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1、.Module 10 On the radio【巩固练习】I. 单项选择。1He said that he _ his homework Awould finished Bfinished Chad finished Dfinishes2Tom said that he _ to Lilys home yesterday Awent Bis going Cwould go Dgoes3Mum said that the earth _ around the sun Agoes Bis going Cwent Dwould go4Lily said she _ more trees the ne

2、xt year Aplants Bwill plant Cwould plant Dplanted5He asked when _ Awe would go to Beijing Bwe go to Beijing Cdid we go to Beijing Dwould we go to Beijing6_ do you surf the Internet,Maria? Twice a week AHow long BHow often CHow soon DWhat time7Could you please tell me _? Theyre over there Awhere are

3、the restrooms Bwhere were the restrooms Cwhere the restrooms are Dwhere the restrooms were8Since you have finished your homework,what about _? Ago to run Bgo running Cgoing to run Dgoing running9Do you know if we will go for a picnic this Saturday? I think we will if we _ any classes Awont have Bdid

4、nt have Cdont have Darent having10The fans were _ to know the death of their favourite singing star Whitney Houston Aglad Bangry Cexcited Dsurprised11How do you communicate with your foreign friends? _ writing emails,of course AWith BBy CAt DFrom12Last Thursday when I got to the station,I _ I had le

5、ft my ticket at home Aunderstood Brealized Cbelieved Dseemed13You should avoid _ the street when the light is red Acrossing Bcross Ccrossed Dto cross14Mr. Green explained that math problem _ us Afor Bat Cto Din15Mike sat next to the window and he kept on _ out of itAlooked Blooks Clook Dlooking真题链接1

6、. Can you tell me _ to London?Sure. Next month. A. when you will travel B. when will you travel C. when you travelled D. when did you travel2. Long time no see! Oh! It _ five years since we met last time Awas Bwere Chas been Dhave been3. Thank you for helping me with my physics. _. I hope you can do

7、 better in it.A.Good idea B. See youC. Im not sure D. Youre welcomeII. 完形填空。Whats your idea about success? Some people say that beginners have all the luck,while others believe that success 1 only with practiceIn fact,I feel both of these statements(陈述) are not true all the timeEach is true in some

8、ways 2 not in others For example,I went to a drawing competition many years ago and 3 surprisinglyAs a prize,I got a film ticket to see TitanicI was really 4 because it was the first time I had taken part in any competitionThinking that I might be lucky again,I 5 joining in other art competitionsBut

9、 the result was that I 6 won againI accepted the fact that the other people had a 7 artistic ability than I didArt was not something I was especially interested in and l had never practiced the different art skillsSo,the 8 I produced were not of a very high standard These experiences taught me a lot

10、Though I might have been lucky 9 ,I also need to put in hard workAs we know, 10 makes perfectSo I believe success builds on less luck and chance1Amoves Bcomes Creturns Dleaves2Aor Bso Cand Dbut3Awon Bbegan Cfailed Dended4Asorry Bactive Clucky Dnervous5Atried Bforgot Cstopped Dremembered6Aoften Bever

11、 Cseldom Dnever7Agreater Bmore natural Clower Dmore common8Aresults Bfilms Cprizes Ddrawings9Aat last Bat most Cat first Dat least10Achance Bpractice Cdifference Dexperience III. 阅读理解。A Perhaps the most famous clothing brand name(服装品牌名称) in the world,Levi Strauss Cois the inventor of blue denim jean

12、sHeres how it happened In the mid-1800s many people went to California to look for goldA young German named Levi Strauss traveled to San Francisco to help his brother on businessHe sold canvas(帆布) to the workers for tentsBut the workers said they needed pants more,because their pants were easy to we

13、ar outInstead of selling his canvas for tent-making,he turned them into pantsThese kinds of pants were very popular with workersHe was very happy and named the kind of pants“denims”And in 1853 he founded Levi Strauss & Co Twenty years later the company began using a design with pocketsDuring the working,Strauss developed the process for putting metal rivets(铆钉) in the jeans for strength On May 20,1873,they received the U. S. Patent No. 139,121 for the process and that date is now considered the official birthday of“


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