University. It will open in fall 2016 with a masters degree program in technology innovation. 本周四,西雅

6、图学术界和商业界的领袖,公布了建立一所新高校的计划,目的是加强该地区高科技经济的教育基础。这所机构名为全球创新学院(Global Innovation Exchange),是华盛顿大学和中国一流的研究型院校清华大学合作成立的,将在 2016 年秋季开学,开设技术创新相关的硕士学位课程。Microsoft will contribute $40 million to help the institute get started. Some of the money will go toward creating a base for the institute in a large new ur

7、ban development project in Bellevue, Wash., about 10 miles from the University of Washingtons main campus. Faculty for the school will come from the University of Washington, Tsinghua and, eventually, a couple other international universities the Global Innovation Exchange expects to attract as part

8、ners. 微软将出资 4000 万美元(约合 2.5 亿元人民币)帮助该学院起步,其中部分资金将用于为该学院修建基地。这将是一个新的大型城市开发项目,位于华盛顿州贝尔维尤,距离华盛顿大学主校区大约 10 英里(约合 16 公里)。全球创新学院的教师将来自华盛顿大学、清华大学,以及该院期望吸引参与合作的其他几所国际性大学。 It will start with only a few dozen students, but the institute has a goal of more than 3,000 a decade from now. Tsinghua is expected to

9、help recruit Chinese students to the institute, providing an important global aspect, said Ana Mari Cauce, interim president of the University of Washington. 它最初只招收几十名学生,但计划在十年里增加到逾 3000 名。清华大学将帮助该学院招收中国学生,这提供了一个重要的全球性维度,华盛顿大学的临时校长安娜玛丽 科斯(Ana Mari Cauce)表示。 “This will be the first time a Chinese uni

10、versity has a physical spot in the U.S.,” Dr. Cauce said in an interview before the public announcement of the institute. “Thats a big deal.” “这是中国大学首次在美国拥有了一个实体立足点,”在公开宣布该学院成立的消息之前,科斯博士在接受采访时说。“这是一件大事。” The institute will not initially grant undergraduate degrees, which will limit its potential to

11、make a dent in the regions deficit of technology talent, at least in the near term. But the participants in the project said it was too early to predict what the institute could eventually become. “Fundamentally, its about looking ahead a decade and a century,” Mr. Smith said. 该学院最初不会授予本科学位,这将限制其改善该

12、地区技术人才缺口的潜力,至少在短期内是这样。但该项目的参与者说,现在为时尚早,还无法预言该机构最终会达到怎样的状态。“根本而言,它面向的是未来10 年、 100 年。”史密斯说。 A 2013 report by the Washington Student Achievement Council, a state agency focused on education, said the state needed to produce more than 2,700 additional bachelors degrees annually in computer science to me

13、et projected employer demand in the region through 2021. The University of Washington currently awards about 300 computer science degrees a year. 华盛顿州学生成就理事会(Washington Student Achievement Council)是该州政府一所关注教育的机构,其 2013 年的一份报告称,该州每年需要另外再培养 2700 名计算机科学学士,才能满足该地区雇主 2021年前的预计需求量。华盛顿大学目前每年向大约 300 名学生授予计算

14、机科学学位。 Glenn Kelman, chief executive of Redfin, an online real estate company based in Seattle, said he had never seen a region so solely dependent on one research institution. “I was shocked when I got here,” Mr. Kelman said. “Really, its Microsoft and Amazon and a dozen other companies our size an

15、d hundreds of even smaller ones picking over the same group of graduating computer scientists. Its an incredibly small group of people.” 总部位于西雅图的在线房地产公司 Redfin 的首席执行官格伦凯尔曼 (Glenn Kelman)表示,他从未见过一个地区如此单一地只依赖一所研究机构。“来到这里的时候我震惊了,”凯尔曼说。“真的,微软、亚马逊、十几家和我们规模一样大,以及数百家规模更小的公司,都在从同一批计算机科学毕业生中选人。毕业生少得令人难以置信。”

16、Silicon Valleys development is closely linked to the strength of two institutes of higher education, one public and the other private, the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford. The University of Washington, a public university, has one of the top computer science programs in the country. But it turns away a significant number of students applying for computer science because it has not had enough money to increase capacity. 硅谷的发展和两家高等教育机构的实力密切相关,它们分


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