外研版英语必修1练习:5.4Section Ⅳ Cultural Corner Word版含解析

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1、.Section Cultural Corner姓名:_测试时间:45分钟本卷总分:50分自评或老师评分:_基础训练用所给词的适当形式填空1. Natural chemical reactions take place when iron _(rust). 2. The meeting was only a _(part) success. 3. The room is _(equipment) with air conditioning so it is comfortable to live in it. 4. Air is a _ (mix) of gases instead of a

2、compound.5He spoke so fast that I _(not follow)him.6Many trees are planted so that the soil_(not carry)away.7Youd better_(put )the meat into the fridge so that it doesnt go bad.8The bridge_(wash)away in the storm in 1981.9She used to _(take) a parttime job.10I am used to _(run) in the morning, which

3、 is good for our health.答案:1rusts2.partial3.equipped4. mixture5didnt follow6.isnt carried7.put8was washed9.take10.running语篇提能.完形填空The telephone rang in the police station at Richmond,California,USA.“Police station?A train for Santa Fe collided(相撞)a_1_at the McDonald Street Crossing.Please come here

4、at once.With an ambulance(救护车),too.A man is badly wounded,”said a(n)_2_voice of a young woman.“OK.Well come soon.Please stay there and wait,”replied the_3_.Within a minute,a police car and an ambulance_4_off.Soon they got to the_5_,but only to find everything was_6_.No collision,no wounded man.“What

5、 a dirty_7_!”said the policeman angrily.“We must find out that mischievous(恶作剧的)_8_and.”They had not been able to say anything about a_9_when they heard the whistle of a train was nearing them quickly.All of a sudden,a truck appeared.It came_10_towards them,too.When it was passing the crossing,it su

6、ddenly_11_to move on.Right then and_12_,before the eyes of all the people_13_,the train collided with the truck heavily and struck it dozens of metres away.When Randolph Bruce,the_14_,was helped out of the damaged truck,he was badly wounded just_15_the young woman had foretold(预言)on the phone.As he

7、was taken to hospital in time,he was_16_at last.Later the police did whatever they could to_17_the woman who had_18_them,but failed.It is really_19_that a prophecy(预言)should coincide(巧合)with the fact so_20_.1A.trainBbusCtruck Dtaxi2A.low BsweetCanxious Dbeautiful3A.teacher BofficialCpoliceman Ddocto

8、r4A.walked BturnedCtook Dstarted5A.crossing BroadCstation Dstop6A.fine BbadCsatisfied Dpleasant7A.plan BcallClie Dtrick8A.driver BpolicemanCboy Dwoman9A.punishment BrewardCpraise Dthanks10A.passing BturningCrunning Dstarting11A.stopped BcontinuedCrefused Dbegan12A.where BthereCafter Dlater13A.away B

9、presentCalive Dfrightened14A.driver BwomanCpoliceman Dboy15A.when BasCbecause Dif16A.alive BsavedCdead Dawake17A.thank BfindCmeet Dpunish18A.visited BlaughedCtelephoned Drepeated19A.interesting BexcitingCsurprising Dpleasing20A.carefully BequallyCtruly Dexactly答案:电话在警察局响起,有个妇女报案说在the McDonald Street

10、 Crossing一列火车与卡车相撞,一人受重伤,结果等警察带着救护车赶到的时候,那里什么也没发生。当他们正在生气的时候,一列火车与卡车相撞了,结果妇女说的一切应验了。有时预言与现实竟然如此巧合。1解析:从后文可知火车与卡车相撞。答案:C2解析:因为是对于紧急情况报案,因此那人的声音非常焦急。答案:C3解析:联系文章的第一句“The telephone rang in the police station at Richmond, California”可以得知答案。答案:C4解析:联系空前的“a police car and an ambulance”可以知道,警车与救护车赶紧出发。答案:D

11、5解析:联系前文的“at the McDonald Street Crossing”可以得此答案。答案:A6解析:因为“No collision,no wounded man.”因此一切正常。答案:A7解析:因为一切正常,因此警察认为有人在耍花招。从后面的“We must find out that mischievous_8_(woman)”也可以得此答案。答案:D8解析:从前文可以知道,报案的是一个妇女。答案:D9解析:联系前文“We must find out that mischievous_8_(woman)and.”可以知道,如果他们找出是哪个妇女在恶作剧,他们一定会惩罚她的。但是

12、没等他们想出如何惩罚她,火车就呼啸着开过来了。答案:A10解析:从后文“When it was passing the crossing”可以知道,卡车也开过来了。“It came running”意思是“跑过来”。答案:C11解析:从后文可以知道,火车与卡车相撞了,因此当开到路口,卡车再也不能向前走了。答案:C12解析:卡车就停在了路口处,就在此时此地,火车撞上了卡车。答案:B13解析:present在此意思是“在场”。答案:B14解析:从空后的“was helped out of the damaged truck”可以知道,被救出的是卡车的司机。答案:A15解析:就跟那个妇女在电话中描述

13、的那样,司机受了重伤。as在这里引导的是方式状语,因此其他答案不合题意。答案:B16解析:从空前的“As he was taken to hospital in time”可以知道,因为抢救及时,司机最后被救了。在本句中as表示原因。答案:B17解析:联系下文but failed可以知道,警察想找到那个妇女,但是没有找到。答案:B18解析:从前文可以知道,是妇女打电话给警察的。答案:C19解析:预言与事实的巧合是令人吃惊的。答案:C20解析:预言中的描述与现实十分巧合,因此本空用exactly。答案:D.语法填空Its not often that a tomato _1_(describe)

14、 as so sweet that “whenever people see it they just want to hug it”, but this is not an ordinary piece of fruit.The heartshaped tomato was grown by a _2_(retire) dagger maker, Rod Matless, who said he was shocked when he noticed it in his greenhouse while inspecting his _3_(late) produce. Mr. Matless, who suffered a heart attack a few years ago, was so astonished by the fruit _4_he decided to sell it at auction(拍卖) and donate the money _5_the British Heart Foundation. The 2.26 oz tomato was bought _6_ the price of


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