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1、英语试卷 (复试)时间30分钟 分数50分. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)( )1. I have _uncleandhisnameisMike.A.an B.a C.the D./( )2.Wouldyoulike_thefootballmatch?A.towatch B.tosee C.watch D.see( )3.Thereisagoodfilm atthe _. A.stadium B.cinema C.office D.school( )4.Letshelpourteachercarrytheheavybag. _. A.ThatsOK B.OK C.Thatsright D

2、.Thatsallright( )5.Whatdayisittoday? _. A .Monday B.Fine C.Sunny D.May1st( )6.Thankyoufor_me.A.e-mail B.e-mailing C.toe-mail D.emails( )7.Thisskirtistoobig,showme_one,please. A.another B.other C.others D.theother( )8.Youaresobusy.Whatdoyouwantme_foryou? A.do B.todo C.does D.doing( )9. _ awarmcoat.It

3、scoldtoday. A.Takeoff B.Takeon C.Puton D.Putoff( )10.Whatbeautifulclothes _ ! A.arethey B.theyare C.isit D.itis( )11._shirtisthis? Its _. A.Whos;Kates B.Whose;Kates C.Which;Kates D.Whose;her( )12.MrBrownis _ teacher.Westudentslike _ verymuch. A.his;her B.my;mine C.my;him D.her;her( )13.Nancy andherd

4、aughter _ shoppingtomorrow. A.goes B.isgoing C.will go D.willgoing( )14. 6:45 means ”_ ”. A.aquarter pastseven B.aquartertoseven C.aquarterpastsix D.aquartertosix( )15.Mary sings _ . Her friendsthinksheisa _ singer. A.good;good B.well;well C.good;well D.well;good.在栏中选出与栏中相应的答语(每小题1分,共5分) ( )16.Whats

5、theweatherliketoday? A.Hesmynewfriend,Bob.( )17.Whosthatboy? B.Ilikebothofthem.( )18.Howmuchcheesedoyouwant? C.Itssunny.( )19.Wouldyoulikesomerice? D.Halfakilo,please.( )20.Doyoulikeswimmingorrunning? E.No,thankyou.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Monday is thebeginningoftheweek.MostAmericanslikethedayworst.They 21

6、Saturday best. Saturday is the 22 of the workweek,it isthebeginningoftheweekend.Life is 23 ontheweekend;mostAmericans 24 careoftheirhouses,carsand gardens.They sleep 25 inthemorning.Theyenjoythefeeling-thetimeseems(似乎)to 26 moreslowly.Theworkweekisforthingsyou 27 todo;theweekendisforthings you 28 to

7、 do.Somepeoplemaygetinacarfora 29 inthecountry.Theyliketotakepartin a sportsactivityoutofdoors.AndonSaturdaynighttheymightgoto a 30 towatch a wonderfulmovie.( )21.A.like B.dislike C.spend D.leave( )22.A.middle B.beginning C.end D.day( )23.A.worse B.difficult C.better D.sad( )24. A. make B. take C. l

8、ook D. pick( )25. A. earlier B. later C. faster D. shorter( )26. A. move B. have C. do D. come( )27. A. enjoy B. hate C. have D. find( )28. A. like B. start C. get D. check( )29. A. drive B. walk C. fishing D. washing( )30. A. hotel B. house C. restaurant D. cinema IV.阅读理解(每小题2分,共10分) It wouldnt be

9、Christmas without a beautiful tree. Days before the holiday season, western children begin decorating( 装饰) Christmas trees.They put colourful lights and stars on them. But the best things are the gifts(礼物) under the tree! Where did the first Christmas tree come from? There are many stories about it.

10、 One is about the German(德国人) Martin Luther. He was walking through the forest (树林) one Christmas Eve. As he walked,he saw millions of stars above even-green(常绿的) trees. He thought it was beautiful. He cut down a small tree and took it home to his family. He put candles(蜡烛) on it.Anotherstoryisabout

11、apoorwoodman.Hemetalostandhungrychildon Christmas Eve.Hewasverypoorhimself,butgavethechildfoodandaplacetostay.Hewokethenextmorningandfindabeautifultreeoutsidehisdoor.Thehungrychild wasreally an angel(天使).Hewantedtothanktheman.PeoplefirsthadChristmastreesinGermanyin1600s.NowtherearedifferentkindsofChrist-mastrees,evenman-madeones.Buttheyallhaveaverybigstaroranangelonthetop.( )31.Thepassage(短文)i



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