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1、1 UnitUnit 5 5 TopicTopic 1 1 一 重点单词一 重点单词 的程度较差可以不掌握 中 上学生需全部掌握的程度较差可以不掌握 中 上学生需全部掌握 二 词组 所有学生需全部掌握 二 词组 所有学生需全部掌握 SectionSection A A 1 at the school gate 在校门口 2 介词词组 by bike car bus subway underground train plane ship boat on foot 骑自行车 坐小汽车 坐公交车 坐地铁 坐火车 坐飞机 坐轮船 坐小船 步行 3 come on 快点 加油 SectionSectio

2、n B B 1 on weekdays 在工作日 在平时 2 动词词组 ride a bike to school go to school by bike 骑自行车去上学 take the subway home go home by subway 坐地铁回家 walk to the park go to the park on foot 步行去公园 take a bus to the zoo go to the zoo by bus 坐公交车去动物园 3 do one s homework 不可数 做某人的作业 does 单三形式 subway n underground 同义词 begi

3、n v beginning n soccer n football 同义词 life n lives pl movie n film 同义词 American adj America n 2 4 watch TV watches 单三形式 看电视 5 play basketball soccer football 打篮球 踢足球 6 see a movie film 看电影 SectionSection C C 1 havefour classes 上四节课 2 after school 放学后 3 after class 下课后 4 after breakfast lunch supper

4、早餐 午餐 晚餐后 5 get home 到家 6 at about five o clock 在大约五点钟 7 twenty past five five twenty 五点二十分 8 a quarter past five five fifteen 五点十五分 9 half past five five thirty 五点三十分 10 a quarter to six five forty five 五点四十五分 11 for a short time 一会儿 12 go to bed goes 单三形式 去睡觉 13 go swimming 去游泳 14 go fishing 去钓鱼 1

5、5 listen to music 不可数 听音乐 16 read books 看书 17 how often 多久一次 3 18 come to the library 来图书馆 19 once a week 一周一次 20 twice a week 一周两次 21 three times a week 一周三次 22 every day 每天 SectionSection D D 1 know about 了解 2 the school life of American students 美国学生们的校园生活 3 be over 结束 4 in one s free time one s

6、my your his her our their 在某人的业余 空闲时间 5 have no more time 没有更多的时间 6 talk to sb 和某人谈话 7 be different from 与 不同 三 重点句子三 重点句子 的程度较差可以不掌握 中 上学生需全部掌握的程度较差可以不掌握 中 上学生需全部掌握 SectionSection A A 1 Happy1 Happy NewNew Year Year TheThe samesame toto you you 新年快乐 你也一样 The same to sb 表示 你也一样 常用于回答节日问候的答语 例 Happy

7、Christmas 圣诞快乐 4 The same to you 你也一样 拓展 但是对 Happy birthday 生日快乐 的问候语回答要用 Thank you 谢谢 2 How2 How dodo youyou usuallyusually comecome toto schoolschool I I usuallyusually comecome toto schoolschool byby subwaysubway 你通常如何来上学 我通常坐地铁来上学 by 交通工具名称 表示使用某种交通方式 中间不加限定词 如果交通工具前有 a the my 等限定词 就不 能用 by 而是用

8、in 或是 on 例 on the train by train on his bike by bike in my car by car 巧辩异同 on foot 与 walk on foot 走路 是介词短语 不能作谓语 只作方式状语 位于句末 walk 走路 是动词 可以作谓语 go to on foot walk to 例 I often go to school on foot I often walk to school 同样 go to by bike ride a bike to go to by car drive a car to go to by plane fly to

9、 go to by bus take a bus to 3 It s3 It s timetime forfor class class 到了上课的时候了 It s time for sth It s time to do sth It s time for doing sth 5 例 It s time for class It s time to have classes It s time for having classes SectionSection B B 4 What4 What timetime dodo youyou usuallyusually getget upup o

10、non weekdays weekdays 平时你通常几点起床 What time 用来对时间的提问 译为 几点 问的是具体的时间 一般回答要具体到小时 例 What time do you go to school 你什么时候 几点上学 I go to school at half past seven o clock 我七点半去上学 回答具体到点钟 且注意在几点前边的介词用 at 5 The5 The earlyearly birdbird catchescatches thethe worm worm 谚语背诵即可 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 笨鸟先飞 捷足先登 SectionSection C

11、C 6 After6 After dinner dinner sheshe oftenoften doesdoes herher homework homework andand thenthen watcheswatches TVTV forfor a a shortshort time time 晚饭后 她经常做作业 然后看电视一会儿 do one s homework 做家庭作业 注意 one s 要随主语的变化而变化 常用形容词性物主代词 my your their our his her 等 例 I often do my homework at school 我经常在学校做作业 7

12、 What7 What doesdoes hehe usuallyusually dodo afterafter school Heschool He usuallyusually playsplays soccer soccer butbut hehe doesn tdoesn t playplay basketball basketball 放学后他通常做什么 他通常踢足球 但是他不打篮球 6 弹乐器前要带定冠词 the 而进行球类运动则不带 the play 棋类 球类 牌 下 棋 打 球 play soccer basketball play the 西洋乐器 弹 拉 乐器 play

13、the guitar piano 例 Does Tony always play basketball on Sundays 托尼总是在星期天打篮球吗 She usually plays the piano after school 放学后她通常弹钢琴 8 How8 How oftenoften dodo youyou comecome toto thethe library library 你多久来一次图书馆 Very Very often Never Seldom often Never Seldom EveryEvery day Onceday Once a a week Twicewe

14、ek Twice a a week Threeweek Three timestimes a a week week 非常经常 从未 很少 每天 一周一次 一周两次 一周三次 How often 多久一次 对频度进行提问 答语常用频度副词 always usually often sometimes seldom never 等或单位时间内的次数 表示频率的短 语 次数 单位时间 例 once a week 一周一次 twice a month 每月两次 three times a year 每年三次 How often do you go to the library 你多久去一次图书馆 O

15、nce Twice Three times Four times a week month year 一周 一个月 一年一次 两次 三次 SectionSection D D 9 Well 9 Well manymany studentsstudents usuallyusually taketake a a yellowyellow schoolschool busbus oror walkwalk toto school school 1 or 是连词 意为 或者 连接并列的单词 短语或句子 例 Would you like milk or tea 你想要牛奶还是茶 Milk please

16、 牛奶 2 or 用作连词 连接一个条件状语从句 有 否则 之意 7 例 Hurry up or we will be late for school 快点儿 否则我们会迟到的 拓展 or 用于否定句时 连接两个并列的成分 意为 两者都不 例 I can t sing or dancing 我既不会唱歌也不会跳舞 10 What10 What timetime isis schoolschool over over 几点钟放学 over adv 结束 be 不能省略 例 The class will be over soon 快下课了 11 What11 What dodo theythey dodo inin theirtheir freefree time time 在他们业余时间他们做什么 in one sfree time 在某人的空闲时间 one s 用形容词性物主代词 in my your his her our their free time 例 I often listen to music in my free time 我经常在我的空闲时间听音乐 12 Nice12



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