六年级 下学期 英语 闽教版 习题Unit1_Winter_Activities单元测试

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《六年级 下学期 英语 闽教版 习题Unit1_Winter_Activities单元测试》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级 下学期 英语 闽教版 习题Unit1_Winter_Activities单元测试(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit1 Winter Activities单元测试一、选出字母发音不同的一项。( ) 1. a A. cake B. lake C. bag( ) 2. b A. these B. evening C. bed( ) 3. i A. like B. milk C. film( ) 4. o A. dog B. stop C. nose( ) 5. u A. bus B. cut C. music二、句子与图片连线。1. A. I traveled along the Yangtze River.2. B. I climbed a famous mountain.3. C. Show me

2、the dress, please.4. D. We listened to music.5. E. The snowman is short and fat.三、根据句意及首字母补充句子。1. Look at this man, he is tall and t_.2. I m_ a snowman last week.3. I t_ along the Yellow River in the winter.4. The man is f_.四、单项选择。( ) 1. Did you _ in the snow?A. have a fun B. have fun C. have the fu

3、n ( ) 2. -I take a photo of it. -_ me the photo, please.A. Show B. Take C. Have( ) 3. Did you go _ in winter?A. anywhere B. somewhere C. any( ) 4. I went _ to my hometown.A. back B. take C. from( ) 5. I _(滑冰)on the lake.A. went skate B. went to skate C. went skating五、连词成句。1. is, it, snowman, lovely,

4、 a (.)_2. very, it, there, cold, was (?)_3. you, did, winter, anywhere, go, in (?)_4. was, city, there, ice, big, a (.)_参考答案一、1-5 CCACC二、1-5 BDAEC三、1. thin2. made3. traveled4. fat四、1-5 BAAAC五、1. It is a lovely snowman.2. Was it very cold there?3. Did you go anywhere in winter?4. There was a big ice city.


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