外研版高中英语必修1:Unit 4 Section 4课时达标训练 Word版含答案

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1、.Fast-readingSkim the text and answer the following questions.1In which countries is the countryside changing?In_some_countries_in_western_Europe,_such_as_France,_Spain_and_Britain.2Why do some villages remain?Because_people_from_the_cities_have_bought_a“second_home”_in_the_village.3What are the pro

2、blems?(1)Young people move to towns for a livelier life and for work.(2)People cant afford village house because citydwellers buy them up.(3)Farmers_sell_their_land_and_stop_farming.4What will be resulted in by these problems?(1)Many villages in western Europe will have to fight to survive.(2)The_co

3、untryside_will_be_a_sadder_and_uglier_place.Careful-reading()Write down T (for true) or F (for false) according to the text.Some villages are disappearing, the reasons are:1Young people from villages usually want to live somewhere livelier and they do not return._2The soil is too poor in the country

4、side._3The natural disaster completely damaged the villages._4People move to the cities to find work, as there are often very few jobs in the countryside._答案:14TFFT()Choose the best answer according to the text.1Whats the best title of this passage?AThe Country Is ChangingBLooking for JobsCVillages

5、Ideal Places to LiveDThe Life of the Countryside and Town2Why do some of the urban people choose to live in the villages?ABecause they want to live there at weekends.BBecause they cant afford to buy houses in the city.CBecause they were born in the countryside.DBecause they want the villages to rema

6、in.3Whats the attitude of the writer towards the problems of villages?AOptimistic (乐观的)BConcerned (关心的)CObjective (客观的). DHopeless (无望的)4This passage is written _Ain persuading wordsBby giving examplesCby analyzing and concludingDfrom the writers personal feelings答案:14ABBC.拼写单词1Making small models r

7、equires manual (手的;手工的) skill.2There was a lot of traffic (交通) on the roads this morning.3I tried to contact (联系) him at his office, but he wasnt in.4I grew up as part of a large household (家族;一家人)5Id love to go on holiday but I cant afford (负担得起) the time.6Every month the group meets so its members

8、 can exchange (交换) their views.拓展词汇1organization n组织 organize v组织2unemployed adj.失业的;没有工作的 unemployment n失业 employ v雇用employment n就业;工作;职业3occupation n职业 occupational adj.职业的 occupy v雇用;占用4professional adj.专业的 profession n专业;职业5fascinating adj.迷人的;吸引人的 fascinate v使着迷fascination n迷人;诱人6survive v幸存 su

9、rvival n幸存 survivor n幸存者巧记单词派生词organizationorganize-ationunemployedun-employ-edoccupationoccupy-ationprofessionalprofession-alfascinatingfascinate-ing.补全短语1up_to now/so far/till now到现在为止 2get away from 摆脱 3a number of/a great many 许多 4go up 上升5pay back 偿还 6such as 例如 7make/earn a living 谋生 8earn/mak

10、e money 赚钱1教材原句But there are times when I need the peace and quiet of the countryside.但是有些时候我需要乡村的祥和宁静。句型点拨times后跟when引导的定语从句。佳句赏析人有些时候得凭良心做事。 There are times when you have to act from the heart.2教材原句The countryside would be a sadder and uglier place without them.没有它们,农村将是更孤寂更荒凉的地方。句型点拨without短语表示含蓄

11、条件,句子用虚拟语气。佳句赏析没有智能手机,人与人之间会走地更近。Without smart phones, people would be closer to each other.In some countries in western Europe, such as France, Spain and Britain, the countryside is changing.Life has become difficult for many villages, and some are disappearing. There are a number of reasons for th

12、is. Firstly, young people from villages usually want to live somewhere livelier and they often move to the towns and do not return. Secondly, people move to the cities to find work, as there are often very few jobs in the countryside. Sometimes villages remain because people from the cities have bou

13、ght a “second home” in the village, where they come and stay at weekends. The price of homes goes up and people from the area cannot afford to buy a house there. Another problem is that it is becoming more and more difficult for farmers to make money from their farms. So they sell their land and fin

14、d another job.All these things mean that many villages in western Europe are fighting to survive. We can only hope that they will remain. The countryside would be a sadder and uglier place without them.,在西欧的一些国家,如法国、西班牙和英国,乡村正在改变。很多村子的生存变得艰难。有些村子正在消失。造成这种状况的原因有很多。首先,乡村的年轻人通常想生活在更热闹的地方,他们常搬往城镇,并且不再回去

15、。其次,人们到城市中找工作,因为乡村的工作机会通常很少。有时候,村子被保留了下来,因为城里人在村子里买了“第二个家”,他们来这里度周末。房子的价格上涨,那里的人们买不起房子。另一个问题是农民们越来越难从他们的农场里赚到钱了。于是他们卖了地,然后去寻找别的工作。所有的这些都意味着西欧的很多村子在挣扎中生存。我们只能希望它们能够被保留下来。没有它们,乡村将会是一个更孤寂、更荒凉的地方。1There are museums, cinemas, theatres, art galleries, parks, coffee bars, clubs and many other places where people can meet and exchange ideas.(P37)人们可以在博物馆、电影院、剧院、美术馆、公园、咖啡馆、俱乐部以及许多其他的地方见面并交


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