外研版高中英语必修1:Unit 6 Section 2课时达标训练 Word版含答案

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1、.Module 6课时达标训练(二十二).根据提示写出单词的正确形式1What _ (百分率) of women return to work after having a baby?2The Internet is of great value as a data _ (来源)3There is no _ (通路) to the street through that door.4This kind of stamp is _ (设计) by some students who are learning art at our university.5The book _ (包含) plent

2、y of information on how to plant flowers.6In order to protect our environment, we cant freely cut trees without the governments _ (permit)7He said this in _ (defend) of his daughter.8The club _ (consist) of 300 people reacted against the plan.9The world changed rapidly after the _ (invent) of the te

3、lephone.10Economic conditions may be responsible for the _ (create) of social unrest.选词填空 come up with; go down; be known as; consist of; as well; be designed for1Does the money include breakfast only, or dinner _?2We waited for the wind to _3Our class is a happy family, which _ 16 boys and 19 girls

4、.4Tom_ a good plan at the meeting.5Kunming _ an “Spring City”6This kind of toy _ children above three.完成句子1糟糕的天气使我们无法进行下去。The bad weather _. 2什么使你难过,亲爱的?我们是否有必要把家搬到城里(这件事令我难过)。What is upsetting you, dear?Whether _ our home to the city.3该培训项目能在工作上让你振奋起来,同时也能提高40% 的收入。This training program can give yo

5、u a lift at work, _4虽然他是个孩子,但是提出了一个解决这个问题的好主意。Child as he was, he _ to solve the problem.5住在那些公寓里的人们可以免费使用那个游泳池。The people living in those apartments _ that swimming pool.阅读理解AThe Internet has both advantages and disadvantages.Communication Now we can communicate with a person who is sitting in anot

6、her part of the world almost for free. There are plenty of online messenger services that offer this service. With the help of such service, it has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship where you can share your thoughts and explore other cultures.Information Access to information

7、 is one of the biggest advantages of the Internet. Almost any kind of information on any topic under the sun can be found on the Internet. Search engines like Google or Yahoo are at your service on the Internet. You can find almost any type of data on almost any kind of subject.Entertainment Enterta

8、inment is another popular reason why many people like to surf the Internet. There are numerous games that may be downloaded from the Internet for free. Chat rooms are popular because users can meet new and interesting people. When people surf the web, they can find numerous things. Music, hobbies, n

9、ews and more can be found and shared on the Internet.Service Much service is now provided on the Internet such as online banking, job seeking, purchasing tickets for your favorite movies, and hotel reservations. But there are also disadvantages. If you use the Internet, your personal information suc

10、h as name, address, credit card number, etc. might be accessed by other people. Virus (病毒) threat is another problem. Virus attacks can end up crashing your whole hard disk, causing you much headache. Pornography (色情作品) is perhaps the biggest threat related to childrens healthy mental life. There ar

11、e thousands of pornographic sites on the Internet that can be easily found. On the whole, the Internets advantages overweigh its disadvantages.1What is this passage mainly about?ADos and donts on the Internet.BService offered on the Internet.CInformation offered on the Internet.DAdvantages and disad

12、vantages of the Internet.2According to the writer, with the Internet, we can _Amake friends with people from other countries convenientlyBfind any type of data on any kind of subjectCbuy very cheap things online from other countriesDdownload whatever we want for free3Which of the following disadvant

13、ages is NOT mentioned in the passage?AYour computer might be attacked by viruses.BYou may receive a lot of unwanted emails.CPornography might harm childrens mental health.DYour personal information might be stolen.4The writer seems to believe that _Athe Internet isnt very useful to childrenBthe Inte

14、rnet is safer to use than people thinkCpeople dont know how to make use of the InternetDthe Internet has more advantages than disadvantagesBSome countries have a large number of earthquakes. Japan is one of them, while others do not have many, for example, there are few earthquakes in Britain. There is often a great noise during an earthquake. The ground vibrates (颤动)Houses fall down. Railways are broken, which causes trains to turn over. Sometimes thousands of people are killed in different ways. About 60,000 we



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