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1、.Module 1单元测试题Written test part (共95分). 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. Whats that?Its _ cake with cream on _ top. A. a; a B. a; 不填C. 不填;the D. the; a( )2. My brother Bill likes football very much, and he is _ the school football team. A. to B. for C. in D. at( )3. This is _ apple p

2、ie. Please taste it!Thanks. A. mine B. my C. I D. me( )4. Our class won the baseball match. All of us were _. A. excited B. exciting C. bored D. boring( )5. It is a _ school, with friendly teachers and students. A. quiet B. magic C. lovely D. crowded ( )6. Tom does well at school, so his parents _ h

3、im. A. are strict with B. are sorry for C. are proud of D. are bored with( )7. What do you think of the song, Emma?It _ beautiful. A. sounds B. tastesC. smells D. looks( )8. _ do you feel about going to Canada?I feel very excited. A. How B. What C. Why D. When( )9. The boy is only six years old, but

4、 he is good at _ the piano. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played ( )10. Simon is shy. He is afraid of _ in front of the class.A. tell B. speakC. telling D. speaking( )11. Thanks for _ me with English. A. help B. helping C. helped D. to help( )12. Alice spends two hours _ football every day. A. pl

5、ayed B. play C. playing D. to play( )13. _ beautiful skirt! I want to put it on soon. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a ( )14. Would you like to try some beef? _. I like beef a lot.A. No, thanks B. Yes, pleaseC. Sorry, I dont know D. Youre welcome( )15. Jack will come to visit us tomorrow. _Me neith

6、er.A. I cant wait to meet him. B. What should we do?C. Its great to hear from him. D. Shall I meet him at the airport?. 完形填空(共10分,每小题1分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Everyone, rich or poor, can have happiness. You dont need to think too much about those 16 people. They may always fee

7、l lonely (孤独的) 17 their houses are too big, and they may want to take a 18 on country roads because they drive to work every day in the busy city. 19 , happiness is always around you. When you are unhappy, your friends will come to 20 and this will make you happy. When you study hard at your lessons

8、, you will get good marks and of course you will 21 happy about it. If you dont feel 22 , your parents will take good care of you and you will be happy. When you are 23 , you can also say you are happy because you may have something else that money cant buy. When you 24 problems, say loudly that you

9、 are happy because you have 25 chances to challenge (挑战) yourself. Then you can succeed (成功) in what you do and this may bring you happiness.( )16. A. rich B. silly C. excellent D. strange( )17. A. if B. although C. because D. or( )18. A. photo B. walk C. note D. look( )19. A. In time B. At last C.

10、At first D. In fact( )20. A. thank B. teachC. help D. celebrate( )21. A. feel B. smell C. sound D. taste( )22. A. sure B. well C. safe D. confident( )23. A. nervous B. angryC. hungry D. poor( )24. A. have B. imagine C. solve D. cause( )25. A. little B. fewer C. more D. much. 情景交际 (共10分,每小题2分)根据对话内容从

11、方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。Andy: What are you making, Kate? (26)_Kate: Im making a pizza. Andy: (27)_Kate: Really? Try some, please.Andy: Mmm, it tastes really nice. Kate: (28)_Andy: No, thanks. They taste too sweet. (29)_Kate: Oh, the pizza is finished. Lets go out somewhere together, OK?Andy: OK

12、. Lets go to Lindas home. Shes new here. (30)_Kate: Thats great.A. Would you like to eat some chocolate pies?B. That smells delicious!C. Can I have some, please?D. I dont like them.E. Im always happy when Ive got a pizza to eat.F. I really enjoy pies.G. I will introduce her to you. 阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分) AOne cold Sunday, Mariko a


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